DARIE, MANEA & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat stagiar


DARIE, MANEA & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat stagiar.

– cunoştinţe solide de drept comercial şi civil;
– cunoştinţe de limba engleză;
– capacitate analitică, aptitudini de sintetizare;
– spirit de echipă.

Redactarea de acte juridice, analize şi rapoarte, reprezentarea clienţilor în faţa autorităţilor statului, analizarea diverselor probleme ale clienţilor în vederea oferirii celor mai bune soluţii juridice.

Societate civilă de avocatură, avocaţi specializaţi în dreptul comercial, civil, dreptul muncii, dreptul proprietăţii industriale.

Cei interesaţi sunt rugaţi să trimită CV- ul la adresa noastră de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 februarie 2020

VERNON | DAVID is currently looking for lawyers


VERNON | DAVID is currently looking for lawyers with 2+ years of experience. The ideal candidate would have experience in one of the following areas: corporate & commercial law, commercial transactions, M&A and/or labour and employment issues.

We have several positions open within our firm.

We provide many roads for personal growth and satisfaction, and will help you develop your career and meet your personal goals. In addition, we offer a challenging, dynamic and fun work environment and an attractive salary package.

A lawyer with Vernon | David will work closely with both partners and senior attorneys in developing commercial and technical solutions for complex legal matters.

The perfect candidates will have a solid understanding of Romanian law. In addition, the candidate will be a self-starter and able to manage his/her time and assignments within agreed budgets and deadlines. Thinking “outside the box” and the ability to handle multiple assignments and matters is highly desired. A proactive approach to client requests and matters is essential.

– fluent in English (both verbal and written);
– good communication and organizational skills;
– computer skills (MS Office, Windows OS, Internet Explorer);
– strong motivation, dedication and enthusiasm.

– proficiency in other foreign languages (German or Russian is a significant plus);
– relevant work experience in similar positions.

To be considered for a position within our law firm, interested persons who meet the above requirements should submit a letter of interest and a current resume in English by e-mail to [email protected] or by fax at 021-311-5650. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Vernon | David is a boutique law firm specializing in complex commercial transactions and disputes, regulatory matters and compliance issues. We provide high-end bespoke legal advice to a wide array of domestic and international clients ranging from start-ups to large multinational companies and foreign governments. With our mix of US, Romanian and Moldovan lawyers, we are recognized as one of the leading law firms in the region. Currently, we have offices in Bucharest, Romania and in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 februarie 2020