ZAMFIRESCU RACOŢI & PARTNERS recrutează avocat stagiar | Litigii

Zamfirescu Racoti & Parteners

Societatea Civilă de Avocaţi ZAMFIRESCU RACOŢI & PARTNERS recrutează Avocat stagiar pentru departamentul Litigii.

– să fie absolvenți ai Facultăţii de Drept care au acumulat practică în timpul anilor de studii şi au promovat examenul de admitere în profesia de avocat – sesiunea 2017/2018;
– să dovedească cunoştinţe juridice temeinice;
– să aibă cunoștințe avansate de limba engleză;
– capacitate de a reacţiona rapid şi de a lua decizii corecte în momente critice, asumându-şi responsabilităţi;
– să aibă excelente abilităţi de comunicator şi jucător în echipă;
– să aibă cunoştinţe operare PC.

Candidaţii interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul însoţit de o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 25 martie 2019

KPMG ROMANIA is looking for a senior consultant / associate manager | Restructuring


KPMG ROMANIA is looking for a Senior Consultant to Associate Manager within our Restructuring Team.

You will be a key member of the team who advises our clients and our clients’ stakeholders regarding their best available options towards dealing with a distressed company. This typically requires a pragmatic, honest and technically bullet-proof assessment of available legal course of action and impact of different restructuring/insolvency scenarios and then using that assessment to support clients or their creditors in negotiating and implementing the optimal deal for them. This all needs to happen against the backdrop of some form of stress and/or distress, which is typical for companies in or near insolvency.

In this role you will take ownership for different areas of the engagement in order to cover various legal strategies or responsibilities within insolvency or restructuring engagements (including participating in the afferent court hearings).

– 3-5 years of relevant legal experience (preferably in insolvency and/or civil, commercial law) within a multinational environment;
– member of a Romanian Bar Association (UNBR), senior attorney is a plus;
– strong theoretical and practical knowledge in civil, commercial and companies’ law. Knowledge of Insolvency Law is a plus;
– good legal English skills;
– IT literate (basic to medium Word, PowerPoint and Outlook);
– passionate about learning new things every day and using them to develop yourself in an accelerated manner;
– restructuring or insolvency background (including being a certified insolvency practitioner, registered with UNPIR) is a plus;
– passionate about learning new things every day and using them to develop yourself in an accelerated manner;
– being capable to work with incomplete or volatile information.

– taking ownership for specific tasks of the engagement, from planning through completion phases – initiating actions, anticipating requirements and facilitating discussions;
– bringing innovative ideas in order to add value to the legal strategies undertaken on the engagements;
– legal research and documentation for submitting court actions, drafting / filing court actions and applications for various institutions, constantly maintaining relations with the courts, as well as with the other authorities in order to bring innovative ideas in order to add value to the legal strategies undertaken on the engagements;
– in-court representation;
– accountability for delivery of timely and high quality engagement work, both for yourself and others that is ready for client/manager review. Provide regular project status updates to the manager against key performance indicators;
– strengthening critical thinking and professional judgment skills, including improving technical research skills, oral and written communication skills;
– developing strong business acumen and industry knowledge to demonstrate value-added client service;
– develop the foundation of a client contact network and seek to understand the client’s business and key legal requirements;
– demonstrating capacity and capability for continuous learning (including actively seeking specific feedback from peers and managers);
– demonstrating time management skills including focus on monitoring work progress, quality and cost against budget.

– the chance to work in a professional environment, exceptional opportunities for career growth, as well as a strong learning and development culture;
– attractive remuneration package;
– a combination of great jobs to work on;
– great colleagues to work with;
– relevant professional development and training.

We are looking forward to receiving your CV and letter of motivation, in English, at: [email protected]
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 25 martie 2019