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DRAGOMIR & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a junior lawyer

DRAGOMIR & ASOCIAŢII Law Firm is looking for a Junior Lawyer.

Dragomir & Asociatii Law Firm has been established in 1996 and since then, our activity has been in a continuous development to provide the best strategies and legal solutions for our clients, tailored to fit their interests and needs. We do not hesitate to invest time and resources to accommodate and reach the goals of our clients.
Dragomir & Asociatii Law Firm is an active member of Law Europe International, a multi-national network of independent law firms providing legal assistance to clients of its member firms around the world.

– a junior lawyer having very good knowledge of civil and administrative law;
– an excellent written and spoken English;
– a team member, flexible, adaptable with good communication skills, a proactive attitude and positive approach to work;
– driving license and availability for travel.

– working in a challenging but rewarding professional environment, having the possibility to experience both consultancy and litigation;
– professional and friendly team focused on tailoring solutions for the clients;
– the possibility to work with international clients;
– continuous learning and improvement under the guidance of experienced lawyers;
– flexible working hours;
– a balance between the professional and personal life.

If you meet the above criteria and would like to join our team, please send your CV and letter of motivation at our email: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 8 iulie 2021