MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is looking for a definitive lawyer

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is a law firm with a full-service offering, with particular focus on Compliance, Projects, Employment, Corporate and Mergers & Acquisitions, Data Privacy, Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT), Natural Resources, Public Procurement, Real Estate and Constructions.

Coming from top-tier law firms, the founding partners have been assisting multinationals and leading domestic companies with highly complex, sophisticated mandates.

– a smart and creative lawyer with 2-6 years of experience in business consultancy with a focus on Data Privacy, Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) and/or Public Procurement;
– a solid academic background;
– enthusiasm for the legal profession;
– eloquent in written and spoken Romanian and English;
– a meticulous legal researcher;
– willing to learn on a fast track in a very professional work environment;
– with a strong legal knowledge, a proactive attitude, and a good sense of humour.

What we offer is a great learning and professional development opportunities, a friendly and flexible working environment and an appropriate remuneration.

You can apply by sending a message with your resume to this e-mail address: [email protected]

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 7 ianuarie 2022

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is looking for a junior lawyer

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is a law firm with a full-service offering, with particular focus on Compliance, Projects, Employment, Corporate and Mergers & Acquisitions, Data Privacy, Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT), Natural Resources, Public Procurement, Real Estate and Constructions.

Coming from top-tier law firms, the founding partners have been assisting multinationals and leading domestic companies with highly complex, sophisticated mandates.

– a smart and creative lawyer with 1-2 years of experience in business consultancy;
– a solid academic background;
– enthusiasm for the legal profession;
– eloquent in written and spoken Romanian and English;
– a meticulous legal researcher;
– willing to learn on a fast track in a very professional work environment;
– with a strong legal knowledge, a proactive attitude, and a good sense of humour.

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII S.P.A.R.L. is a law firm with a full-service offering, with particular focus on Compliance, Projects, Employment, Corporate and Mergers & Acquisitions, Data Privacy, Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT), Natural Resources, Public Procurement, Real Estate and Constructions.

What we offer is a great learning and professional development opportunities, a friendly and flexible working environment and an appropriate remuneration.

You can apply by sending a message with your resume to this e-mail address: [email protected]

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 7 ianuarie 2022

MAGDA VOLONCIU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat stagiar

MAGDA VOLONCIU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat stagiar.

– avocat stagiar, cunoscător al limbii enlgeze la nivel avansat;
– membru al Baroului Bucureşti;
– abilităţi de analiză şi sinteză;
– abilităţi bune de comunicare, creativ, proactiv, spirit de echipă;
– cunoştinţe operare PC (Word, Excel, Outlook);
– posesor permis de conducere categoria B.

– activităţi specifice profesiei de avocat;
– activitate de research doctrină, articole, jurisprudenţă;
– activităţi de instanţă (pregătire şi reprezentare dosare instanţă);
– activităţi de consultanţă de specialitate;
– disponibiliate de a se deplasa prin ţară la termene.

„SCPA MAGDA VOLONCIU & ASOCIAŢII” este o firmă de avocatură de prestigiu din România, nr. 1 în domeniul dreptului muncii, recunoscută pe plan naţional şi internaţional. Vă oferă oportunitatea de a lucra într-un mediu profesionist, dinamic şi motivant.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 7 februarie 2022