PÎRVU DRĂGOIANU PARTNERS’ team wants to welcome a junior lawyer

PÎRVU DRĂGOIANU PARTNERS’ team wants to welcome a junior lawyer.

Multiple practice areas, many interesting mandates, happy clients, all in a very chic and friendly office & team. Even if it sounds too good to be true, it is a brief and accurate description of our everyday work, colleagues and premises.

We would be very pleased to welcome a lawyer with 0 to 3 years of experience since Bar admission as our ranks need enforcement.

Our areas of practice are mainly criminal law, dispute resolution and insolvency, but we deal with corporate and commercial, employment and public procurement on a daily basis as well. And so will you.

You are analytical, passionate about your legal career and the said practice areas and you realize that what makes you stand out is the quality and the promptitude of the legal services you provide. You are fluent in English and your determination goes hand in hand with your curiosity. You have initiative and have more proactive than executional elements.

Friendly solutions and legal advice provider to a variety of clients (large companies as well as private individuals). We are specialized (founding partners have more than 20 years of experience) and rigorous (due to years of practice in award winning major law firms) but we do not forget the importance of fun and friendship within the working environment. Firm’s founding partners offer continuous support and mentoring to every member of the team.

Send us your CV at [email protected] and we will give you a call in order to meet and discuss further. We would be delighted to get to know you and have you meet us. Our hands-on approach applies to recruitment as well, therefore a face-to-face discussion is the key starting point of our potential future collaboration.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 mai 2023

ŢUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a Lawyer | Banking

Tuca-Zbarcea-Asociatii 10

ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII is looking for a fully fledged lawyer (preferably associate) willing to join our Banking practice.

The ideal candidate would be a career-oriented young lawyer looking to improve his or her professional record and soft skills as part of a team of highly appreciated professionals.

– at least 2 years of experience;
– fluent in English;
– computer skills (MS Office);
– willing to improve and develop professionally.

– attractive pay, subject to regular evaluations and which may be raised by reference to performance;
– opportunity to work and develop in a professional team, experienced in and open to lawyer training;
– friendly work environment.

If you fit the description, please send your CV and cover letter (in English) to the following e-mail address: [email protected] by May 19th, 2023 at the latest.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 mai 2023

COMPANIE DIN BUCUREȘTI recrutează avocat senior

COMPANIE DIN BUCUREȘTI recrutează avocat intern – nivel senior executive.

Asigură consultanţă juridică pentru companie, oferind soluţii juridice pentru activitatea curentă a societăţii şi reprezintă interesele societăţii în toate problemele juridice în care este angajat în relaţia cu persoanele juridice, instituţiile publice, reprezentarea în instanţă în litigii comerciale.

– conceperea, redactarea şi avizarea contractelor societăţii sau alte acte juridice încheiate cu persoanele juridice;
– verificarea şi urmărirea executării contractelor încheiate cu beneficiarii;
– soluţionarea problemelor apărute în activitatea societăţii din punct de vedere legal;
– elaborarea şi redactarea documentelor şi situaţiilor cerute de management;
– activitate de consiliere privind problemele legale cu care se confruntă societatea;
– redactare acte juridice (contracte comerciale, civile, acte constitutive şi acte adiţionale,);
– consultanţă drept comercial (negociere contracte comerciale, înfiinţare societăţi, modificare acte constitutive societăţi, recuperare debite);
– reprezentare persoane juridice în faţa diferitelor autorităţi, instituţii şi instanţe judecătoreşti.

– educaţie: studii universitare juridice – constituie avantaj studiile postuniversitare de specialitate juridică;
– minimum 10 ani experienţa în poziţii similare – asigurarea consultanţei în domeniile sus-menţionate – experienţă similară în domeniu, reprezintă avantaj;
– experiența în susținerea în instanţă a acțiunilor comerciale şi civile.

CV-urile redactate în limba română se pot transmite la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]
Doar candidaţii selectaţi vor fi contactaţi.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 mai 2023

MITEL & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi definitivi | Litigii


MITEL & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocați definitivi cu o vechime în profesie de 4-6 ani, precum şi o bună cunoaştere a limbii engleze, pentru Departamentul Litigii.

– experienţă şi cunoştinţe solide în drept civil, drept comercial şi contencios administrativ.

Candidaţii interesaţi de o dezvoltare profesională intensă într-un climat profesional motivant şi prietenos, în care se promovează excelenţa şi spiritul de echipă, sunt rugaţi să transmită CV-urile la adresa [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 mai 2023

ŽIVKO MIJATOVIĆ & PARTNERS is looking for an IP attorney

The international intellectual property firm ŽIVKO MIJATOVIĆ & PARTNERS is looking for an Attorney-at-law to join its Romanian branch.

– protection and enforcement of all type of IP rights;
– oppositions, cancellations, litigation in the field of IP;
– ongoing legal advice in relation to IP matters and unfair competition;
– IP protection & enforcement strategies;
– trademark/designs availability searches.

– Law degree and Bar exam;
– minimum 3 years of relevant experience in the field of IP;
– excellent communication and legal writing skills (business English);
– computer skills (MS Office, Windows, Internet Explorer);
– prioritization and organizational skills; capacity to assume responsibilities; ability to think “outside the box”; multitasking; attention to detail; proactive; flexible.

– dynamic work environment;
– acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competences;
– stimulating income;
– teamwork;
– professional career development.

ZMP is a full service intellectual property law firm providing overall protection of all Intellectual Property rights including both prosecution and enforcement of such rights.

In case you believe that you meet our requirements, please send your CV and cover letter in English to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 mai 2023