CONTEXPERT recrutează avocat

CONTEXPERT recrutează avocat stagiar/ avocat titular (promoţie 2021) cu reale abilităţi de comunicare şi relaţionare, atent la detalii şi perseverent în vederea atingerii rezultatelor cu minim de experienţă în întocmirea de contracte comerciale.

– studii superioare în domeniu;
– cunoaşterea la un nivel avansat a limbii engleze juridice (va redacta documente juridice bilingve, va negocia clauze şi va discuta cu parteneri de afaceri străini);
– cunoaşterea legislaţiei specifice, Codului Civil, Codului de Procedură Civilă.

Pentru Avocat Stagiar asigurăm stagiu sub îndrumarea unui avocat îndrumător.

Aşteptăm CV-urile voastre la adresa: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 28 februarie 2022

PETERKA & PARTNERS is recruiting an Attorney at Law

PETERKA & PARTNERS is recruiting an Attorney-at-law with minimum 5 years of experience.

Founded in 2000, PETERKA & PARTNERS is an independent full-service law firm with special commitment to the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

PETERKA & PARTNERS is the one truly CEE law firm that has built a pan-regional full-service practice with a unique fully integrated infrastructure. The firm provides a one-stop shop for legal services over several jurisdictions or the whole region.

For the Romanian office, PETERKA & PARTNERS is looking for an Attorney-at-law with minimum 5 years of experience.

– fluent English (proficiency in other foreign languages is an advantage);
– solid knowledge of the Romanian law with a focus on civil and commercial law (any other specialization is a plus);
– experience in an international legal environment;
– commitment to delivering high-quality legal work;
– good legal writing, communication and negotiation skills;
– strong analytical, reasoning and research skills;
– business awareness;
– highly developed work ethic.

– competitive remuneration corresponding to abilities and achieved result;
– interesting and diverse work in growing regional firm;
– pleasant working environment;
– gaining interesting and professional experience in an international law firm.

Please send your CV and cover letter in English to Ms. Amalia Covesan, to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 28 februarie 2022