IMPETUM GROUP is looking for a Junior Legal Advisor

Join Our Team as a Junior Legal Advisor at IMPETUM GROUP!

Are you a proactive, enthusiastic, curious, and creative individual with a strong legal background and excellent skills in organization, communication, and relationship-building? We invite you to embark on a journey with us.

– 2 – 3 years of experience in the legal profession (in-house and/or law firm);
– solid background in Commercial, Corporate & Civil Law;
– experience with and/or demonstrated curiosity for compliance (GDPR, AML, IP, internal policies & procedures);
– experience in drafting corporate documents and handling relevant formalities with the Trade Registry;
– proficiency in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating commercial contracts;
– experience working with different team roles, including cross-functional teams;
– proactive attitude;
– exceptional organizational, communication, and collaboration skills;
– advanced English language skills (written and spoken);
– creative thinker with strong problem-solving skills and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced work environment, handle multiple assignments simultaneously and effectively manage conflicting priorities;
– high tolerance for change and ambiguity;
– experience in M&A would be a plus.

– review and draft various legal documents including investment and financing documents, corporate governance documents, and other commercial contracts;
– research and advise on legal and regulatory matters relating to alternative investment funds;
– assist in due diligence processes, negotiation of deals, and closing of transactions;
– stay up to date on legal and regulatory developments in the investments industry;
– demonstrate in all tasks legal knowledge and understanding of corporate and commercial law, with focus on M&A.

– a dynamic and stimulating work environment;
– a young and friendly team;
– a space for continuous learning and professional development;
– medical subscription;
– bookster subscription.

If you’re convinced and eager to become a part of our team, send your CV to the email address: [email protected]
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to thrive with us!

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 septembrie 2023

COSMOVICI & ASOCIAŢII is recruiting an Intellectual Property Prosecution Associate

COSMOVICI & ASOCIAŢII is recruiting an Intellectual Property Prosecution Associate.

Cosmovici Intellectual Property is a young, dynamic team of intellectual property professionals looking for an enthusiastic new colleague to join our Bucharest office.

– is ideally trained in the legal field, with a minimum of 2 years of experience in the IP area;
– has organizing, communication, and flexibility skills;
– has team spirit and is a team player;
– is efficient, responsible, punctual, pays a great deal of attention to detail and complies with all deadlines;
– promptly solves daily tasks;
– has excellent command of English (professional level absolutely necessary);
– has knowledge of French and/or German (advantage);
– has excellent skills in using MS Office – MS Word, MS Excel, Outlook;
– has administrative and financial-accounting skills;
– has knowledge of how to use a database (CRM type).

– prepares, drafts and submits online various national and international applications pertaining to the IP field;
– prepares and drafts various legal documents such as contracts, notifications, oppositions, appeals etc.
– identifies the needs of the clients, draws up IP strategies and offers consultancy to our clients and collaborators;
– manages intellectual property portfolios, by observing deadlines and fulfilling various specific responsibilities (submission of applications, customer information, electronic archiving of documents, setting new deadlines etc.);
– daily updates the internal database in accordance with the dynamic of the projects managed;
– periodically checks the IP portfolios in order to identify and remedy potential errors;
– maintains correspondence with clients and collaborators;
– protects the value of the organization by maintaining the confidentiality of information.

Our company specializes in the field of intellectual property. We offer a full range of specialized services, from the acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights to their implementation and defense in case of infringements. We provide legal assistance during the negotiation of contracts and related procedures, as well as before the competent authorities and Courts.

Interested candidates are kindly asked to send their CV to the email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 septembrie 2023

MAZILU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează consilier juridic | Executare silită

Societate Civilă Profesională de Executori Judecătorești MAZILU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează consilier juridic | Executare silită.

– gestionarea dosarelor de executare alocate, pe tot parcursul procedurii de executare (popriri; executare silită mobiliară; executare silită imobiliară; executare directă, etc);
– utilizarea ExecSoft/ Zenic;
– înregistrare dosare cu tot ceea ce presupune acest proces;
– interacţiune, obţinere şi furnizare de informaţii (telefonice/e-mail/adrese scrise) cu şi de la colaboratori/debitori/diverse instituţii;
– emiterea documentelor necesare pentru fiecare procedură execuţională în parte: popriri/somaţii/procese-verbale/încheieri/publicaţii, etc.;
– procedura de eliberare a sumelor;
– procedura de închidere a dosarelor de executare.

– este necesară experienţă anterioară într-un birou de executor judecătoresc;
– cunoştinţe procedurale bine stăpânite;
– dorinţa de implicare pe termen lung;
– căutăm o persoană muncitoare, implicată, foarte atentă la detalii, eficientă, cu spirit de echipă şi deschisă la a învăţa tot timpul lucruri noi;
– sunt necesare cunoştinţe de Microsoft Excel, Word şi a sistemului informatic ZENIC;
– capacitate de concentrare şi abilitatea de a prioritiza activităţile zilnice;
– oferta salarială se discută la interviu;
– echipă tânără, primitoare şi mediu de lucru foarte plăcut.

Societate Civilă Profesională de Executori Judecătorești MAZILU ŞI ASOCIAŢII are o experienţă de peste 10 ani în gestionarea dosarelor de executare, de la cele mai complicate speţe până la cele simple. Avem disponibilitate de a investi timp şi cunoştinţe în personalul nostru pentru a obţine împreună cele mai bune rezultate.

Trimite CV–ul tău la adresa noastră de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 septembrie 2023