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EVERSHEDS SUTHERLAND ROMANIA is looking for lawyers.

Hi there.
You just finished law school, and passed that dreaded Bar exam (in 2019). Congrats!

The real deal starts now. We, at Eversheds Sutherland Romania are inviting you on an amazing journey. The one at the end of which you will find the formidable you. The self-confident, in control you.

Some say being a lawyer is a dull and tedious affair – but we know that happens only if you work in the wrong law firm. We are passionate about what we do, and we like working with passionate and bright young lawyers.

Assuming you feel you fit the description, and assuming you like thinking big, while not forgetting the value of being humble to yourself, drop us a line @ [email protected] together with your CV.

If you are everything that we want, you will have everything that you want. Onwards!

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 17 iunie 2020