ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII is looking for a senior lawyer | Corporate & Commercial and Mergers & Acquisitions

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ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII law firm is looking for a senior lawyer to join the Corporate & Commercial and Mergers & Acquisitions team.

– at least 3 to 4 years of experience in Corporate & Commercial and Mergers & Acquisitions;
– fluent in English;
– computer skills (MS Office);
– willing to improve and develop professionally;
– experience in any of the following areas is a plus: Capital Markets, Insurance, Medical Services, Personal Data Protection.

– attractive pay, subject to regular evaluations and which may be raised by reference to performance;
– opportunity to work and develop in a professional team, experienced in and open to lawyer training;
– friendly work environment in Class A offices.

If you fit the description, please send your CV and cover letter (in English) to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 15 decembrie 2016

EGNA Law Firm Navridis & Associates is recruiting lawyers


The EGNA Law Firm Navridis & Associates is recruiting for the offices in Romania, litigation and consultancy lawyer with experience, at least 3 years in commercial matters, civil law and contracting. Excellent knowledge of English language, knowledge of Greek language and postgraduate degrees desired. Please send CV in English to: [email protected]

Η EGNA Δικηγορική Εταιρεία Ναυρίδης και Συνεργάτες ζητά για τα γραφεία της στη Ρουμανία δικηγόρο με δικαστηριακή και συμβουλευτικές εμπειρίες, τουλάχιστον 3 ετών σε υποθέσεις εμπορικού, αστικού δικαίου και σύναψη συμβάσεων. ΄Αριστη γνώση αγγλικών, γνώση ελληνικών και μεταπτυχιακοί τίτλοι επιθυμητοί. Παρακαλούμε να στείλετε βιογραφικό στα αγγλικά προς: [email protected]

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 24 decembrie 2016