MARAVELA & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a German speaking lawyer

MARAVELA & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a German speaking lawyer.

Due to increased activity of our consultancy department and broader client portfolio, we are currently seeking a skilled attorney (5+ years of experience since Bar admission) fluent and fully operational in German (including legal terminology). The ideal candidate should have prior experience with working directly with German clients in German language. A German speaking university law degree (e.g. any form of post-graduate degree) may be an advantage.

– the opportunity to work with an award-winning team that is highly appraised by clients;
– work environment centred on strong ethics, integrity and team spirit;
– varied high-profile clients and assignments, including lead counsel positions for multi-jurisdictional stints;
– genuine career advancement opportunities (up to and including partnership levels) based on professional and personal qualities;
– development of management skills.

– practical experience of 5+ years since final Bar qualification (definitivat), out of which at least 3-4 years with a medium/large law firm (>10 lawyers);
– thorough knowledge of corporate and commercial matters is required; further experience in any other practice area is a plus;
– full working proficiency in English and German (written and spoken) is an absolute must, including strong knowledge of legal English and legal German;
– openness to continuous professional training, team spirit and adaptability to firm`s policies;
– patience and dedication to forming junior team members;
– LL.M or legal PhD and any other degrees in law awarded by a foreign university are a plus.

Please send your resume, language certificate(s) and letter of intent (explaining why you chose to be part of our team and what motivates you in your legal career) to [email protected] using the subject line: German – Senior Associate Advisory.
Due to increased activity of our HR department, only selected candidates will be contacted.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 8 aprilie 2019

DIRECŢIA SILVICĂ ILFOV recrutează consilier juridic


DIRECȚIA SILVICĂ ILFOV cu sediul în str. Petricani nr. 9A, sector 2 Bucureşti, organizează în data de 25.03.2019, începând cu orele 09:00, la sediul acesteia, concurs / examen pentru ocuparea unui post de consilier juridic în cadrul unităţii, pe durată determinată respectiv pe perioada cât titularul postului are contractul individual de muncă suspendat pentru creşterea copilului.


Dosarele de înscriere la concurs/examen se depun în perioada 05.03.2019-19.03.2019 la sediul Direcției Silvice Ilfov.

Condiţiile generale şi cele specifice de participare la concurs/examen, precum și tematică şi bibliografia sunt disponibile atât la sediul Direcţiei Silvice Ilfov, şi pe site-ul Regiei Naţionale a Pădurilor – Romsilva / Informare publică / Oportunități angajare.

Informaţii suplimentare se pot obţine de la compartimentul resurse umane din cadrul Direcţiei Silvice Ilfov, tel. 0212332416.

Anunțul este valabil pentru județul Ilfov şi municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 mai 2019