DLA PIPER DINU is recruiting a Paralegal | Corporate

DLA PIPER DINU is recruiting a Paralegal | Corporate department.

We are currently recruiting a paralegal to join our highly qualified, dynamic team in Bucharest. You will be responsible for assisting the lawyers with preparation of the files and their submission to the Trade Registry and other authorities. You will have the skills, knowledge and attributes to work flexibly within our fast moving and changing environment.
This is a role for a proactive, self-motivated, solution oriented and a professional individual who thrives on delivering results.

– ensuring the interface with people outside the company (such as national and local authorities, notaries public, translators etc.);
– word-processing, inserting comments, formatting documents and using the in-house style in all produced documents;
– handling submissions before the Trade Registry, monitoring the status of the files, (if the case) participating and representing the clients at hearings before the Trade Registry, reviewing documents issued by the Trade Registry and the accuracy of the registrations performed;
– obtaining various documents from the Trade Registry and other local authorities (such as Land Book Registry, Ministry of Justice etc.), online and in person;
– drafting documents related to the incorporation of NGOs or changes performed at the level thereof;
– handling submissions for NGOs before the jurisdictional Courts of Law, monitoring the status of the files, (if the case) participating and representing the NGOs at hearings before the Courts, reviewing documents and the decisions issued by the Courts, as well as the accuracy of the registrations performed;
– occasionally, drafting corporate documents (such as resolutions of general meetings of shareholders, articles of association, various statements, powers of attorney, shareholders’ registers etc.);
– ensuring information flow between the firm and external clients as well as between their lawyers and the other firm’s departments.

This job description is not designed to be exhaustive and can be varied as required to develop or fulfil this role.

– native Romanian speaker, with good command of English (verbal and written);
– highly computer literate (MS-Office and legislative programmes);
– good verbal and listening communications skills;
– communication and relationship skills both with colleagues and with external clients;
– ability to find solutions for the problems faced;
– ability to make decisions and assume responsibility;
– ability to work independently and in a team;
– sense of organization and ability to prioritize and plan;
– attention to detail, reliability, flexibility;
– ability to comply with the requirements and deadlines for handing over the works;
– enthusiasm to learn and develop oneself are highly appreciated and fully supported (including via internal programs / academies);
– knowledge of the applicable legal provisions in the relevant domain of activity is a plus.

If you are looking to take a step up in your career, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join DLA Piper, a leading global business law firm, and be part of our success. You will be part of an inclusive, approachable and supportive team with a global mind-set, celebrating our international coverage and delivering the highest standard of legal advice and service excellence across borders.

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV together with a brief cover letter to Monica Brusalis, HR Coordinator, at: [email protected]

DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers located in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Our global reach ensures that we can help businesses with their legal needs anywhere in the world. We strive to be the leading global business law firm by delivering quality, service excellence and value to our clients and offering practical and innovative legal solutions to help them succeed. Our clients range from multinational, Global 1000, and Fortune 500 enterprises to emerging companies developing industry-leading technologies, as well as government and public sector bodies.

In everything we do connected with our People, our Clients and our Communities, we live by these values:
Be Supportive – we are compassionate and inclusive, valuing diversity and acting thoughtfully;
Be Collaborative – we are proactive, passionate team players investing in our relationships;
Be Bold – we are fearless and inquisitive, challenging ourselves to think big and find creative new solutions;
Be Exceptional – we are strategic and driven, exceeding standards and expectations.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 iulie 2023

COMAN MÎNDRU POPESCU recrutează avocat | Consultanță

COMAN MÎNDRU POPESCU – SOCIETATE CIVILĂ DE AVOCAȚI recrutează avocat stagiar/ definitiv | Consultanță.

Societatea noastră oferă servicii juridice de cea mai înaltă calitate, într-o abordare modernă și eficientă. Suntem profesioniști cu idei inovative și o experiență considerabilă, care se reflectă în multitudinea ariilor de expertiză pe care le acoperim. Dezvoltăm strategii care funcționează pentru că înțelegem cu adevărat sectoarele în care activăm.

Un alt atu al societății noastre îl reprezintă excelenta colaborare dintre membrii echipei, motiv pentru care ne dorim extinderea echipei cu avocați care să împărtășească același set de valori, să fie dornici să se dezvolte într-un cadru organizat, într-o atmosferă de lucru liniștită și productivă, sub îndrumarea unor avocați cu o vastă experiență într-o gamă variată de domenii ale dreptului și să își cultive calitățile profesionale la cele mai înalte standarde.

În egală măsură, societatea noastră promovează un stil de viață echilibrat, care presupune un program de lucru flexibil, dar și suficient timp pentru viața socială și de familie, pe care le respectăm și le încurajăm.

Ne dorim ca noul coleg care va face parte din echipa CMPLAW să îndeplinească următoarele
– are experiență sau își dorește să dobândească experiență în aria de consultanță și avocatură de business;
– este bun cunoscător al limbii engleze;
– manifestă deschidere față de provocările și dinamismul specifice profesiei de avocat, față de lucrul în echipă și de flexibilitatea pe care o solicită activitățile specifice profesiei;
– este o persoană orientată către dezvoltarea sa profesională și personală în jurul unor valori precum responsabilitatea, onestitatea, respectul și scopul comun.

Așteptăm cu interes CV-urile dumneavoastră pe e-mail la adresa: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 iulie 2023