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EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY ROMÂNIA recrutează consilier juridic

EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY ROMÂNIA este în căutarea unui nou coleg/colege care să se alăture departamentului Juridic.

– analizează contractele existente între companie şi furnizori/client, le adaptează conform legislaţiei comerciale şi civile şi intereselor companiei reprezentate;
– analizează toate documentele furnizate de celelalte departamente şi oferă consultanţă juridică cu privire la subiectele expuse;
– actualizează permanent informaţiile referitoare la noile modificări de legislaţie şi pune la dispoziţie către persoanele interesate din organizaţie noile informaţii şi implicaţii pentru activitatea acestora;
– soluţionează problemele apărute în activitatea companiei din punct de vedere legal;
– apelează la specialişti din domeniu, în cazul în care problemele apărute sunt mai presus de cunoştinţele şi experienţa sa;
– consiliază managementul cu privire la corectitudinea şi modul de realizare a planurilor şi strategiei elaborate de acesta, din punct de vedere legal.

– studii de specialitate (juridice);
– experienţă relevantă în domeniu, ca jurist, de preferinţă în domeniul de activitate al firmei;
– cunoştinţe aprofundate de drept civil, comercial şi dreptul muncii;
– cunoştinţe şi simţ economic;
– cunoştinţe IT (MS Office, MS Outlook);
– cunoştinţe avansate de limba engleză.

– abilităţi de analiză şi sinteză a informaţiei, corectitudine;
– orientare către soluţionarea problemelor;
– capacitate de a comunica şi de a traduce din limbajul de specialitate pentru a adapta mesajul către persoane cu specializări diferite;
– capacitatea de a se concentra pe realizarea mai multor sarcini în acelaşi timp;
– obiectivitate, abilitatea de a lua decizii importante în timp scurt;
– responsabilitate, capacitate de a-şi asuma riscuri.

Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Bulgaria, Euro Games Technology (EGT) has always prided itself on a reputation of being amongst the most progressive companies in the global gaming industry. Its main focus is the development, production, sales, and technical support of a diverse range of products. Today its global distribution network includes dealerships in 25 countries and most of its portfolio models are installed in over 85 jurisdictions in Europe, Asia, Africa, North, Central, and South America. EGT’s headquarters and manufacturing facilities are spread across 7 buildings of around 51,448 sq. m and its team includes over 2,100 employees.
Within the main product scope of the company are the high-performing and trendy slot gaming machines, the thrilling mystery and progressive jackpot systems, the diverse and ever-enriching library of multigame mixes, the highly effective VLT, and casino management systems. Apart from its core slot business Euro Games Technology has established the subsidiaries EGT Multiplayer, specialized in multiplayer solutions; EGT Interactive, serving exclusively the iGaming market; EGT Digital, focused on all online gaming verticals, including sports, betting, and lottery; and EGT Steel Production that makes the housings and all metal components for the slot cabinets. Every year numerous new products and games are released by all affiliates of EGT, building on its 360-degree portfolio.
Every year EGT takes part in numerous international exhibitions.
The company’s technical achievements and key product novelties are presented each year at some of the most prestigious international gaming exhibitions, like ICE London, G2E Las Vegas, G2E Asia, Peru Gaming Show, FADJA Colombia, SAGSE Argentina, ExpoJoc Valencia, Irish Gaming Show, Fer-Interazar Madrid, Indian Gaming Show, Entertainment Arena Romania, Belgrade Future Gaming, BEGE Expo Sofia, ICE Africa, etc.
The company’s products are certified by various international regulatory agencies and testing laboratories, including GLI and SIQ.
Euro Games Technology is a member of the Gaming Standards Association (GSA), the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM), the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), and the Bulgarian Gaming Association (BGA). The company has obtained international certificates from various regulatory agencies and testing laboratories, including GLI, SIQ, and BMM, assuring the compliance of its products with the requirements of many different jurisdictions. EGT has implemented a quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 that is certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance and achieves operational excellence also thanks to the enterprise resource planning software SAP.

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Candidaţii interesaţi să ne cunoască sunt rugaţi să ne comunice candidatura la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 5 septembrie 2022