RADU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocați definitivi


RADU & ASOCIAŢII, societatea de avocatură afiliată EY Romania, recrutează avocați definitivi pentru activitatea de consultanță juridică în materie comercială, drept societar și dreptul muncii.

– avocat definitiv în Baroul București;
– experiență profesională de 1-3 ani în unul sau mai multe din domeniile menționate, în cadrul unei societăți de avocatură având în portofoliu clienți internaționali;
– cunoștințe avansate de limba engleză (alte limbi de circulație internațională sunt un avantaj);
– studiile desfășurate în străinătate și cunoștințele economice pot constitui un avantaj.

RADU & ASOCIAŢII este firma de avocatură afiliată EY în România. Principala noastră calitate este aceea că putem oferi servicii juridice de top în mod integrat, lucrând îndeaproape cu colegii noştri specializaţi în servicii “tradiţionale” ale EY.

Firma de avocatură din România, condusă de Dragoş Radu, avocat cu o bogată experienţă în tranzacţii internaţionale, face parte dintr-o reţea globală în expansiune puternică, cu aproximativ 1.000 de avocaţi în circa 40 de ţări.

Domeniile noastre de practică sunt următoarele:
– fuziuni şi achiziţii (M&A);
– finanţări şi instituţii financiare;
– societăţi şi contracte comerciale;
– relaţii de muncă;
– imobiliare (real estate);
– restructurări şi insolvenţă;
– litigii şi dispute fiscale.

Candidaţii care consideră că întrunesc condiţiile de mai sus pot aplica online dând click AICI.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 28 martie 2015

KINSTELLAR is recruiting experienced knowhow lawyer


KINSTELLAR is recruiting experienced knowhow lawyer.

Kinstellar is a full-service firm, with particularly strong finance, M&A/corporate, competition, private equity, energy and real estate practices. We take on the most complex and high profile assignments from some of the world’s most successful companies, who expect the highest level of service and expertise. We’ve built our reputation by exceeding their expectations.

We are looking for an experienced mid-level associate with excellent legal skills for our Bucharest office, qualified to practice in Romanian, with a minimum of 3 years of practical experience in all practice areas for a part time Knowhow Lawyer job. Candidates must be team players and commercially minded, with demonstrated abilities to work proactively as part of a high-calibre team.

Excellent written and spoken English is a must; knowledge of further foreign languages is an advantage.

The job will involve to liaise with the fee-earners involved in the Firm’s regional and local Finance and Corporate practices with the aim of extracting and collating Knowhow, circulating it and translating it into precedents, practice notes and manuals and to assist in practice development. The candidate will join a team of dedicated qualified lawyers throughout the Emerging Europe region, benefitting from excellent support in their activities.

– interesting and challenging work for both local and international clients;
– flexible working hours (part time) arrangements;
– training and development opportunities across practice groups and jurisdictions;
– modern, dynamic and friendly environment.

Kinstellar is a place where exceptional people build exceptional careers and our inclusive and entrepreneurial culture is part of our competitive advantage.

Please send your application (CV and Cover letter) in English at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 27 martie 2015

VERNON | DAVID recrutează avocaţi definitivi


VERNON | DAVID is currently looking for mid-level Labor lawyers to fill several positions within our firm. These positions are associate level positions.

VERNON | DAVID is a US/Romanian law firm providing full-service legal advice to a wide array of domestic and international clients ranging from start-ups to large multinational companies and foreign governments. We are a leading Romanian law firm and have worked on some of Romania’s largest financial, corporate and real estate transactions.

We provide many roads for personal growth and satisfaction, and will help you develop your career and meet your personal goals. In addition, we offer a challenging, dynamic and fun work environment and an attractive salary package.

A lawyer with Vernon | David will work closely with both partners and senior attorneys in developing commercial and technical solutions for complex legal matters.
The perfect candidates will have a solid understanding of Romanian labor law. In addition, the candidate will be a self-starter and able to manage his/her time and assignments within agreed budgets and deadlines.
Thinking “outside the box” and the ability to handle multiple assignments and matters is highly desired.
A proactive approach to client requests and matters is essential.

– 3+ years’ experience with labor and employment issues and practices (either as an in-house lawyer or with a law firm);
– fluent in English (both verbal and written);
– good communication and organizational skills;
– computer skills (MS Office, Windows OS, Internet Explorer);
– strong motivation, dedication and enthusiasm.

– proficiency in other foreign languages (German or Russian is a plus).

To be considered for a position within our law firm, interested persons who meet the above requirements should submit a letter of interest and a current resume in English by e-mail to [email protected] or by fax at 021-311-5650.
Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 20 martie 2015

VERNON | DAVID recrutează avocaţi stagiari


VERNON | DAVID is currently looking for junior lawyers to fill several positions within our firm. These positions are entry level. Recent graduates and non-definitive lawyers are encouraged to apply.

We provide many roads for personal growth and satisfaction, and will help you develop your career and meet your personal goals. In addition, we offer a challenging, dynamic and fun work environment and an attractive salary package.

A lawyer with Vernon | David will work closely with both partners and senior attorneys in developing commercial and technical solutions for complex legal matters.

The perfect candidates will have a solid understanding of Romanian law. In addition, the candidate will be a self-starter and able to manage his/her time and assignments within agreed budgets and deadlines. Thinking “outside the box” and the ability to handle multiple assignments and matters is highly desired. A proactive approach to client requests and matters is essential.

– fluent in English (both verbal and written);
– good communication and organizational skills;
– computer skills (MS Office, Windows OS, Internet Explorer);
– strong motivation, dedication and enthusiasm.

– proficiency in other foreign languages (German or Russian is a significant plus);
– relevant work experience in similar positions.

VERNON, DAVID & ASSOCIATES is a US/Romanian law firm providing full-service legal advice to a wide array of domestic and international clients ranging from start-ups to large multinational companies and foreign governments.
We are a leading Romanian law firm and have worked on some of Romania’s largest financial, corporate and property transactions.

To be considered for a position within our law firm, interested persons who meet the above requirements should submit a letter of interest and a current resume in English by e-mail to [email protected] or by fax at 021-311-5650.
Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 20 martie 2015

VOINEA & ASSOCIATES recrutează avocați


VOINEA & ASSOCIATES is seeking for a SENIOR/JUNIOR LAWYERS to join our corporate and commercial practice group.

The successful candidate will have minimum 2+ years of corporate experience preferably gained within a law firm and be member of the Bucharest Bar Association.

We offer competitive compensation, a flexible and supportive work environment in a collegial atmosphere and an excellent life-work balance.

VOINEA & ASSOCIATES is a full-service law firm established in 2006 with a strong emphasis on providing a wide spectrum of legal services.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 martie 2015

AEQUITAS recrutează consilier juridic şi secretar notarial


SPN AEQUITAS recrutează consilier juridic şi secretar notarial.

– cunoştinţe temeinice de drept civil;
– acurateţe în redactarea documentelor juridice;
– atent la detalii, rezistent la stres, spirit de echipă,profesionalism, iniţiativă;

– experienţă în unul din domeniile juridice;
– abilităţi de comunicare şi de negociere, spirit de echipă, flexibilitate, eficienţă şi responsabilitae,
– ccunoştinţe bune de gramatică și vocabular bogat în limba română (scris și vorbit);
– ppersoană organizată, dornică să înveţe lucruri noi.

În cadrul biroului nostru veţi întâlni o gamă largă de speţe juridice dar şi sprijinul unei echipe profesioniste, într-un spaţiu de lucru modern şi dinamic.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită un Curriculum Vitae la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 martie 2015

REFF & ASSOCIATES recrutează avocat


Experienced Lawyer with Reff & Associates Real Estate

REFF & ASSOCIATES SCA has a team of almost 50 lawyers, well recognized locally and internationally for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. Reff & Associates assists each year in transactions in aggregate over EUR 1 billion and is recommended by international legal directories such as Legal 500, Chambers and Partners and IFLR1000. Areas of practice include Real Estate, Banking & Finance, Competition law, Employment law, Energy and Environment law, Insolvency law, Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Public Sector, Securities Law.

The continuous and consistent involvement of Reff & Associates in landmark transactions over recent years has increased the firm’s visibility and market recognition and has prompted higher rankings in reputable international legal guides. The 2013 edition of Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa ranks Reff & Associates’ Real Estate practice intier 1, also recommending its lawyers for their expertise in Banking & Finance, Capital Markets and Corporate and M&A work. Reff & Associates is also recommended by IFLR 1000 for Banking, Capital Markets and M&A and by Chambers and Partners for M&A.

During the Annual Gala Awards 2014 organized by Ziarul Financiar, the most reputable Romanian business newspaper, Reff & Associates received the award for the Real Estate Transaction of the Year, thus reconfirming the firm’s reputation as leader in the Property M&A practice and validating its performances in the field. Notably, this is the third time in a row Reff & Associates receives this award.

– provides comprehensive property consultancy, transaction and advisory services to deliver fully integrated expert solutions on a national and global basis.
– is deeply involved in all stages of evolution of a project, from initial discussions with prospect, proposal development, analysis, structuring, drafting, negotiations, and implementation;
– has access to the rich local and global research and training resources of our network;
– has direct contact and interacts closely with clients and colleagues from other functions and geographies;
– works in a dynamic and competitive environment, which preserve a uniquely collegial culture and strives for work/life balance.

– bar membership;
– two to four years of professional experience in a top business law firm, with significant involvement in real estate transactions, due diligence and related advisory;
– solid knowledge of commercial and civil law;
– sound legal reasoning, thoroughness, very good legal writing skills;
– fluency in written & spoken English is a must, any other foreign language is an advantage;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

If you meet the required profile, click on APPLY ONLINE button or send you application to: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 martie 2015

REWE ROMÂNIA recrutează avocat/consilier juridic


REWE ROMÂNIA companie internaţională ce face parte din concernul german REWE, unul dintre liderii europeni din domeniul alimentar, prezent în ţara noastră prin liniile de desfacere Billa, XXL Megadiscount şi prin magazinele Penny Market, recrutează:

Avocat in-house, membru al Baroului Bucureşti sau Consilier juridic, membru al Colegiului Consilierilor Juridici Bucureşti, cu experienţă între 3 şi 5 ani.

– experienţă şi excelente cunoştinţe de legislaţie în dreptul comercial, civil, inclusiv procedură civilă;
– limba Engleză – nivel avansat;
– limba Germană nivel mediu- scris, vorbit;
– atenţie, seriozitate, orientare spre rezultate, cu simţ de răspundere capabil să lucreze eficient;
– bune abilităţi de analiză şi sinteză.

– redactare documente juridice (opinii legale, cereri de chemare în judecată, întâmpinări, notificări, adrese, hotărâri A.G.A., împuterniciri etc);
– redactare şi revizuire contracte (civil, comercial);
– efectuarea formalităţilor în faţa autorităţilor (Registrul Comerţului; OSIM; ANPC etc);
– asigurarea reprezentării societăţii în instanţe;
– asigurarea suportului legal departamentelor societăţii.

Cei interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul la adresa de e-mail [email protected], în atenţia dnei Emilia Stanciu.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 martie 2015

ONV LAW recrutează avocat definitiv

ONV LAW recrutează avocat definitiv litigant cu experiență de minim 5 ani de la definitivat.

Candidații trebuie să aibă cunoștințe solide de limba engleză.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită un curriculum vitae însoțit de o scrisoare de intenție la adresa de e-mail [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 12 martie 2015

CORCACI ATTORNEYS AT LAW is seeking for a senior/junior lawyer


CORCACI ATTORNEYS AT LAW is seeking for a senior/junior lawyer to join our corporate and commercial practice or LITIGATION & ARBITRATION practice group.

We offer competitive salary and work environment.

If you fit that description, please address your resume and your comments to the following email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 4 martie 2015

D&B DAVID și BAIAS recrutează avocaţi

D&B David si Baias

D&B DAVID şi BAIAS recrutează avocaţi cu experienţă între 1 şi 3 ani, pentru activitatea de consultanţă juridică în materie comercială şi civilă, în echipa de Corporate M&A.

Cei interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul la adresa de email [email protected], în atenţia dnei Teodora Voinea sau prin fax la nr. 021-225.37.71

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 27 februarie 2015