act legal Romania is looking for a Lawyer | Consultancy

act legal Romania is looking ️🕵️ for a Consultancy Lawyer who passed the final Bar exam.

Ready to shape your future legal career in a supportive and dynamic environment? At act legal Romania, the Bucharest office of the international law firm act legal, we’re eager to welcome the next generation of legal talents.
With over 400 lawyers across 17 offices in Europe’s key markets, we offer an excellent blend of high-quality mandates and a vibrant workplace, where hard work is balanced with camaraderie.

– the opportunity to work in an international setting, providing the tools you need for success, gaining real-life legal experience from day one – without the rigidity of a classic law firm;
– support in continuous professional development 👨🏻‍🎓 and encouragement to bring innovative ideas;
– a great team to share laughs during breaks ☕ 🍰.

– ember of Bucharest Bar 👨🏻‍🎓 👩🏻‍🎓;
– provide legal advice across consultancy practice areas;
– skilled in drafting complex emails & legal documents 📝 for international clients;
– innovative approach and commitment to excellence;
– eager to discover and develop the industries of the future;
– enthusiastic, proactive & a great team player 🙌;
– fluent in English (of course 😉 ) & full of fresh ideas 💡.

If so, we want to hear from you!☺️
Send us your CV in English at [email protected] by 21 February 📅, and let’s explore your future together at act legal!

Anunţul este valabil pentru București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 21 februarie 2025

POENARU LEGAL recrutează avocat

POENARU LEGAL recrutează avocat pentru activități juridice în domeniul dreptului privat.

– să fie absolvent al unei facultăți de drept din cadrul Hexagonului;
– să aibă experiență de 1-3 ani în domeniul dreptului privat, cu precădere în activitățile de consultanță juridică;
– să dețină cunoștințe solide de drept civil (inclusiv raporturile juridice cu profesioniștii);
– să fie disponibil să gestioneze mai multe solicitări juridice într-un mediu de lucru dinamic dar prietenos, cu atenție la detalii și ținând cont de nevoile clienților;
– să fie membru al Baroului Bucureşti;
– să aibă cunoştinţe avansate de limba engleză.

Avocaţii interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul pe adresa: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 20 februarie 2025

MDM LEGAL recrutează avocat stagiar | Litigii

MDM LEGAL recrutează avocat stagiar în cadrul departamentului de litigii.

Tipul ofertei: Full-time
Posturi disponibile: 1

– să fii absolvent al Facultății de Drept;
– să fii admis/ă în Barou;
– să ai cunoştinţe juridice temeinice în drept civil, procedură civilă, drept administrativ, drept penal;
– să ai cunoştinţe avansate de limba engleză;
– să ai o capacitate bună de analiză și atenție la detalii;
– să fii posesor de carnet de conducere categoria B;
– să fii pregătit pentru reprezentare juridică în instanță;
– să redactezi cereri de chemare în judecată, întâmpinări, cereri de intervenție, etc;
– să poţi identifica și interpreta jurisprudența relevantă, şi nu în ultimul rând…
Obligatoriu: Să ai o atitudine pozitivă și o abordare entuziastă!

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să trimită CV-ul pe adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 20 februarie 2025

MÎNERAN ȘERB & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv | Litigii

MÎNERAN ȘERB & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv – litigii, membru al Baroului București, absolvent al examenului de definitivat sesiunea noiembrie 2024 sau cu o experiență de cel mult 3 ani de la promovarea examenului de definitivat.

– bune cunoștințe teoretice şi practice ale dreptului civil și ale dreptului procesual civil;
– disponibilitate de a practica în domeniul litigiilor;
– o foarte bună cunoaștere a limbii române, ușurință şi fluență în exprimare;
– cunoștințe avansate ale limbii engleze;
– orice altă limbă străină reprezintă un avantaj.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită cv-ul, redactat în limba română, la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 februarie 2025

MPR PARTNERS is looking for Lawyers | Consultancy

MPR PARTNERS is looking for consultancy lawyers.

Final Bar exams successfully over and you possess at least 2 and up to 5 years of experience in a variety of (hereafter mentioned) practice areas? Between groundbreaking technology matters, major M&A deals, real estate & infrastructure projects, public procurement mandates, cryptoassets as well as impressive green energy cases, our consultancy department needs more hands and minds to help continue to provide top-quality advice to our major international and local clients.
We consequently have one opening for definitive advisory lawyers, who are eager to learn and perfect their business law careers.

– independent business law firm with offices in London and Bucharest;
– multiple practice areas ranked and recognized by reputed international directories (Best Lawyers International, IFLR, the Legal 500, Chambers and Partners);
– recipients of Highly Commended (Runner-up) European Law Firm of the Year at The Lawyer European Awards 2018 accolade; Eastern Europe and the Balkans Law Firm of the Year award, at The Lawyer European Awards 2018; Romania Law Firm of the Year award, at The Lawyer European Awards 2017;
– recipients of several Lexology Client Choice Awards awarded by in-house counsels for excellence of service and outstanding client care;
– professional legal, tax and insolvency services providers;
– proud holders of an impressive portfolio of major global clients (important names in numerous sectors such as technology, air transport, automotive, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, energy, telecommunications, financial services, and many more);
– constant contributor to reputed international publications and professional platforms (such as The World Bank Group, Thomson Reuters, International Comparative Legal Guides, Lexology – Getting the Deal Through, Sweet and Maxwell, Chambers and Partners, The Legal 500, etc.).

– proficiency in English (written and spoken), including strong knowledge of legal English is an absolute must;
– LL.M and any other degrees in law or economics (ideally awarded by a foreign university) are a plus;
– previous internships and/or experience in a firm ranked by major directories constitutes an advantage;
– openness to continuous professional training, team spirit and adaptability to firm`s policies and high standards.

– attractive remuneration package;
– high profile clients and assignments;
– career advancement opportunities based on both professional and personal qualities;
– the opportunity to work with an award-winning highly professional team, repeatedly praised by its clients for the services provided and impeccable approach to matters;
– continuous education opportunities (through attendance to professional events and courses, drafting of articles and consequent publication thereof, through the firm’s media channels and partners);
– work environment centred on strong ethics, integrity and team spirit.

Please send your resume and letter of intent (explaining why you chose to be part of our team and what motivates you in your legal career) to [email protected]
Please use the subject line Consultancy.
Please bear in mind that only selected candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 10 februarie 2025

CĂTĂLINA MORENCIU recrutează avocat stagiar

Cabinet de Avocatură CĂTĂLINA MORENCIU recrutează un avocat stagiar dedicat și motivat pentru a se alătura echipei noastre.

– să fi promovat examenul de admitere în cadrul Baroului Bucureşti în sesiunea aprilie/septembrie 2024;
– abilități excelente de comunicare și redactare;
– capacitate de analiză și atenție la detalii;
– spirit de echipă și abilități organizatorice;
– gestionarea cu ușurință a situațiilor stresante;
– cunoștințe medii de limbă engleză;
– permis de conducere categoria B (constituie un avantaj).

– condiții de lucru într-un mediu profesionist, prietenos și tânăr;
– oportunități de dezvoltare profesională;
– o schemă de onorarii motivantă.

Cei interesați de această oportunitate sunt invitați să își trimită CV-ul la adresa: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 10 februarie 2025

BUJU STANCIU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocaţi

BUJU STANCIU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocaţi 🧑🏻‍🎓.

– membru al Baroului București sau al unui Barou din România;
– îţi dorești să construiești o carieră în avocatura de business, lucrând pe o paletă diversă de proiecte juridice;
– ești proactiv, curios – vrei să faci mai mult decât „ce trebuie”;
– fluent în engleză.

– suntem o echipă dinamică și inovatoare, axată pe livrarea de soluții orientate spre rezultate;
– oferim consultanță juridică pe domenii tradiționale – comercial, proprietate intelectuală, litigii – dar și în sectoare de tehnologii emergente precum inteligență artificială și blockchain;
– promovăm o cultură colaborativă, unde dezvoltarea profesională și personală este încurajată.

– vei avea oportunitatea să crești alături de unii dintre cei mai buni profesioniști din industrie;
– acces la proiecte variate și interesante care îți vor extinde orizonturile;
– mediu de lucru flexibil, deschis ideilor noi.

Trimite-ne CV-ul tău la [email protected] și hai să discutăm!

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 5 februarie 2025

GORUN & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat definitiv

GORUN & ASOCIAŢII SCA recrutează avocat definitiv cu experienţă pentru biroul din Bucureşti.

– să dovedească cunoştinţe juridice temeinice;
– să fie avocat înscris într-unul din Barourile membre ale UNBR, cu experiență profesională relevantă în domeniu;
– să dovedească cunoştinţe juridice teoretice și practice temeinice de drept, experiența în litigii şi consultanţă ;
– să dovedească cunoştinţe avansate de limba engleză;
– capacitate de analiză şi atenţie la detalii;
– curiozitate profesională şi dorinţă de a învăţa;
– abilităţi bune de comunicare, adaptabilitate şi atitudine orientată către lucrul în echipă;
– cunoştinţe avansate operare PC;
– să se poată integra uşor în echipă;
– să fie dispus/a să călătorească în interes de serviciu;
– capacitate bună de organizare și redactarea documentației juridice într-o manieră clară și structurată;
– să fie avocat definitiv cu experiență profesională relevantă în domeniul consultanței şi litigiilor.

Candidații interesaţi sunt rugați să transmită CV-urile la adresa: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 29 ianuarie 2025

MANCIU & ASSOCIATES recrutează avocat stagiar

MANCIU & ASSOCIATES recrutează avocat stagiar.

– avocat stagiar, membru al Baroului Bucureşti;
– cunoştinţe teoretice solide;
– cunoaşterea limbii engleze;
– permis de conducere auto categoria B;
– operare PC la nivel avansat, în special Microsoft Word;
– atenţie la detalii, profesionalism şi capacitate de a lucra în echipă.

– redactarea de documente juridice, opinii, rapoarte;
– reprezentarea intereselor clienţilor în faţa autorităţilor şi/sau instanţelor;
– informarea clienţilor cu privire la stadiul proiectelor/litigiilor.

– desfăşurarea activităţii într-o echipă tânără, specializată în drept privat;
– dobândirea experienţei;
– dezvoltare profesională prin mentorat de la avocaţi definitivi;
– onorariu competitiv şi oportunităţi de avansare în carieră, în funcţie de rezultate.

Experienţa în domeniul juridic constituie un avantaj.
Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să trimită un CV la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 30 decembrie 2024

TONCESCU & ASOCIAȚII – KPMG Legal is seeking a Lawyer | Technology

TONCESCU & ASOCIAȚII SPARL – KPMG Legal is looking for a Technology Lawyer passionate about both law and technology, to join our team and contribute to our complex technology projects. You will work at the intersection of law and technology, providing legal advice for cutting-edge digital solutions and ensuring compliance with national and international regulations, focusing on EU AI Act, GDPR, DORA and ADR requirements.

This role is ideal for a professional eager to develop in a dynamic environment, be at the forefront of technological transformations, and be part of the global KPMG Law network, offering integrated solutions alongside specialists from various fields.

– managing technology projects from a legal and technical perspective, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations;
– providing legal advice on technology-related matters, including artificial intelligence, intellectual property, and data protection;
– ensuring compliance with GDPR and other data protection regulations, both locally and internationally;
– handling the legal aspects of software licensing, IT development contracts, and other digital projects;
– providing legal support in technology-related transactions, including due diligence, mergers, and acquisitions of technology companies;
– monitoring technology legislation and offering analysis on the impact of emerging regulations.

– completed Romanian legal studies (top Law faculties are preferred, international study experience is welcomed);
– member of the Bucharest Bar;
– a minimum of 4 years of practical experience in legal consultancy in the fields of technology, intellectual property, data protection, or cybersecurity;
– solid knowledge of technology regulations, including GDPR, privacy laws, intellectual property rights, and software licensing;
– the ability to navigate easily between legal and technical challenges, offering clear and practical solutions;
– excellent communication and collaboration skills, able to work with both legal and technical teams;
– the ability to independently manage projects and make informed decisions;
– excellent writing and communication skills in English (good knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage).

– attractive rewards and flexible working arrangements;
– a dynamic and supportive work environment;
– an innovative and international working environment with high-profile mandates;
– the opportunity to work closely with other practice groups on both domestic and cross-border matters;
– continuous coaching and mentorship;
– a fast-paced environment and an extraordinary team with great mentoring opportunities.

At KPMG, we believe in creating a positive work environment, supporting employees to pursue their passions through various activities and events. We also offer numerous benefits to support your health, a flexible work schedule, and many other advantages.


We thank all applicants in advance for submitting their resumes here.

NOTE: Only preselected candidates will be invited to an interview.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 30 decembrie 2024

OLTEANU & PARTNERS recrutează avocaţi definitivi | Consultanţă

Olteanu & Partners

Societatea de avocatură OLTEANU & PARTNERS își extinde echipa și recrutează avocați definitivi specializați în consultanță juridică, care să contribuie la asigurarea excelenței profesionale.

– consultanță juridică și asistență personalizată pentru persoane juridice;
– redactarea, revizuirea și negocierea documentației contractuale;
– elaborarea de opinii juridice detaliate, adaptate contextului specific al fiecărui client.

– calitatea de avocat definitiv, membru al Baroului București;
– cunoașterea limbii engleze la un nivel avansat (scris și vorbit);
– competențe de analiză juridică, atenție la detalii și capacitate de a lucra în echipă.

Colegii interesați sunt invitați să transmită CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Înființată în 2001, OLTEANU & PARTNERS oferă servicii juridice integrate, de înaltă calitate, la toate nivelele de jurisdicție din România.
Practica noastră include drept civil, drept penal, drept comercial, achiziții publice, drept fiscal, insolvență și faliment, dreptul muncii și proprietatea intelectuală.
Portofoliul nostru diversificat include clienți de renume din sectoare precum medical, farmaceutic, retail, servicii, comerț și construcții.
Integritatea, confidențialitatea, profesionalismul și promptitudinea sunt pilonii care au consolidat reputația noastră în cei peste 20 de ani de activitate.

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

Anunţul expiră la data de 27 decembrie 2024

GLODEANU PARTNERS is looking for Junior Associates

GLODEANU PARTNERS LLC is currently looking for enthusiastic and talented Junior Associates to join the team.

For this position, we are seeking both recent graduates who have been admitted to the Bucharest Bar in 2024, as well as fully qualified lawyers who have successfully passed the Final Bar Exam (definitive status) this year (experience in Real Estate would be a plus).

– holds a law degree from a reputable Romanian university;
– demonstrates strong organizational skills and attention to detail;
– has advanced proficiency in English (both written and spoken);
– is flexible and eager to work in a team that consistently strives for high-quality results;
– is open to continuous learning and personal development;
– is focused and able to meet objectives and deadlines effectively.

– competitive remuneration and a performance-based bonus scheme;
– ongoing professional development and training opportunities;
– flexible remote work arrangements in line with company policy;
– a dynamic, pleasant, and supportive work environment;
– private medical services subscription;
– social events, happy hours, and networking opportunities.

GLODEANU & Partners LLC is a boutique law firm, highly specialized in energy (mainly renewable energy) / real estate / infrastructure / M&A / employment / GDPR matters, founded by Ciprian Glodeanu and Cezar Gusu.

We are more than just another law firm. We are a concept serving clients and offering a personal, creative, and business oriented legal advice. We stand by our clients from the business inception to its maturity and assist in a wide range of legal issues from daily legal advice to complex transactions.

First and foremost, we value INTEGRITY, TRUST, EXCELLENCE, LOYALTY, and CREDIBILITY. We are business lawyers but play by the rules and pride ourselves on our solutions work. We recognize that our clients are best served if courts are avoided but will spare no efforts in winning litigations. Trust and credibility are fundamental grounds of all client attorney relationships.

Send your CV in English at [email protected], specifying the position you are applying for.

We look forward to meeting talented and ambitious individuals ready to join our team!

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 20 decembrie 2024

TONCESCU & ASOCIAȚII – KPMG Legal is seeking a Lawyer | Corporate, M&A

TONCESCU & ASOCIAȚII SPARL – KPMG Legal is the Romanian law firm affiliated with KPMG in Romania. It is a young, dynamic and innovative team member of the KPMG Law global network and differentiates itself in the market by offering legal services as part of complete solutions together with KPMG specialists and experts, by using technology to achieve a high level of efficiency and by the quality of its services.

We want to further grow and consolidate our team by hiring lawyers who understand current developments, challenges and expectations and who are willing to grow and evolve in a firm which offers access to local and international knowledge and expertise and in a culture focused on development, learning and collaboration.

We are currently seeking an Associate/Senior Associate to join our Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions – Legal team in Bucharest.

– 1-5 years of professional experience with a focus on Corporate and M&A;
– additional expertise in other fields of legal practice would be considered an advantage;
– excellent writing and communication skills in English (good knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage);
– completed Romanian legal studies (top Law faculties are preferred, international study experience is welcomed, high marks represent an advantage);
– membership of the Bucharest Bar;
– a proactive attitude and positive approach to work, strong analytical ability, excellent research, legal drafting and verbal communication skills and a commitment to client service;
– a team player, who is efficient, a good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

– the chance to work in a professional environment, exceptional opportunities for career growth, as well as a strong learning and development culture;
– fast paced environment and a diverse team with great mentoring opportunities;
– attractive remuneration package;
– a combination of great jobs to work on;
– great colleagues to work with;
– relevant professional development and training;
– flexible workplace and work environment.

WORKING AT KPMG is also about happy people and an internal culture that supports employees in following their passions through various activities and events.
We also have numerous benefits to support your health, a flexible working schedule and many more advantages.

We thank all applicants in advance for submitting their resumes here.

Note: Only preselected candidates will be invited to an interview.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 decembrie 2024

MÎNERAN ȘERB & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv | Litigii

MÎNERAN ȘERB & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv – litigii, membru al Baroului București, absolvent al examenului de definitivat, sesiunea noiembrie 2024 sau cu o experiență de cel mult 2 ani de la promovarea examenului de definitivat.

– bune cunoștințe teoretice şi practice ale dreptului civil și ale dreptului procesual civil;
– disponibilitate de a practica în domeniul litigiilor;
– o foarte bună cunoaștere a limbii române, ușurință şi fluență în exprimare;
– cunoștințe avansate ale limbii engleze;
– orice altă limbă străină reprezintă un avantaj.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită cv-ul, redactat în limba română, la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 decembrie 2024

ALEXANDRU MUȘĂTOIU recrutează avocați stagiari

ALEXANDRU MUȘĂTOIU – Cabinet de Avocat Timișoara recrutează 2 avocați stagiari.

– cunoștințe juridice temeinice, capacitate și dorință de învățare și perfecționare permanentă;
– membru al Baroului Timiș;
– cunoașterea utilizării programelor informatice de tip Office, a aplicațiilor și a bazelor de date juridice, abilități concrete de legal research;
– capacitate de analiză și sinteză, abilitatea de redactare a unor texte coerent argumentate, cunoștințe ireproșabile de gramatică a limbii române;
– personalitate echilibrată, matură, responsabilă, energică, orientată spre soluționarea problemelor și abordare pozitivă a dificultăților;
– abilități bune de comunicare și spirit de echipă;
– limba engleză nivel avansat.
Cunoaşterea limbii germane, italiene sau ruse reprezintă un avantaj.

Candidații interesați sunt rugați să transmită CV-ul și scrisoarea de intenție la [email protected] până la 21.11.2024.
Candidații selectați vor fi contactați pentru interviu.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul Timișoara.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 6 decembrie 2024

ENACHE PIRTEA & ASOCIAŢII is seeking Senior Attorneys | Corporate & Commercial

ENACHE PIRTEA & Asociatii S.P.A.R.L. is seeking attorneys for the consultancy practice | Corporate & Commercial Law.

Are you an accomplished attorney looking for a new challenge with a legal team known for its dedication to excellence and client-focused approach? Do you thrive in a dynamic environment where your skills are valued and your voice is heard? If so, we would love you to join our team!

Position: Senior Attorney
Location: Our office in Bucharest, Argentina street (near the Government palace)
Collaboration type: Full-time

– draft, review, and negotiate a variety of legal documents, including contracts, agreements, and corporate policies;
– advise on corporate governance matters, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
– support corporate transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, and spin-offs;
– conduct legal research and provide assistance on emerging legal issues and industry trends.

– Law degree, admitted to the bar;
– minimum of 5 (five) years of experience practicing corporate and commercial law, having previously assisted high-profile clients and large companies;
– proficient in English language, both written and spoken;
– personal and professional skills we expect;
– strong analytical, research, and writing skills;
– excellent communication and interpersonal abilities;
– demonstrated ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team;
– commitment to upholding ethical standards and client confidentiality.

– competitive salary aligned with experience and performance-bonus prospects;
– opportunities for professional development and advancement;
– involvement in high-impact projects carried out at national and international level;
– supportive and friendly work environment.

If you are passionate about the law and dedicated to delivering exceptional legal services, please submit your resume at [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 4 decembrie 2024

MDM LEGAL recrutează avocat stagiar | Litigii

MDM LEGAL recrutează avocat stagiar în cadrul departamentului de litigii.

Tipul ofertei: Full-time
Posturi disponibile: 1

– să fii absolvent al Facultății de Drept;
– să fii admis/ă în Barou;
– să ai cunoştinţe juridice temeinice în drept civil, procedură civilă, drept administrativ, drept penal;
– să ai cunoştinţe avansate de limba engleză;
– să ai o capacitate bună de analiză și atenție la detalii;
– să fii posesor de carnet de conducere categoria B;
– să fii pregătit pentru reprezentare juridică în instanță;
– să redactezi cereri de chemare în judecată, întâmpinări, cereri de intervenție, etc;
– să poţi identifica și interpreta jurisprudența relevantă, şi nu în ultimul rând…
Obligatoriu: Să ai o atitudine pozitivă și o abordare entuziastă!

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să trimită cv-ul pe adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 4 decembrie 2024



– absolvent de studii superioare finalizate cu diplomă de licenţă în domeniul juridic;
– membru în Barou;
– 3-5 ani experiență relevantă în domeniu;
– limba engleză (scris şi citit); orice cunoaștere a limbii italiane este un plus;
– abilități de utilizare a computerului;
– dorință de implicare şi informare constantă;
– abilități de negociere;
– disponibil pentru o colaborare full-time.

– muncă în echipă, colaborarea cu colegii din companie şi formularea soluţiei juridice (sectoare de activitate drept civil, comercial, administrativ şi dreptul muncii);
– oferirea de consultanţă de specialitate, reprezentare în instanță și în demersurile cu autoritățile;
– redactarea actelor juridice;
– gestionarea corespondenței și întâlnirilor legate de proiect și clienți;
– asigurarea de sprijin și asistență deplină pentru Consultanții Seniori;
– cercetarea și analiza jurisprudenței existente în diverse spețe;
– asigurarea implementării procedurilor interne.

– posibilitatea de a lucra pentru una dintre primele 10 companii de consultanță din România;
– te ajutăm să evoluezi profesional: investim în pregătirea ta profesională și asigurăm cursuri de specialitate și/sau cursuri de limbi străine (engleză/ franceză/ spaniolă/ italiană);
– avem grijă de starea ta de bine: îți oferim servicii medicale la o clinică particulară;
– avem sediul modern într-o locație centrală.

Așteptăm cu interes CV-urile dumneavoastră pe e-mail la adresa: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiile București și Timișoara.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 4 decembrie 2023

BBW LAW recrutează avocați stagiari

Bun venit la BBW LAW, locul unde tinerii avocați devin profesioniști de excepție.
Căutăm avocați stagiari care au promovat examenul de barou, cu idei inovatoare, atenție la detalii și dorința de a aborda provocările specifice dreptului afacerilor, atât în sfera consultanței, cât și a litigiilor.

Alătură-te echipei noastre și explorează dreptul afacerilor, dreptul muncii, asigurări, dreptul imobiliar, dreptul corporativ/fuziuni și achiziții și alte domenii, alături de o echipă recunoscută pentru soluții creative și o abordare orientată spre business.

Dacă ești pregătit să începi această călătorie, trimite-ne CV-ul și o scrisoare de intenție (în română, engleză sau franceză) la [email protected]
Cunoașterea limbii engleze și/sau franceze constituie un avantaj.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2023

MIHAI & Co. Business Lawyers is looking for a Junior Lawyer

MIHAI & CO. Business Lawyers is looking for a Junior Lawyer.

Join Our Team as a Junior Lawyer!

Are you a fresh junior lawyer, eager to dive into the legal world and make your mark? We’re on the lookout for a passionate and driven individual to join our team!

Fresh Junior Lawyer: Member of the Bucharest Bar.
Legal Knowledge: Good grasp of standard legal concepts and procedures.
Experience: Any previous experience or internship at a law firm is a plus but not mandatory.
Language Skills: Fluency in English (speaking and writing) is a must; French is a bonus.
Tech-Savvy: Comfortable with technology.
Detail-Oriented: Strong attention to detail.
Growth Mindset: Eager to learn and grow every day.

Task Variety: Perform a range of specific tasks under supervision.
Representation: Assist and/or represent clients in front of various authorities and public offices (e.g., Trade Registry, State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, Labor Office, Courts, Post Office, Notary Public, Translator’s Office).
Document Drafting: Draft various legal documents and requests.
Legal Research: Conduct research on different legal issues and projects.
Internal Projects: Contribute to internal projects like drafting newsletters/articles, attending professional seminars, and networking meetings.

Curious about us? Visit our Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram pages and our website to learn more about our vibrant community!

Modern Work Environment: We emphasize a balance between private and professional life.
Personal & Professional Growth: We support your passions and dreams.
Team Building: Enjoy our annual team-building events.
Collaborative Culture: We believe in strong collaboration and daily support.
Professional Networks: Be part of several professional networks and actively participate in related activities.

Our team is excited to meet you and explore if you could be our future colleague. If you’re curious to meet us and have a relaxed chat in our cozy and artistic workplace or beautiful garden, send your CV and a short note (in English) highlighting who you are to [email protected]

Let’s create something amazing together! 🌟

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 29 noiembrie 2024

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is looking for a Junior Attorney at Law

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is looking for a Junior Attorney at Law.

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is a law firm with a full-service offering, with particular focus on Compliance, Projects, Employment, Corporate and Mergers & Acquisitions, Data Privacy, Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT), Natural Resources, Public Procurement, Real Estate and Constructions.

– a junior lawyer who is a member of the Bar, with maximum 2 years of experience;
– enthusiasm for the legal profession;
– strong written and spoken English skills;
– meticulous legal research abilities;
– willingness to learn and adapt quickly in a highly professional work environment;
– strong legal knowledge, a proactive attitude, and a good sense of humor.

– great learning and professional development opportunities;
– the possibility to work in a hybrid setup;
– a friendly and flexible working environment.

To apply, please send a message with your resume to the following email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 29 noiembrie 2024

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Attorney at Law | Public Procurement

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is looking for a 2 – 7 years Attorney at Law – Public Procurement.

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is a law firm with a full-service offering, with particular focus on Compliance, Projects, Employment, Corporate and Mergers & Acquisitions, Data Privacy, Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT), Natural Resources, Public Procurement, Real Estate and Constructions.

– a fully qualified lawyer who is a member of the Bar, with 2-7 years of experience in Public Procurement;
– enthusiasm for the legal profession;
– strong written and spoken English skills;
– meticulous legal research abilities;
– willingness to learn and adapt quickly in a highly professional work environment;
– strong legal knowledge, a proactive attitude, and a good sense of humor.

– great learning and professional development opportunities;
– the possibility to work in a hybrid setup;
– a friendly and flexible working environment.

To apply, please send a message with your resume to the following email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 29 noiembrie 2024

MH LAWYERS is looking for Lawyers

MH LAWYERS is looking for Lawyers!

If you are a junior or fully qualified lawyer with 1-3 years of experience and wish to be part of a dynamic team that thrives on challenges, we invite you to get to know us.
We aim for each team member to be dedicated to both professional and personal growth and to resonate with our core values: “Legal knowledge. Human Wisdom.”
We offer active support, complex projects, and progressive responsibilities to foster the growth of every team member.

– member of the Bucharest Bar;
– solid knowledge of English, both written and spoken;
– strong understanding of civil and procedural law;
– ability to meet deadlines and closely monitor the team’s schedule and tasks.

– teamwork, organizational skills, proactivity, and creativity;
– willingness to take on responsibilities and initiatives;
– valid category B driver’s license;
– involvement in professional and extracurricular projects.

– drafting legal documents such as summons, statements of defense, legal opinions, notifications, etc.;
– providing assistance and representation in court and before other institutions, according to the level of competence;
– managing activities related to RECOM, court archives, Land Registry, ANAF, AEGRM, OSIM, and other institutions;
– assisting in the preparation and management of cases under the supervision of senior lawyers.

We offer a competitive, negotiable financial package.

If our values resonate with you and you are ready to join the MH LAWYERS team, please send your application to: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 28 noiembrie 2024

CHERECHEȘ LUCIA recrutează avocați stagiari

Cabinet de Avocat CHERECHEȘ LUCIA recrutează avocați stagiari, sesiunea septembrie 2024, membri ai Baroului București.

Solicităm bune cunoștințe teoretice ale dreptului civil, precum și ale procedurii civile.
Constituie un avantaj cunoașterea legislaţiei din domeniul restituirii proprietăţii (în special Legea nr. 10/2001, Legea 165/2013), precum şi cunoaşterea, la nivel avansat a limbii franceze.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită CV-ul, redactat în limba română, la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 25 noiembrie 2024

MPR PARTNERS is looking for Lawyers | Advisory

MPR PARTNERS is looking for Advisory Lawyers.

Final Bar exams successfully over and you possess minimum 2 maximum 5 years of experience in a variety of (hereafter mentioned) practice areas? Between groundbreaking technology matters, major M&A deals, large investment arbitration cases, real estate & infrastructure projects, public procurement mandates, cryptoassets as well as impressive green energy cases, our advisory department needs more hands and minds to help continue to provide top-quality advice to our major international and local clients.
We consequently have openings for fully qualified lawyers, who are eager to learn and perfect their business law careers.

– independent business law firm with offices in London and Bucharest as well as affiliated tax, accounting, financial and insolvency practices;
– multiple practice areas ranked and recognized by famous international directories (Best Lawyers International, IFLR, the Legal 500, Chambers and Partners);
– recipients of Highly Commended (Runner-up) European Law Firm of the Year at The Lawyer European Awards 2018 accolade; Eastern Europe and the Balkans Law Firm of the Year award, at The Lawyer European Awards 2018; Romania Law Firm of the Year award, at The Lawyer European Awards 2017; shortlisted in the Managing Partner of the Year category at The Lawyer European Awards 2018;
– recipients of several Lexology Client Choice Awards awarded by in-house counsels for excellence of service and outstanding client care in competition law, M&A, telecom and media as well as restructuring and insolvency;
– proud holders of an impressive portfolio of major global clients (important names in numerous sectors such as technology, air transport, automotive, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, energy, telecommunications, financial services, and many more);
– constant contributor to reputed international publications and professional platforms (such as The World Bank Group, Thomson Reuters, International Comparative Legal Guides, Lexology – Getting the Deal Through, Sweet and Maxwell, Chambers and Partners, The Legal 500, etc.).

– proficiency in English (written and spoken), including strong knowledge of legal English is an absolute must;
– LL.M and any other degrees in law or economics awarded by a foreign university and/or foreign bar qualifications are a major plus;
– previous internships and/or experience in a firm ranked by major directories constitutes an advantage;
– openness to continuous professional training, team spirit and adaptability to firm`s policies and high standards.

– attractive remuneration package;
– high profile clients and assignments;
– career advancement opportunities based on both professional and personal qualities;
– the opportunity to work with an award-winning highly professional team, repeatedly praised by its clients for the services provided and impeccable approach to matters;
– continuous education and personal marketing opportunities;
– work environment centred on strong ethics, integrity and team spirit.

Please send your resume and letter of intent (explaining why you chose to be part of our team and what motivates you in your legal career) to [email protected]. Please use the subject line Advisory.
Please bear in mind that only selected candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 20 noiembrie 2024

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a Junior Associate | Corporate, M&A

is looking for a Junior Associate | Corporate, M&A


Join our Corporate/M&A team!

Are you looking to engage in some of the most sensitive and challenging projects? Complexity and sophistication are the key elements of the activity at
BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAȚII. Join one of the most ambitious teams, with a mentality and approach similar to that investment banks.

– admitted to the Bar;
– solid knowledge of Romanian civil law and commercial law;
– proficient in both written and spoken English;
– truly eager to learn, build, and passionately perfect a remarkable long-term career with us, rewarded accordingly;
– proactive, with ideas beyond standards, wanting to apply them in some of the most challenging projects in this practice area;
– a team player.

– real professional and entrepreneurial development in a team of remarkable, dedicated, experienced lawyers and consultants, recognized as such by international legal directories;
– competitive compensation;
– additional days off in addition to statutory leave;
– the opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team;
– a friendly working atmosphere;
– a series of additional benefits to financial compensation.

If you are interested in the above, we would love to get to know you by receiving your application: CV and a cover letter in English at the email address [email protected]
All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAȚII SPARL is predominantly a Corporate M&A and Finance & Restructuring legal powerhouse with investment banking type of mentality & approach. Established following of a spin-off of the Bucharest office of a Magic Circle law firm, Bulboacă şi Asociaţii has one of the strongest brands on the Romanian law market, with preponderant experience in financing & restructuring, mergers & acquisitions, insolvencies & litigation and labor law, since 1’st January of 2007. We are involved in some of the most sensible and demanding transactions or matters, very often quite difficult to close or to solve, whereby a staggering, passionate and a determined approach, alongside with the specific legal and business acumen plays a fundamental role. We counsel financial institutions, funds, companies, their senior management or shareholders with respect to situations that are critical. When our clients are facing a major challenge, that is beyond the usual thinking or unsolvable, our experience evidences that also in such situations there are real chances to make a deal or to solve a matter.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 noiembrie 2024

VASS LAWYERS recrutează avocat stagiar

VASS LAWYERS recrutează avocat stagiar.

VASS Lawyers este o firmă de avocatură boutique de top, recunoscută la nivel internațional de Legal 500 pentru excelența în domeniile Achiziții Publice și Parteneriate Public-Private (PPP), Soluționarea Disputelor & Arbitraje și Imobiliare & Construcții. Gestionăm atât proiecte cu valori semnificative, cât și aspecte de Day-to-Day Business, cu aceeași dedicare și la aceleași standarde de calitate. Cu o experiență de peste 15 ani în piața avocaturii, echipa noastră de avocați oferă servicii juridice la un nivel de calitate corporativă, utilizând cele mai noi tehnologii juridice, într-o structură flexibilă și non-birocratică, cu un management excelent al proiectelor și o comunicare eficientă.

La VASS Lawyers, un avocat stagiar va găsi un mediu dinamic și plin de oportunități, dar suficient de compact încât să primească atenția și sprijinul necesare pentru a-și dezvolta abilitățile. Aici, avocații stagiari au ocazia să crească profesional, implicându-se în proiecte captivante dintr-o gamă variată de domenii și beneficiind de o echipă care apreciază și valorifică fiecare contribuție.

– absolvenți ai unei facultăți de drept din România și membri ai Baroului;
– activitățile extracurriculare, precum voluntariatul în asociații studențești sau alte ONG-uri reprezintă un avantaj;
– capacitatea de a interpreta prevederile legale și de a realiza research-uri juridice comprehensive;
– abilități de redactare a documentelor juridice, meticulozitate și atenție la detalii;
– abilități foarte bune de comunicare, atât în limba română, cât și în engleză;
– profesionalism și responsabilitate, atitudine proactivă și orientare spre soluții, pasiune, creativitate, perseverență, atitudine pozitivă și constructivă;
– împărtăşirea valorilor noastre (e.g. confidențialitate, spirit de echipă, etică profesională solidă, onestitate);
– cunoștințe de Microsoft Office (e.g. Outlook, Word, Excel, Teams).

– asistență în redactarea opiniilor juridice și a informărilor cu privire la proiectele în derulare;
– asistență în elaborarea proiectelor de acte juridice (contracte, acte constitutive, contestații, cereri de chemare în judecată, întâmpinări etc.);
– asistență și reprezentare juridică în fața instanțelor judecătorești, a autorităților cu atribuții jurisdicționale și a organelor administrației publice;
– research-uri juridice și asigurarea suportului administrativ pentru proiectele în derulare.

– onorariu atractiv și bonusuri de performanță;
– şansa de a te dezvolta profesional alături de cei mai buni profesioniști din domeniu – recunoscuți de Legal 500 drept Leading Individual și Next Generation Partner -, prin implicarea în proiecte de mare amploare, dar și în aspecte de Day-to-Day Business;
– abonament de servicii medicale;
– zile de concediu suplimentare de ziua de naștere și pentru vechime în echipă;
– sistem de lucru hibrid – posibilitatea de a lucra parțial remote după primii doi ani de activitate;
– birou confortabil cu zonă de relaxare, grădină și office snacks;
– o echipă deschisă și prietenoasă, un mediu de lucru plăcut, care încurajează respectul reciproc și munca în echipă.

La VASS Lawyers, vei găsi un echilibru perfect între complexitatea proiectelor și o echipă bine structurată, dar nu prea numeroasă, ceea ce înseamnă că fiecare membru contează. Vei avea șansa de a te implica direct în proiecte interesante și provocatoare, beneficiind de atenția și suportul colegilor cu experiență. Aici, contribuția ta va fi apreciată și vei avea posibilitatea să înveți într-un mediu deschis și colaborativ, unde dezvoltarea ta profesională chiar contează.

Alătură-te echipei noastre și vei avea parte de o experiență de învățare valoroasă, cu oportunități reale de a crește și de a te dezvolta într-o echipă care are timpul și dedicarea să investească în tine.

Dacă ești interesat/ă și decizi că te-ai potrivi în echipa noastră, trimite CV-ul tău și o scurtă descriere personală/ scrisoarea de intenție la adresa de e-mail [email protected]
Titlul e-mail-ului trebuie să menţioneze poziţia vizată.

Interviurile vor fi organizate la biroul din strada Alexandru Depărățeanu nr. 10 (zona Piața Victoriei – Pasajul Basarab – Gara de Nord).

Mulțumim anticipat tuturor candidaților pentru transmiterea aplicațiilor, însă vă rugăm să aveți în vedere că doar candidații selectați pentru interviu vor fi contactați.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 noiembrie 2024

SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW is seeking an Associate Lawyer

SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW is currently seeking for qualified lawyers Business Law, Energy, Contracts.

Position: Associate Lawyer

– handle energy related projects;
– assist our clients in business law and contracts matters.

– opportunities for professional growth;
– competitive salary package;
– flexible and dynamic work environment;
– emphasis on legal development and collaboration with partners;
– international client exposure;
– central office location.

– qualified Lawyer – Member of the Bar Association (avocat definitiv);
– proficiency in English;
– independent and detail-oriented mindset;
– minimum 3 years of experience.
Experience in M&A, Real Estate and Construction Law an asset.

ABOUT SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW: Visit us at SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW to learn more about our firm.

At Sirbu & Vornicu Law, we distinguish ourselves through personalized client service, deep industry knowledge, and a collaborative approach. We invest time in understanding our clients’ unique needs and challenges, operating as an extension of their businesses. Our team combines global insight with local expertise to deliver unparalleled legal solutions in procurement and construction law.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV to [email protected]

Join us at Sirbu & Vornicu Law and contribute to our commitment to excellence in legal practice.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 noiembrie 2024

VOICU & ASOCIAȚII is looking for Lawyers | Business

VOICU & ASOCIAȚII is looking for Business Lawyers (maximum 5 years from Bar admission).

– strong professional knowledge and creative thinking, capable to handle multiple tasks;
– track record in general commercial and corporate law;
– quality driven, commitment, dedicated team player, strong communication skills;
– proficiency in English language;
– computer literate (Microsoft Office).

– attractive compensation package;
– performance driven development and promotion opportunities;
– international highly professional and friendly work environment.

If you want to join our team, please us send your CV and letter of intention at: [email protected]
We look forward to receiving your applications and welcome you to our team.
Thank you for understanding that only selected candidates will be contacted.

With a history of over 20 years, Voicu & Asociații is one of the most important law firms in Romania in the field of business consulting, covering a wide range of areas of activity ( Under the Voicu & Asociații brand operate the law firm, the company specialized in tax and accounting consulting, Voicu Financial & Tax Advisers SRL, and the professional company of insolvency practitioners, V.F. Insolvency SPRL, which together provide integrated solutions to the group’s clients, international and local companies.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 octombrie 2024

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Attorney at Law | Business Consultancy

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is looking for a 4 – 6 years Attorney at Law – Business Consultancy.

MIHAI, LUCIAN și ASOCIAȚII is a law firm with a full-service offering, with particular focus on Compliance, Projects, Employment, Corporate and Mergers & Acquisitions, Data Privacy, Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT), Natural Resources, Public Procurement, Real Estate and Constructions.

– a fully qualified lawyer who is a member of the Bar, with 4-6 years of experience in Business Consultancy;
– enthusiasm for the legal profession;
– strong written and spoken English skills;
– meticulous legal research abilities;
– willingness to learn and adapt quickly in a highly professional work environment;
– strong legal knowledge, a proactive attitude, and a good sense of humor.

– great learning and professional development opportunities;
– the possibility to work in a hybrid setup;
– a friendly and flexible working environment.

To apply, please send a message with your resume to the following email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 noiembrie 2024

D&B DAVID şi BAIAS recrutează avocat | Litigii fiscale

D&B DAVID şi BAIAS – societatea de avocatură afiliată PwC în România, recrutează avocat pentru a se alătura echipei de Litigii fiscale.

– avocat cu experiență de 0-3 ani de la intrarea în Barou;
– deține cunoștințe solide de drept civil, procedură civilă și administrativ;
– abilități de comunicare și capacitate de integrare într-un colectiv;
– deschidere şi disponibilitate spre un progres continuu;
– dă dovadă de acuratețe în redactare;
– capacitate de concentrare şi orientare către obiective şi sarcini;
– perseverență, responsabilitate şi integritate.

– onorariu avantajos;
– un loc de muncă stabil într-un climat multinațional;
– posibilitate de dezvoltare reală din punct de vedere profesional într-un cadru de profesioniști;
– oportunitatea de a lucra într-o echipă dinamică şi motivată.

Candidații interesați de o dezvoltare profesională într-un climat multinațional în care sunt cultivate excelența şi spiritul de echipă sunt rugați să trimită CV-ul şi o scrisoare de intenție în atenţia Madalinei Garlia la adresa [email protected] până la data de 05.11.2024.

D&B David şi Baias, societatea de avocatură afiliată a PricewaterhouseCoopers în România (“D&B”), cea mai mare rețea internațională de audit, consultanţă fiscală şi de afaceri, fiind integrată în rețeaua societăților de avocați corespondente PwC care cuprinde mai mult de 2.000 de avocați în 85 de jurisdicții. D&B David şi Baias este concepută ca un parteneriat bazat pe o comunitate de valori între avocații ei, între aceștia şi clienți şi între D&B şi PwC. Pe piața locală, D&B, împreună cu PwC, lucrează cu clienți din România și Republica Moldova prin intermediul rețelei de 5 birouri PwC din Bucureşti, Timișoara, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța şi Chișinău.
D&B este recunoscută și recomandată de cercetători internaționali independenți, cum ar fi Chambers & Partners, Legal 500 și IFLR 1000 ca fiind o firmă de avocatură de top în domenii precum Litigii fiscale şi de drept administrativ, Concurență & Antitrust, Corporate, M & A.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 6 noiembrie 2024

DRAGOMIR, LEFTER, NIȚĂ & ASOCIAŢII is looking for Junior Associates

DRAGOMIR, LEFTER, NIȚĂ & ASOCIAŢII is looking for Junior Associates.

We are a dynamic law firm, and we’re on the lookout for emerging legal talents to join our team. If you have a passion for law, enthusiasm, and drive, this could be the ideal opportunity for you!

– a fully qualified lawyer admitted to the Bar in September 2024 or with 1 year of experience;
– strong knowledge of civil and administrative law;
– logical thinking, planning, organization skills, and the ability to manage time effectively while meeting deadlines;
– fluency in English is essential, while French or other languages would be a great bonus;
– a proactive, collaborative attitude, with a good sense of humor and the ability to balance professionalism with positivity.

– continuous learning and professional development, with access to local and international clients;
– a friendly and stimulating environment that fosters professional and personal growth;
– exciting career opportunities in a growing law firm;
– a supportive, friendly team and a collaborative atmosphere;
– modern office space in Bucharest with stunning views and a serene, green environment.

If you are ready for a new challenge and meet these criteria, we’d love to receive your CV and letter of intent at [email protected]
Let’s have a coffee and talk about your future with us!

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 4 noiembrie 2024

ŢUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a Junior Lawyer | Banking & Finance

Tuca-Zbarcea-Asociatii 10

ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII is looking for a Junior Lawyer willing to join our Banking & Finance Team.
Our favorite candidate would be a career-oriented young lawyer eager to build a career in Banking & Finance.

– a member of the legal profession after passing the Bar examination;
– determined to start a career in Banking & Finance and dedicated to continuous learning;
– very good research skills, attention to detail and analytical thinking;
– good organizational skills and the ability to meet deadlines;
– flexible and adaptable, team player;
– fluency in English;
– computer literacy (MS Office).

– attractive pay, subject to regular evaluations, which may be raised by reference to performance and annual bonuses;
– opportunity to work and develop in a highly professional team.

Ţuca Zbârcea & Asociaţii has a team of over 120 legal professionals, offices in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca, and offers the whole range of advisory services in every aspect of business, covering 21 practice areas in legal consultancy.
The firm is generally described as “one of the most dynamic firms in the Romanian legal market at the moment […] which has built a really successful practice and has emerged as one of the burgeoning outfits in the market.” (IFLR 1000).
Also, according to Chambers Global, it “continues to impress the market with significant mandates” while “its faster than average growth means that Ţuca Zbârcea & Asociaţii is now recognized as a leading law firm”. Furthermore, the firm “offers cutting-edge legal representation and serves clients’ interests beyond the confines of traditional lawyering”, employing a team of “true forward-thinkers” who provide both “innovative and practical solutions to legal problems”.

If you fit the description and are looking to start your career in a competitive environment, please send us your CV and cover letter (in English) to the e-mail address “[email protected]
Please note that only selected candidates will be contacted and invited to an interview.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 4 noiembrie 2024

MÎNERAN ȘERB & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv | Litigii

MÎNERAN ȘERB & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv – Litigii, membru al Baroului București, cu o experiență de 1-5 ani de la promovarea examenului de definitivat.

– bune cunoștințe teoretice şi practice ale dreptului civil și ale dreptului procesual civil;
– disponibilitate de a practica în domeniul litigiilor;
– o foarte bună cunoaștere a limbii române, ușurință şi fluență în exprimare;
– cunoștințe avansate ale limbii engleze;
– orice altă limbă străină reprezintă un avantaj.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită cv-ul, redactat în limba română, la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 4 noiembrie 2024

SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW is seeking a qualified Lawyer

SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW is currently seeking a qualified Lawyer specializing in Public Procurement & Litigation (avocat Achizitii publice & Litigii).

– handle public procurement, litigation, and arbitration matters;
– provide legal counsel on construction law matters.

– opportunities for professional growth;
– competitive salary package;
– flexible and dynamic work environment;
– emphasis on legal development and collaboration with partners;
– international client exposure;
– central office location.

– qualified Lawyer – Member of the Bar Association (avocat definitiv);
– proficiency in English;
– independent and detail-oriented mindset;
– minimum 3 years of experience;
– experience in Litigation, Arbitration, Public Procurement, and Construction Law preferred.

ABOUT SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW: Visit us at SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW to learn more about our firm.
At Sirbu & Vornicu Law, we distinguish ourselves through personalized client service, deep industry knowledge, and a collaborative approach. We invest time in understanding our clients’ unique needs and challenges, operating as an extension of their businesses. Our team combines global insight with local expertise to deliver unparalleled legal solutions in procurement and construction law.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV to [email protected]

Join us at Sirbu & Vornicu Law and contribute to our commitment to excellence in legal practice.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 1 noiembrie 2024

OANCEA TRIFAN DUMITRAŞCU recrutează avocat stagiar

OANCEA TRIFAN DUMITRAŞCU SCA recrutează recrutează avocat stagiar – Barou 2024.

– avocați stagiari admiși în barou în 2024;
– abilități bune de comunicare și spirit de echipă;
– curiozitate și deschidere către noi provocări;
– energie pozitivă și atitudine proactivă.

– un mediu de lucru relaxat, dar profesionist;
– oportunități de dezvoltare și învățare într-o echipă cu experiență;
– proiecte interesante și variate;
– mentorat și suport constant.

CV-urile se transmit pe adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiile București, Timișoara, Deva și Oradea.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 1 noiembrie 2024

POPESCU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi stagiari

POPESCU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocați stagiari.

Ești o persoană ambițioasă?
Îți dorești să ai o carieră de succes în avocatură?
Ești pregătit/ă să faci primul pas în cadrul unei firme care încurajează dezvoltarea profesională?

Alătură-te echipei noastre!

– şansa de a lucra în mandate și dosare complexe pentru companii cunoscute, alături de avocați recunoscuți de directoarele juridice;
– remunerație atractivă;
– mediu de lucru plăcut, alături de o echipă tânără, dar cu experiență vastă, care încurajează creșterea profesională continuă;
– birou situat central, aproape de stația de metrou Piața Victoriei.

– recent admis/ă în Baroul București;
– deții cunoștințe bune de limba engleză (cunoașterea unei alte limbi străine este un plus);
– ai abilități analitice și de sinteză;
– ești proactiv/ă, ai curiozitate juridică, disponibilitate și determinare;
– îți dorești să înveți și să te dezvolți în mod continuu;
– îți stabilești cu atenție și urmărești constant obiectivele propuse;
– ai bune abilități de a lucra în echipă, ești flexibil/ă, te adaptezi rapid.

POPESCU & ASOCIAȚII este firma de avocatură din prima linie, cu experiență dovedită în consultanța juridică, precum și ariile litigiilor și dreptului penal. Societatea și avocații săi sunt clasați în toate clasamentele directoarelor juridice prestigioase precum Legal 500, Chambers & Partners, IFLR 1000, ITR World Tax.

În 2023 și 2024 compania a primit titlul Eastern Europe Firm of the Year în cadrul Women in Business Law Awards EMEA de la Londra.

POPESCU & ASOCIAȚII promovează excelența și investește în dezvoltarea profesională continuă a fiecărui avocat stagiar, printr-un program de formare dedicat, mentorat și acces nelimitat la resurse de învățare.

Trimite CV-ul la adresa [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 1 noiembrie 2024

KINSTELLAR is looking for Junior Lawyers

KINSTELLAR is looking for Junior Lawyers to join our various practice areas teams.

Kinstellar is a full-service firm, with particularly strong employment, litigation, real estate, M&A/corporate, finance, competition, private equity and energy practices. We take on the most complex and high-profile assignments from some of the world’s most successful companies, who expect the highest level of service and expertise. We have built our reputation by exceeding their expectations.

We are looking for Junior Associates to practice in our various practice areas teams with anywhere from fresh graduate to 2 years of experience at a law firm, with preference for any or all of the following skills sets/practice:
– has a law degree from a reputable Romanian university and is member of the Bucharest Bar;
– has solid knowledge of civil and company law and a keen interest in European Union law;
– has up to two (2) years of practical experience at an international or major domestic law firm;
– finds motivation in working on complex matters for international clients and global law firms;
– is flexible and wants to work in a team that is praised for the consistently high quality of their work;
– is a team player with passion for excellence.
Very good written and spoken English is a must; knowledge of further foreign languages is an advantage.

If you are looking to take the next step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join an independent law firm across the region and be part of our success.

– professional development in a leading CEE law firm and interesting work for reputable local and international clients (more information at;
– a modern, dynamic and flexible work environment;
– technical and soft skills training and development across practice groups and jurisdictions;
– competitive compensation including future salary growth and annual performance bonus; and
– private medical services subscription.

As a law firm providing premium legal services, we have a vested interest to ensure that our people have the best opportunities for professional development. We invest significantly in knowledge, learning and professional development.

We are looking for the best and brightest to help us continue to grow. If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please, send your application (CV and cover letter) in English to Manuela Leptiher, Bucharest HR Manager at [email protected]
Please specify the position you are applying for.
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024

KINSTELLAR is looking for a Lawyer | Banking & Finance

KINSTELLAR is looking for a Lawyer to join our Banking & Finance team.

Kinstellar is a full-service firm, with particularly strong employment, litigation, real estate, M&A/corporate, finance, competition, private equity and energy practices. We take on the most complex and high-profile assignments from some of the world’s most successful companies, who expect the highest level of service and expertise. We have built our reputation by exceeding their expectations.

We are looking for a lawyer to practice in our Banking & Finance Bucharest team with anywhere from 2 to 6 years of experience at a law firm, with preference for any or all of the following skills sets/practice:
– have a law degree from a reputable Romanian university and is member of the Bucharest Bar;
– have solid knowledge of civil and company law;
– have practical experience of least two (2) years and up to six (6) years at an international or major domestic law firm;
– find motivation in working on complex matters for international clients and global law firms;
– are flexible and want to work in a team that is praised for the consistently high quality of their work;
– are team players with passion for excellence;
Very good written and spoken English is a must; knowledge of further foreign languages is an advantage.

If you are looking to take the next step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join an independent law firm across the region and be part of our success.

– professional development in a leading CEE law firm and interesting work for reputable local and international clients (more information at;
– a modern and dynamic flexible work environment;
– technical and soft skills training and development across practice groups and jurisdictions;
– competitive compensation including future salary growth and annual performance bonus: and
– private medical services subscription.

As a law firm providing premium legal services, we have a vested interest to ensure that our people have the best opportunities for professional development. We invest significantly in knowledge, learning and professional development.

We are looking for the best and brightest to help us continue to grow. If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please, send your application (CV focused on describing the practical employment experience and cover letter) in English to Manuela Leptiher, Bucharest HR Manager at [email protected]
Please specify the position you are applying for.
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024

SAVIN & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat stagiar

SCPA SAVIN & ASOCIAŢII recrutează urgent avocat stagiar.

Candidatul potrivit va trebui să dețină o pregătire academică relevantă, să fie membru al Baroului București și să aibă cunoștințe avansate de limba engleză.

– cunoştinţe temeinice în domeniul juridic;
– experienţă în pregătirea şi gestionarea de acţiuni în justiţie, pe întreg parcursul procesual;
– acurateţe în exprimare şi în redactarea cererilor de chemare în judecată, a întâmpinărilor, contestațiilor, notelor de şedinţă, concluziilor scrise, căilor de atac, atenţie şi răbdare pentru lucru de research;
– bune abilităţi de comunicare şi lucru în echipă;
– atenție la detalii și spirit de echipă.

PRINCIPALELE RESPONSABILITĂŢI ale viitorul nostru colaborator
– cercetare/documentare juridică şi redactare cereri, note şi alte asemenea în materie civilă;
– redactarea de documente specifice;
– disponibilitate deplină pentru performanţă şi dezvoltare profesională;
– atenție deosebită la detalii, performanță înaltă și etică profesională impecabilă;
– aptitudini interpersonale bine definite și abilitatea de a colabora cu echipa și cu Managing Partnerul.

În cazul în care vă consideraţi potrivit şi doriţi să profesați într-un mediu competitiv, care promovează competenţa profesională şi spiritul de echipă, sunteţi rugaţi să trimiteţi un Curriculum Vitae şi o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de email [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 30 octombrie 2024

SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Attorney at Law | Real Estate


SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for a motivated Attorney at Law specializing in Real Estate to join our team in Bucharest.

– Law school graduate with Bar membership;
– 4-5 years of professional experience, particularly in real estate matters;
– excellent command of written and spoken English; knowledge of additional languages is a plus.

– outstanding knowledge of the real estate legal framework and practice;
– strong commitment to continuous learning and professional development;
– proactive attitude and positive approach to work;
– strong analytical skills and meticulous attention to detail;
– excellent research, writing and verbal communication skills;
– dedication to client service;
– efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

– interesting and challenging work for renowned clients;
– an innovative and international working environment with high profile mandates;
– the opportunity to work closely with other practice groups on a domestic and cross-border basis;
– regular trainings at the Schoenherr Academy and specific trainings held in various CEE countries where we have offices;
– recognized state of the art legal skills. We will constantly help you improve your knowledge and management abilities;
– continuous coaching & mentorship. We are passionate about our work. We will make sure you receive both formal training and as regular- mentorship from your manager and others;
– ability to work with an exclusive clientele;
– dynamic and supportive work environment.

If you meet these qualifications and are excited about working with international clients, we invite you to apply. Join our successful, career-minded team and take the next step in your professional journey!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Please send your CV and motivational letter in English to Ana Lupsor at [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 28 octombrie 2024

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocați definitivi | Drept comercial

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL este în plină expansiune și recrutează avocați definitivi pentru practica de Drept comercial/Dreptul afacerilor.

– nivel avocat definitiv (prezență în Baroul București sau în alt barou din România);
– 3-5 ani experiență profesională dobândită în cadrul unei societăți de avocatură;
– cunoștințe juridice solide, spirit analitic și experiență efectivă în domeniul dreptului civil și al dreptului societar;
– experiența în domeniul fuziunilor și achizițiilor (M&A) este un avantaj;
– buna cunoaștere a limbii engleze;
– capacitatea de a lucra atât individual cât și în echipă;
– flexibilitate, proactivitate, abilităţi interpersonale şi dorința de învăţare şi dezvoltare;
– abordare pragmatică, orientare spre nevoile comerciale ale clientului;
– spirit de echipă, focus pe cunoaşterea şi înţelegerea nevoilor clienţilor şi a pieţei.

– desfășurarea activităţii într-o echipă plăcută şi dinamică, cu focus pe abordări constructive şi indentificare de soluţii inovative;
– gestionarea proiectelor de drept societar, comercial și imobiliar diverse şi interesante, inclusiv achiziții de imobile prin cadrul procedurilor de M&A;
– administrarea proiectelor privind transferuri de business, fuziuni şi tranzacții;
– redactarea sau revizuirea de contracte;
– redactarea sau revizuirea de memorandumuri pe diverse aspecte juridice;
– efectuarea de analize de tip due-diligence.

– onorariu competitiv;
– program de lucru hibrid;
– certificări gratuite și traininguri naționale și internaționale;
– zile de concediu în plus când sărbătorile legale sunt în weekend;
– alăturarea unei Comunități EY și practicarea hobby-ului cu colegii în afara orelor de muncă;
– numeroase reduceri, avantaje și acoperire medicală;
– acces gratuit la Udemy, EY Badges;
– biblioteca Bookster;
– abonament medical pentru angajați și membrii familiei (soț/soție/copii);
– asigurare de viață și accident;
– EAP – Program de Asistență pentru Angajați – Servicii de consiliere confidențială pe termen scurt pentru tine și cei cu care locuiești;
– vei învăța FOARTE MULT prin experiență în cadrul unei echipe tinere și dinamice, în proiecte multidisciplinare alături de consultanți de management și consultanți financiari pentru o gamă diversă de clienți MARI.

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL este o societate de avocați ce oferă servicii juridice complete, în diverse arii de practică, fiind membră a societăților din grupul Ernst & Young Global Ltd.

Chambers Global 2019 a recunoscut practica noastră de Drept Societar/M&A, în timp ce Chambers Europe 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 și 2023 au plasat practica noastră de Controverse și Dispute Fiscale în banda 1. The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East and Africa 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 și 2023 au premiat, de asemenea, practicile noastre de Drept Comercial, Drept Societar/M&A, în timp ce edițiile din 2020, 2021, 2022 și 2023 au plasat practica noastră de Controverse și Dispute Fiscale pe poziția 1. Practica noastră de Dreptul Muncii este în prezent clasată pe poziția 3 în Legal 500.

Dacă îți dorești să ne cunoaștem, așteptăm CV-ul tău la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 24 octombrie 2024

R&R Partners recrutează avocat stagiar

R&R Partners recrutează avocat stagiar, cu accent pe dreptul imigrării și drept comercial.

– membru al Baroului București;
– bună cunoaştere a limbii engleze;
– cunoștințe operare PC, în special Microsoft Office;
– dorință de învățare și dezvoltare;
– bune abilităţi de organizare, comunicare și lucru în echipă.

– climat de lucru prietenos şi motivant;
– spațiu de lucru atractiv, în centrul orașului;
– posibilitatea de dezvoltare din punct de vedere profesional prin implicarea în proiecte interesante.

Așteptăm CV-ul pe e-mail la adresa: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 24 octombrie 2024

PRO TV is looking for a Senior Legal Counsellor

EPIC Business Human Strategy is looking for his client PRO TV for a Senior Legal Counsellor.

PRO TV operates on the Romanian market since December 1st, 1995. It’s the TV station that revolutionized the term of private TV station in Romania and that kicked off a series of powerful products on the Romanian media market, like: Acasa, PROCinema, PRO TV International.

PRO TV SRL, owned by Central European Media Enterprises (CME), is the source of news, information, and entertainment of the highest quality. Our client’s goal is to be impartial and to treat their viewers, partners, and the entire society fair and open. Their news programs are according to the actual journalistic standards and are presenting the reality accurately and objectively. PRO TV’s reputation is built based on respecting the rules of professional conduct and professionalism of journalists.

CME is a media and entertainment company, operating in five markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia. The company operates 33 television channels, which broadcast to about 50 million viewers in the six markets. CME develops and produces content for this company’s television channels. The content of the programs is also distributed to third parties, both in their region and globally.

In October 2020, Central European Media Enterprises was acquired by PPF Group N.V., which invests in various market segments such as financial services, telecommunications, biotechnology, real estate and mechanical engineering. With approximately 135,000 employees globally, PPF’s business spans Europe to North America and Asia.

CME’s success throughout the region is due to this company’s strategy of producing and broadcasting high-quality local programs and independent news, building multichannel networks and sharing knowledge and skills among their professional, locally managed teams.

Career changers with special skills are very welcome to contribute to the success of this organization with their competence, ideas, and commitment. The company’s structure is opened to all kinds of possibilities for personal evolvement and professional development and to boost its employees’ individual strengths and interests even further.

In this context, our client aims to strengthen the legal team and has started a recruitment and selection process for the position of Senior Legal Counsellor, will report to the Head of Legal Department and will coordinates/supervises projects and processes according to the objectives agreed with the line manager.

We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Legal Advisor with over 10 years of experience specializing in labor law. The ideal candidate will have a robust background in handling litigation, disciplinary investigations, and other legal matters crucial to human resources departments. The role requires extensive experience working with HR teams, providing both practical and strategic legal guidance in essential labor law areas.

The successful candidate will possess solid expertise in commercial contracts and litigation, including contract negotiation, conflict resolution, courtroom representation (nice to have), and legal case coordination. Experience in managing relationships with external law firms is also essential.

If you are a seasoned legal professional with a strong focus on labor law and a proven track record of working effectively with HR departments, we encourage you to apply.

Main Responsibilities and Areas of Involvement
Legal Consulting on Labor Law:
– provide human resources advice on all aspects of labor law;
– monitor and interpret legislative changes in labor law to ensure compliance with current legal regulations;
– participate in reviewing and updating human resources policies to ensure compliance with national and international legislation.

Managing Disciplinary Investigations:
– support and advise the HR team in disciplinary investigations: drafting procedures, evaluating evidence, ensuring compliance with legal regulations;
– prepare and verify the documentation necessary for disciplinary procedures, ensuring adherence to deadlines and legal procedures;
– advise and represent the company in cases of appeals against disciplinary decisions, including in court.

Managing Labor Disputes:
– represent the company in disputes related to labor conflicts;
– prepare legal strategies and necessary documents to defend the company’s interests in court or before competent authorities.

Negotiating and Managing Relations with Unions and Employee Representatives:
– provide legal advice in collective bargaining, participate in discussions, and draft collective labor agreements;
– support the HR team in relations with employee representative committees to avoid conflicts and promote a harmonious work environment;
– manage labor conflicts and prevent strike actions through effective negotiations and appropriate legal strategies.

Commercial Contracts and Commercial Disputes:
– draft, negotiate, and review commercial contracts relevant to human resources (service contracts, external recruitment contracts, collaboration agreements);
– manage commercial disputes and represent the company in cases involving contracts with third parties or suppliers;
– oversee legal activities related to external suppliers and service providers, ensuring compliance with contracts and managing any disputes.

Relationship with External Law Firms and Coordination of Disputes:
– coordinate relationships with external law firms in complex cases requiring additional expertise or court representation;
– supervise legal strategies and monitor the progress of cases handled by external lawyers, ensuring alignment with the company’s interests.

Managing Statutory and Corporate Activities:
– draft, review, and manage statutory and corporate documents;
– register statutory/corporate documents, if applicable, with the relevant authorities;
– represent the company in dealings with institutions/authorities in matters related to the company’s corporate activities.

Additional Required Skills
Excellent Communication and Negotiation Skills:
– able to communicate clearly and concisely with HR colleagues, employees, management, and other internal clients;
– effective negotiation with involved parties (employees, internal clients, etc.) is essential to achieve favorable outcomes for the company.

Ability to Work Under Pressure and Conflict Resolution:
– managing tense situations such as labor disputes, collective bargaining, or disciplinary investigations requires calm and strategic thinking.

Solution-Oriented and Proactive Approach:
– actively involved in finding legal solutions to improve labor relations and prevent disputes;
– ability to identify legal risks and provide recommendations to minimize them.

Additional Knowledge (Nice to Have):
– experience with unions and negotiating collective agreements is a significant plus, considering the complexity of labor relations in a large organization;
– experience in managing commercial contracts and disputes is also a significant advantage, providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to solving complex legal issues.

– Bachelor’s degree in law or a related field; additional qualifications such as a Master’s degree or specialization in a relevant area is a plus;
– minimum 10 years of relevant experience in a legal role;
– strong knowledge of labor law, robust background in handling litigation, disciplinary investigations, and other legal matters crucial to human resources departments; extensive experience working with HR teams, providing both practical and strategic legal guidance in essential labor law areas;
– solid expertise in commercial contracts and litigation, including contract negotiation, conflict resolution, courtroom representation (nice to have), and legal case coordination;
– experience in managing relationships with external law firms is also essential;
– excellent written and verbal communication skills;
– proven ability to manage multiple tasks and deadlines effectively;
– strong analytical and problem-solving abilities;
– proficiency in legal research and document preparation;
– highly motivated and proactive individual with strong work ethics;
– fluent in English.

If you are interested, please send your application to the following email address – [email protected]
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

All applications will be processed in strict confidentiality. EPIC Business Human Strategy uses your personal data only in accordance with data protection laws. For more information on how EPIC Business Human Strategy processes your personal data, please consult the information note on data processing on our website politica de confidenţialitate.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 23 octombrie 2024

CHERECHEȘ LUCIA recrutează avocați stagiari

Cabinet de Avocat CHERECHEȘ LUCIA recrutează avocați stagiari, sesiunea septembrie 2024, membri ai Baroului București.

Solicităm bune cunoștințe teoretice ale dreptului civil, precum și ale procedurii civile.
Constituie un avantaj cunoașterea legislaţiei din domeniul restituirii proprietăţii (în special Legea nr. 10/2001, Legea 165/2013), precum şi cunoaşterea, la nivel avansat a limbii franceze.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită CV-ul, redactat în limba română, la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 23 octombrie 2024

VOINESCU LAWYERS recruits trainee Lawyers

VOINESCU LAWYERS recruits trainee lawyers who passed their bar admission exam in September 2024 in order to join our team.

Those who are interested are asked to send their CV and letter of intent, both drafted in English, to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and/or [email protected]

Voinescu Lawyers is one of the few law firms active in the Romanian market that offers to its clients a full range of services in business law, including in the economic crime area, and which is affiliated to two international legal networks.

Our clients recommend us as seamless professionals, with a pro-business vision, and with a creative approach on any aspects entrusted to us.

However, all our successes are the result of efforts made by our brilliant team of young, dynamic, and friendly lawyers. For further information on the evolution of Voinescu Lawyers and on our team, please visit the link

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 1 noiembrie 2024

BACIU PARTNERS is looking for a Lawyer | Regulatory

BACIU PARTNERS is expanding the award-winning team to welcome a Regulatory Lawyer.

The suitable candidate for this role:
– a member of the Bar Association;
– prior experience in regulatory law is useful, but not essential or mandatory;
– robust written and verbal communication skills in Romanian and English;
– attention to details and accuracy;
– open-minded and curiosity-driven behavior with a team player mindset.

As member of the BACIU PARTNERS team, you:
– can expect to provide legal assistance to some of the most prominent names in the business, companies that originate from all corners of the globe and of the gaming and gambling market, including online and bricks and mortar gaming and betting companies, private equity investors, and industry technology, software and payment service providers;
– your work will be dynamic and diverse. You can be involved into our team’s contentious and non-contentious projects which are equally broad, from licensing, regulatory, advertising, compliance and enforcement issues to commercial and contract support, intellectual property, anti-money laundering and more.

– competitive remuneration and annual bonus based on performance and transparent evaluation, plus medical services package;
– friendly environment, with an enthusiastic beat, designed to nurture your desire to boost your own professional identify and find your voice as part of the largest dedicated gaming and gambling regulatory team of any Romanian law firm;
– mentoring and constant feedback from professionals recognized as leading lawyers by Chambers and Partners and Legal 500 ;
– opportunity to grow within a firm with balanced international and domestic exposure, committed to the continuous exploration of often uncharted business and regulatory fields for iconic-global and domestic companies and market shaping business-partners.

BACIU PARTNERS is a business law firm that stands out thanks to its enthusiastic spirit for providing rapid, accessible, and genuinely useful legal assistance. Our reputation in the Romanian legal market is that of a provider of outstanding services and being the first to signal and answer genuinely difficult questions in our areas of expertise, all with strong regulatory content.

Our goal is to foster a collaborative professional environment and to contribute our respective distinctive voices to the unique and unmatchable sound of BACIU PARTNERS, the sound of knowledge.


We are looking forward to receiving your CV at [email protected]
Subject line: Regulatory Lawyer

When applying for the role and contact us, kindly note that your data will be processed according to BACIU PARTNERS Privacy Policy.
All information will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 16 octombrie 2024

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a Junior Associate | Corporate, M&A

is looking for a Junior Associate | Corporate, M&A


Join our Corporate/M&A team!

Are you looking to engage in some of the most sensitive and challenging projects? Complexity and sophistication are the key elements of the activity at
BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAȚII. Join one of the most ambitious teams, with a mentality and approach similar to that investment banks.

– admitted to the Bar;
– solid knowledge of Romanian civil law and commercial law;
– proficient in both written and spoken English;
– truly eager to learn, build, and passionately perfect a remarkable long-term career with us, rewarded accordingly;
– proactive, with ideas beyond standards, wanting to apply them in some of the most challenging projects in this practice area;
– a team player.

– real professional and entrepreneurial development in a team of remarkable, dedicated, experienced lawyers and consultants, recognized as such by international legal directories;
– competitive compensation;
– additional days off in addition to statutory leave;
– the opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team;
– a friendly working atmosphere;
– a series of additional benefits to financial compensation.

If you are interested in the above, we would love to get to know you by receiving your application: CV and a cover letter in English at the email address [email protected]

All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAȚII SPARL is predominantly a Corporate M&A and Finance & Restructuring legal powerhouse with investment banking type of mentality & approach. Established following of a spin-off of the Bucharest office of a Magic Circle law firm, Bulboacă şi Asociaţii has one of the strongest brands on the Romanian law market, with preponderant experience in financing & restructuring, mergers & acquisitions, insolvencies & litigation and labor law, since 1’st January of 2007. We are involved in some of the most sensible and demanding transactions or matters, very often quite difficult to close or to solve, whereby a staggering, passionate and a determined approach, alongside with the specific legal and business acumen plays a fundamental role. We counsel financial institutions, funds, companies, their senior management or shareholders with respect to situations that are critical. When our clients are facing a major challenge, that is beyond the usual thinking or unsolvable, our experience evidences that also in such situations there are real chances to make a deal or to solve a matter.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 octombrie 2024

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a Junior Associate | Banking & Finance

is looking for a Junior Associate | Banking & Finance

Join our Banking & Finance team!

Are you looking to engage in some of the most sensitive and challenging projects? Complexity and sophistication are the key elements of the activity at
BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAȚII. Join one of the most ambitious teams, with a mentality and approach similar to that investment banks.

– admitted to the Bar;
– solid knowledge of Romanian civil law and commercial law;
– proficient in both written and spoken English;
– truly eager to learn, build, and passionately perfect a remarkable long-term career with us, rewarded accordingly;
– proactive, with ideas beyond standards, wanting to apply them in some of the most challenging projects in this practice area;
– a team player.

– real professional and entrepreneurial development in a team of remarkable, dedicated, experienced lawyers and consultants, recognized as such by international legal directories;
– competitive compensation;
– additional days off in addition to statutory leave;
– the opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team;
– a friendly working atmosphere;
– a series of additional benefits to financial compensation.

If you are interested in the above, we would love to get to know you by receiving your application: CV and a cover letter in English at the email address [email protected]

All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAŢII SPARL is predominantly a Corporate M&A and Finance & Restructuring legal powerhouse with investment banking type of mentality & approach. Established following of a spin-off of the Bucharest office of a Magic Circle law firm, Bulboacă şi Asociaţii has one of the strongest brands on the Romanian law market, with preponderant experience in financing & restructuring, mergers & acquisitions, insolvencies & litigation and labor law, since 1’st January of 2007. We are involved in some of the most sensible and demanding transactions or matters, very often quite difficult to close or to solve, whereby a staggering, passionate and a determined approach, alongside with the specific legal and business acumen plays a fundamental role. We counsel financial institutions, funds, companies, their senior management or shareholders with respect to situations that are critical. When our clients are facing a major challenge, that is beyond the usual thinking or unsolvable, our experience evidences that also in such situations there are real chances to make a deal or to solve a matter.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 octombrie 2024

CHERCIU & CO is looking for a Lawyer | Commercial, IP, AI

CHERCIU & CO is looking for a Junior / Mid – Level Lawyer | Commercial, IP, AI.

Commercial, IP, AI regulation Lawyer
– represent some of the most advanced and cutting-edge technology companies;
– assist our clients in negotiating their biggest deals with clients in the EU and the USA;
– among others, we’re glad to share our unparalleled experience gained while assisting UiPath in licensing their products to some of the biggest companies in the USA;
– work on niche technology related matters and deal with some of the most unique commercial, IP and regulatory (such as AI regulation) projects.

– Bar certificate;
– strong academic track record;
– preferably (at least) 1 year of experience in the relevant field/opening, based on the indications above. However, we’re also looking forward to working with and training recent graduates;
– English and Microsoft Office proficiency;
– analytical thinking and excellent research skills;
– strong organizational skills, with the ability to manage multiple projects;
– excellent communication skills, with a client-focused approach.

– competitive salary;
– work in a dynamic, curios and professional team;
– a chance to grow and build your skills by participating in and presenting at technology and law related workshops and conferences;
– 1 happy (free) Friday every 2 months;
– office in the heart of Bucharest;
– free snacks and drinks – including specialty coffee and tea;
– excellent networking opportunities.

CHERCIU & CO is a Bucharest based law firm specialized in technology and investment law. Works with tech companies, investors and entrepreneurs – from early setup, to exit or IPO and everything in between. We proudly advise VCs, hedge funds, unicorns.

Our expertise is focused on corporate, M&A, convertibles, flips, financing rounds, ESOP, AI and data governance and compliance, IP, contracts, software development and licensing matters.

If you want to join our team, send us your CV at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 octombrie 2024