MURAR & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocați stagiari

Murar & Asociatii

MURAR & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocați stagiari, membri ai Baroului București.

Solicităm bune cunoștințe teoretice ale dreptului comercial și civil, precum și ale procedurii civile. De asemenea, este importantă o foarte bună cunoaștere a limbii române, ușurința şi fluența în exprimarea scrisă şi vorbită.

Constituie un avantaj cunoașterea dreptului insolvenței, dreptului fiscal și administrativ.

Căutam persoane serioase, responsabile, care doresc crearea și dezvoltarea unei cariere în cadrul unei societăți de avocați specializată în materia dreptului afacerilor (drept fiscal, recuperare de creanțe, litigii și consultanță în materie comercială etc.).

SCPA MURAR & ASOCIAŢII este o societate de avocați înfiinţată în anul 2009 ce oferă servicii de consultanță și reprezentare juridică îndeosebi persoanelor juridice de drept privat ori public.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită cv-ul, redactat în limba română, la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 12 octombrie 2015

bpv GRIGORESCU ȘTEFĂNICĂ is recruiting Corporate, Commercial and Real Estate lawyers


bpv GRIGORESCU ȘTEFĂNICĂ is recruiting Corporate, Commercial and Real Estate lawyers.

CORPORATE, M&A, CAPITAL MARKETS lawyer (2-3 years experience)
We are looking for 2 corporate lawyers with experience in a broad range of corporate matters, including reorganisations and restructuring, mergers and spin-offs, M&A transactions, insolvency. Any additional exposure to tax-driven transactions or capital markets regulatory issues and transactions will add substantial value to your application.

Experience: 2-3 years post-graduation, member of the Bar Association.
Foreign Languages: excellent command of English, additional high-level foreign language capabilities are a plus.
Application: please send your application consisting of motivation letter and resume (in English) to [email protected], with the subject “Corporate”.
Application deadline: 12 October 2015

COMMERCIAL lawyer, TECH focus (2-3 years experience)
We are looking for a commercial lawyer with experience in commercial contracts and distribution networks, commercial regulatory, competition, product liability, new retail channels and e-commerce. Ideally the candidate would have also acquired experience with transactional and regulatory issues related to the technology, media and telecom sector, including digital media, advertising, programmatic trading, radio frequencies, online content, ecommerce, privacy, data protection.

Experience: 2-3 years post-graduation, member of the Bar Association
Foreign Languages: excellent command of English, additional high-level foreign language capabilities are a plus
Application: please send your application consisting of motivation letter and resume (in English) to [email protected], with the subject “Tech”.
Application deadline: 12 October 2015

REAL ESTATE lawyer (2-3 years experience)
We are looking for a real estate lawyer with experience in all stages and aspects of corporate and commercial real-estate projects. We value any combination with additional experience in matters involving transportation, infrastructure, and utilities, as well as environmental and natural resources issues.

Experience: 2-3 years post-graduation, member of the Bar Association
Foreign Languages: excellent command of English, additional high-level foreign language capabilities are a plus
Application: please send your application consisting of motivation letter and resume (in English) to [email protected], with the subject “Real Estate”.
Application deadline: 12 October 2015

bpv GRIGORESCU ȘTEFĂNICĂ is a Romanian law firm with a full service offering for complex projects and litigation and a unique combination of legal and tax advisory capabilities. Our practice area expertise is enhanced by our industry knowledge across the sectors of energy, infrastructure, utilities and environment, TMT, pharma and agriculture. bpv GRIGORESCU ȘTEFĂNICĂ is a founding member of bpv Legal, an alliance of independent commercial law firms, offering cross-border legal advisory services to clients in Central and Eastern Europe. Membership includes partner firms in Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Prague and Vienna.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 12 octombrie 2015