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EVERSHEDS SUTHERLAND ROMANIA is looking for lawyers.

Hi there. There is no hiding away from the choice that lies ahead of you. It will likely shape your professional life and your future. You finished Law School some years ago, passed that dreaded Bar exam and that even more annoying ‘Def’ exam. You can now proudly add to your resume real work, real clients, real transactions. But probably you always knew that you are not in the right place. And that the firm where you currently work does not see the real you. That you can offer more, impact more, change way more of the world around you. The choice ahead of you is instrumental for the rest of your professional life. We invite you to not settle. Not now, not ever. We trust your inner voice. You can indeed have more of an impact, and we are counting on it.

We, at Eversheds Sutherland Romania are inviting you on an amazing journey. We are passionate about what we do, and we like working with passionate, hard-working and bright lawyers. Assuming you feel you fit the description, and assuming you like thinking big, while not forgetting the value of being humble to yourself, drop us a line, together with your CV, @ [email protected]


Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 28 iulie 2021