RĂZVAN DINCĂ & ASOCIAŢII recrutează office manager

RĂZVAN DINCĂ & ASOCIAȚII recrutează office manager.

– gestionarea încheierii contractelor de asistență juridică;
– facturarea activităților prestate și urmărirea situaţiei facturilor şi încasărilor;
– tinerea evidenţei furnizorilor şi clienţilor societăţii;
– acordarea de asistență administrativă avocaților societății (gestionarea corespondenței, coordonarea agendei de întâlniri, transferarea apelurilor telefonice);
– formatarea, copierea și scanarea documentelor;
– organizarea și actualizarea agendei de întâlniri a biroului;
– actualizarea bazelor de date cu clienți;
– orice alte activități care țin de suportul operațional și administrativ al activității avocaților.

– studii superioare;
– cunoştinţe avansate de operare PC: MS Office (Word, Excel, programe de contabilitate);
– cunoştinţe de limba engleză;
– abilităţi de analiză, sinteză şi raportare;
– abilitatea de prioritizare a sarcinilor şi de a respecta termenele;
– experienţa într-o poziţie similară poate constitui un avantaj.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să trimită CV-ul însoţit de o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de e-mail: [email protected] sau prin intermediul formularului disponibil pe site-ul societăţii noastre.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 20 ianuarie 2020

ALMAJ, IORDACHE is looking for a mid-level lawyer

ALMAJ, IORDACHE SCA is looking to expand its business law team with a mid-level lawyer.

We appreciate authentic, positive and energetic individuals who believe in teamwork.

At Almaj, Iordache we foster knowledge transfers across all levels and departments, and we support our professionals to attend the right courses and reach their best self.

– to have proven experience of 2-4 years in business law;
– experience in IP, Technology, Energy and/or Litigation constitutes an advantage;
– to be proficient in written and spoken English;
– to have a positive attitude and willingness for continuous learning and for doing things better.

– a dynamic, friendly and professional environment;
– a multi-disciplinary team which advice a wide range of companies from various sectors as energy, IT, technology, education etc.

We also believe that people should enjoy their work; if you want to stop working and start loving what you do, we might be the answer.

If you are interested in becoming a member of Almaj, Iordache team, send us your CV and letter of intent (in English) at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 16 ianuarie 2020

ONV LAW is looking for an experienced PR & Marketing

ONV LAW is looking for an experienced PR & Marketing enthusiast to join our team.

We need a solid team player to join our team.

You will be working with a dynamic team, in a friendly but business-oriented environment, in a firm that is committed to the personal and professional development of its people.
As a member of the team, you will be working closely with your colleagues and support them with a wide range of legal marketing activities, including initiatives aligned with sector and practice area strategies, client pitches, press releases and media relations, events, articles, social media and other online campaigns. You will also manage legal directory submissions and the firm’s website.

We would like you to be a solid professional, a quick learner, have an optimistic nature, an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for legal marketing. We have a problem-solving integrated approach, so we would like you to be as committed as we are to client service and be able to adapt fast to new situations. Humour would certainly be an enjoyable plus.

– have proven experience;
– be highly proficient in written and spoken English.

Please send your CV and cover letter (in English) to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

ONV LAW is a Bucharest – based independent full-service law firm, advising and representing private individuals and companies in a variety of industry sectors such as telecom, retail, construction, energy, environment, financial services, real estate, national and international investment funds, and state-owned companies and local and central public authorities. All our lawyers cover both advisory and dispute resolution work, so when clients bring their matters to us, they benefit from integrated services of consultancy, litigation and arbitration.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 ianuarie 2020

MUȘAT & PARTNERS recrutează avocat definitiv

MUȘAT & PARTNERS recrutează avocat definitiv pentru sediul din Timișoara.

– experiență între 4 – 7 ani în cadrul unor forme de organizare cu cel puțin 5 membri activi;
– abilități avansate de comunicare și scriere juridică în limba engleză, germană sau italiană;
– capacitate de scriere cu acuratețe, rezolvarea de probleme, loialitate, implicare, dorință de muncă, integritate;
– abilități de management al proiectelor, gândire structurată, abilitatea de a-și prioritiza și eficientiza timpul de lucru și de a respecta deadline-urile prestabilite;
– focusat pe client și pe obiectivele acestuia, etică profesională, persoană adaptabilă şi flexibilă;
– permis de conducere categoria B (condiție eliminatorie).

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să trimită CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Timișoara.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 ianuarie 2020

DLA PIPER DINU is looking for an associate | Litigation

DLA PIPER DINU is looking for a high performing, young and ambitious litigation lawyer with 2 years’ post admission experience and with a good result in passing the Bar qualification exam in 2019 to join our dynamic litigation team.

As part of our litigation team in Bucharest, you will work in close collaboration with reputed practitioners and will be responsible for advising and acting for local, regional and international clients from a wide variety of activity sectors.
The successful candidate will work primarily on contentious matters, involving a variety of geographies, commodities and stages of development. Particular responsibilities will include drafting advice, pleadings, particulars, evidence and submissions; client management; court appearances and business development.

– 2 years’ post admission litigation experience at a recognized (business) law firm;
– qualified lawyer who has successfully passed the Bar qualification exam in 2019 and has with an excellent academic track record;
– strong willingness to pursue a carrier in litigation and arbitration areas;
– native Romanian speaker, with excellent command of English (verbal and written);
– experience in working for international companies is nice to have;
– well-organised, pro-active, flexible and a team player. Enthusiasm to learn and develop oneself are highly appreciated;
– the ability to flourish in a dynamic, demanding yet rewarding environment.

Should you become part of our team, you will pride yourself on your exceptional command of the law (in a wide spectrum of legal matters), strong analytical and interpersonal skills, and be energized by working in a high performing team who is driven to succeed.

If you are looking to take a step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join a progressive global firm and be part of our success.

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV together with a brief cover letter highlighting your key achievements to date to Monica Brusalis, HR Advisor, at: [email protected]

DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers located in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Our global reach ensures that we can help businesses with their legal needs anywhere in the world. We strive to be the leading global business law firm by delivering quality, service excellence and value to our clients and offering practical and innovative legal solutions to help them succeed. Our clients range from multinational, Global 1000, and Fortune 500 enterprises to emerging companies developing industry-leading technologies, as well as government and public sector bodies.

In everything we do connected with our People, our Clients and our Communities, we live by these values:
Be Supportive – we care about others, value diversity and act thoughtfully
Be Collaborative – we give, we share and we join in
Be Bold – we stand tall and challenge ourselves to think big
Be Exceptional – we exceed standards and expectations

At DLA Piper we are working hard to ensure that our talent pool is diverse. For us, diversity isn’t just about visible differences, it’s the unique blend of talents, skills, experiences and perspectives that makes each of us an individual.
We know it’s crucial to have a culture and environment where those differences are genuinely valued and that’s why we strive to be a business where everyone can thrive, develop and succeed based on their talent. Our aim is to build an inclusive and supportive culture where all our people feel they belong and can achieve their best.
We support anyone with a disability or long term health condition to ensure they have the opportunity to perform at their best.
If you have not done so already, please let us know if you require any support so we can make the right adjustments and considerations, should they be required.

We recognise that people have responsibilities and interests outside of their career and that as a business, we all benefit from working flexibly. That’s why we are open to discussing with candidates the different ways in which we are able to support requests for agile working arrangements.

In the event that we make an offer to you, and where local legislation permits, we will conduct pre-engagement screening checks that may include but are not limited to your professional and academic qualifications, your eligibility to work in the relevant jurisdiction, any criminal records, your financial stability and references from previous employers.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 9 ianuarie 2020

SPRING JURIDICAL & BUSINESS CONSULTING recrutează avocat definitiv

SPRING JURIDICAL & BUSINESS CONSULTING recrutează avocat definitiv.

Spring Juridical & Business Consulting împreună cu echipa sa de specialişti oferă servicii de asistenţă şi reprezentare juridică în majoritatea ariilor de practică ale dreptului civil, drept bancar, drept fiscal etc, precum şi servicii de consultanţă business care au drept scop protejarea intereselor clientului.

Spring Juridical & Business Consulting este o companie care creşte constant, se adaptează permanent la nou şi introduce noi servicii pentru a veni în întâmpinarea nevoilor clienţilor săi.

– avocat definitiv, cu experiență minim 5 ani în profesia de avocat defintiv;
– deține cunoștințe solide de drept civil, procedură civilă, drept penal, procedură penală;
– excelente abilități de comunicare și capacitate mare de integrare într-un colectiv;
– deschidere şi disponibilitate spre un progres continuu;
– dă dovadă de acuratețe în redactarea documentelor;
– capacitate superioară de concentrare şi orientare către obiective şi sarcini;
– perseverenţă, responsabilitate şi integritate.

– reprezentare juridică în instanță (Judecătorie, Tribunal, Curte de Apel, secțiile civile și penale);
– redactare acte necesare asistării clienților în fața instanțelor;
– redactare cereri de chemare în judecată, întâmpinări, cereri de intervenție, etc;
– asistentă și reprezentare în fața organelor de cercetare penală.

– onorariu foarte avantajos;
– un loc de muncă stabil într-o companie echilibrată;
– posibilitate de dezvoltare reală din punct de vedere profesional într-un cadru de profesionişti;
– locaţie exclusivistă în Bucureşti.

CV-urile se trimit la următoarea adresă de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 8 ianuarie 2020

ŢUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a senior lawyer | Litigation

Tuca-Zbarcea-Asociatii 10

ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII is looking for a senior lawyer to join the Litigation team.

– an experienced senior lawyer with relevant experience in civil and commercial litigation;
– computer literacy (MS Office);
– strong people skills;
– team player;
– fluent in English.

– attractive pay, subject to regular evaluations and which may be raised by reference to performance;
– opportunity to work and develop in a professional team.

If you fit the description, please send your CV and cover letter to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 6 ianuarie 2020

LTJ & PARTNERS recrutează asistent administrativ

Pantea Simon Asociatii

LTJ & PARTNERS recrutează asistent administrativ.

– abilităţi de comunicare şi relaţionare;
– să fie o persoană organizată, cu atenție la detalii;
– bună cunoaştere a limbii engleze;
– cunostiinte operare PC.

– preluarea şi direcţionarea apelurilor telefonice;
– pregătirea întâlnirilor şi primirea clienţilor, asigurarea protocolului aferent;
– primirea, înregistrarea şi transmiterea corespondenţei;
– întocmire adrese şi răspunsuri de compexitate redusă;
– verificări şi cercetări cu caracter administrativ;
– informarea clienţilor cu privire la stadiul anumitor proceduri judiciare.

Domiciliul (reşedinţa) apropiat de sediul nostru reprezintă un avantaj.

Se acceptă un program flexibil (part-time) precum şi studenţi la facultăţile de profil.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită CV-ul cu fotografie la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 6 ianuarie 2020

VLAD, CENUŞE & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat definitiv


VLAD, CENUŞE & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat definitiv cu minim 3 ani vechime în profesie.

– o foarte bună cunoaștere a dreptului civil;
– foarte bună cunoaștere a limbii engleze;
– disponibilitate de a se deplasa în afara Bucureștiului.

Cunoștințele de contencios administrativ reprezintă un avantaj.

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să trimită CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 6 ianuarie 2020

IJDELEA MIHĂILESCU ATTORNEYS & ADVISORS is looking for an assistant manager

IJDELEA MIHĂILESCU ATTORNEYS & ADVISORS is looking for an Assistant Manager.

Support the administrative aspects of the business, implementing efficient office processes and procedures. Ensuring that the office runs efficiently so that the organization can fulfill its aims.

– covering general email and fax correspondence for office requirements;
– covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring the incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
– liaising with building maintenance and third-party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues;
– maintaining the condition of the office and arranging for necessary repairs;
– managing contract and price negotiations with office vendors, service providers and office lease;
– maintaining supplies of stationery;
– coordinating with IT department on all office equipment furniture, printers, phones, etc);
– acting as liaison between departments on a wide range of issues;
– coordinating the workflow for the administrative team;
– assigning and monitoring clerical, administrative and secretarial responsibilities and tasks among office staff;
– organizing storage outside the office;
– follow office workflow procedures to ensure maximum efficiency;
– support orientation and training of new staff members;
– facilitating employee transactions (new hires, employee transfers, terminations) by completing requisitions for physical and technology resources, updating phone list information, etc;
– keeping track record of all employees and consultants, managing holiday scheduling, sick leave, monthly time-sheet; update monthly vacation file;
– support the planning and execution of company events;
– keeping updated records of office expenses and costs;
– preparing business/travel/flat charges expense reports for executive team;
– making accommodation, flights and travel arrangements;
– responsible for the office inventory;
– may perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned.

– university graduate preferably in economy/ human resources/ psychology;
– good written and verbal skills in English;
– excellent organizational and time management skills;
– knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and other commonly used office packages;
– ability to priorities tasks and work under pressure;
– good team working skills and the confidence to lead and motivate a team;
– ability to manage your own workload and supervise the work of others concurrently;
– excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills;
– attention to detail;
– flexibility and adaptability to changing workloads;
– problem-solving approach to work.

Those interested in joining our team are invited to send their CV to: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 6 ianuarie 2020


IJDELEA MIHĂILESCU ATTORNEYS & ADVISORS is looking for a lawyer with experience of 2 to 6 years in one of the following areas: Corporate and M&A, Real Estate or Energy.

We believe that success is dependent on attracting and retaining attorneys who share our passion for law, as well as our work and life values. This is why we look for team players with strong academic background, individual flair and independence of mind, inside-the-box analyzers and out-of-the box thinkers.

We offer a wide variety of high-quality work, a pleasant working environment and a good medium to long-term career perspective.

If you think we would enjoy working together, please send your application to: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 6 ianuarie 2020

VLĂSCEANU, ENE & PARTNERS is recruiting lawyers

VLĂSCEANU, ENE & PARTNERS is recruiting lawyers with up to 6 years of experience.

– must be a graduate of Law School;
– must be fluent in both written and spoken English;
– must possess excellent organizational and planning abilities;
– must have the ability to interact with people and lead them towards the desired result with diplomacy;
– important are qualities like openness to challenge, willingness to develop, out of the box thinking.

A combination of substantial remuneration with a pleasant working environment is offered.
He/she will enhance sound business practice, applied practical thinking abilities and will be offered the possibility to develop within a high-quality professional environment.

VLĂSCEANU, ENE & PARTNERS is a boutique-type law firm, currently on the high expansion curve. We are active primarily in the energy and environment related industries. Covered legal fields include Corporate and M&A, public procurement, real estate, permitting, labor law, GDPR.
Most of our clients are foreign / local affiliates of international groups involved in large scale projects.
We focus on quality, high value activities and results.

The interested candidates are invited to send us their CV and a Letter of Intent at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 6 ianuarie 2020