PBC Attorneys-at-law is looking for a lawyer

PBC Attorneys-at-law team is growing.

We are looking for a young, smart lawyer with 0 – 3 years of experience. If you have strong knowledge of private and public law please send us your resume.

Our ideal colleague is organized, hardworking and eager to learn. As well, s/he should have good command of English.

If you find yourself in the above description, we would be glad to have you in our team. Please send your C.V. at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 martie 2020

ZAMFIRESCU RACOŢI VASILE & PARTNERS recrutează avocat definitiv | Litigii

Zamfirescu Racoti & Parteners

Societatea Civilă de Avocaţi ZAMFIRESCU RACOŢI VASILE & PARTNERS recrutează avocat definitiv pentru departamentul Litigii.

– să aibă vechime în profesie între 5-10 ani;
– să aibă obligatoriu cunoștințe avansate de limba engleză (condiție eliminatorie);
– să aibă experiență în litigii civile, insolvență, executări silite, drept administrativ și drept comercial;
– să fie o persoană organizată, cu abilități de management al proiectelor;
– să aibă spirit inovativ, excelente abilităţi de comunicator şi de jucător în echipă;
– să aibă cunoştinţe operare PC.

Candidaţii interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul însoţit de o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 martie 2020

HĂLĂU MARIUS recrutează avocat definitiv

Cabinet de Avocat HĂLĂU MARIUS recrutează avocat definitiv.

Căutam persoane serioase, responsabile, care doresc dezvoltarea, alături de noi, a unei cariere în avocatură.

– vechime în profesie începând cu 5 ani;
– bune cunoştinţe teoretice şi practice în domeniul dreptului civil, comercial şi al procedurii civile;
– abilităţi de comunicare şi lucru în echipă, pro–activitate;
– cunoaşterea limbii engleze (limbaj juridic);
– constitutie un avantaj deţinerea permisului de conducere.

Aşteptăm CV-ul dumneavoastră la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 martie 2020

McGREGOR & PARTNERS is looking for a lawyer

McGREGOR & PARTNERS is looking for a Labour Law, Corporate and M&A lawyer.

The ideal candidate will be fluent in written and spoken legal English (another language is an asset) having more than 4-6 years as qualified lawyer, with experience especially in labour law (especially reorganization, drafting labour documents like handbooks, job description, individual and collective labour agreements, representing employers on the negotiation of the collective labour agreements if need be, dealing with the labour authorities etc), and/or M&A (especially drafting Due Diligence reports, SPA’s, structuring a transaction).
He/ she should also be a team player, have a strong commitment to the firm, loyalty, willingness to learn and to work under pressure.
Common sense and practicality are also important, as is willingness to undertake business trips in Romania and abroad.
Experience in an international law firm is an advantage but it is not essential.

– seniority in profession between 4 and 6 years;
– mandatory advanced legal English proficiency (both written and spoken);
– experience in assisting and representing clients before arbitral courts;
– well organised person, with real project management abilities;
– innovative person with excellent communication abilities and a team-player;
– courage to deal with new matters.

A competitive package of remuneration will be offered.
He/she will be encouraged to develop his/ her knowledge, professional skills and commerciality.
He/she may also achieve a higher position in the firm.
There is an opportunity to work closely with a native English speaking lawyer with 25 years’ experience in working in important transactions in Romania.

A regional law firm with offices in Bucharest and Sofia, undertaking work largely for multinational and foreign clients, which has an association with an international law firm based in the City of London.

The interested candidates are invited to send us a Resume and a Letter of Intent to: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 martie 2020