PAVEL, MARGARIT & ASSOCIATES is currently seeking a lawyer


PAVEL, MARGARIT & ASSOCIATES Law Firm is currently seeking a lawyer.

As a lawyer in our team, you will work on various matters, corporate and commercial advisory and litigation for high profile individuals and corporate clients. You will have to do the fieldwork too and dealing with various institutions.

In our legal team, you will have the opportunity to contribute to major projects in the industry, while working with high caliber lawyers and helping them study the legal documents and files.

The lawyer will have to go to the state institutions, to the post office and wherever it will be asked to go and these journeys can last up to 50% of the daily work time.

Experience required minimum 1- 3 years across a range of corporate matters in a law firm environment, Commercial thinker, very skilled in bilingual communication required for consolidating client relationships, notable experience in dealing with international clients, team player, the ability to prioritize work time across a number of busy matters, a strong client service focus and proper work ethic.

Also, notable experience and knowledge in other consultancy areas such as: Litigation, Real Estate & Construction, Energy, M & A, Competition Law, Banking & Finance constitutes an advantage.

We pride ourselves in being a team of young, smart aggressive lawyers, our main goal being reaching our clients targets.

We offer leading legal expertise in the Romanian corporate environment and have a reputation of offering innovative and incisive legal advice.

Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm is one of the top law firms in Romania, which offers legal services at the highest quality, beyond client’s expectations. The Law Firm approaches the cases with maximum professionalism and dedication. Our ultimate goal is obtaining exceptional results and achieving the client’s objectives, in a time efficient manner. Among Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates clients are top multinationals and local companies. In 2017, the success stories of the Romanian Law Firm have brought recognition of the most prestigious international guides and publications. Thus, Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm ranked second place in Romania in the rankings of business law firms with the most relevant expertise this year, realised by the Legal 500 publication, the most prestigious guide for law firms in the world, based in London, UK. The law firm is also recognized internationally by IFLR 1000 Financial and Corporate Guide 2018. Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm is also the only law firm in Romania recommended by the Global Law Experts Director in London in the Dispute Resolution area of Practice. All the relevant information regarding Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm including areas of practice and the most important deals can be found on the website , which is one of the most complex law firm websites in Romania.

To submit your interest in this role, please send your application at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 aprilie 2018

ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an experienced lawyer | Litigation

Tuca-Zbarcea-Asociatii 10

ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an experienced lawyer to join the Litigation team.

– an experienced lawyer with strictly 3-5 years of relevant experience in civil and commercial litigation;
– computer literacy (MS Office);
– strong people skills; team player;
– fluent in English.

– attractive pay, subject to regular evaluations and which may be raised by reference to performance;
– opportunity to work and develop in a professional team.

If you fit the description, please send your CV and cover letter to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 23 aprilie 2018

D&B DAVID și BAIAS recrutează avocaţi stagiari și definitivi | Litigii fiscale

D&B David si Baias

D&B DAVID şi BAIAS – societatea de avocatură afiliată PricewaterhouseCoopers în România, recrutează:

– avocaţi stagiari; și
– avocați definitivi cu experienţă de 2-4 ani;

pentru a se alătura echipei de Litigii fiscale.

Candidaţii interesaţi de o dezvoltare profesională într-un climat multinaţional în care sunt cultivate excelenţa şi spiritul de echipă, sunt rugaţi să transmită CV-ul în atenţia doamnei Steriana Albu, la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

D&B David şi Baias, societatea de avocatură afiliată a PricewaterhouseCoopers în România (“D&B”), cea mai mare reţea internaţională de audit, consultanţă fiscală şi de afaceri, fiind integrată în reţeaua societăţilor de avocaţi corespondente PwC care cuprinde mai mult de 2.000 de avocaţi în 85 de jurisdicţii. D&B David şi Baias este concepută ca un parteneriat bazat pe o comunitate de valori între avocaţii ei, între aceştia şi clienţi şi între D&B şi PwC. Pe piața locală, D&B, împreună cu PwC, lucrează cu clienți din România și Republica Moldova prin intermediul rețelei de 5 birouri PwC din Bucureşti, Timişoara, Cluj-Napoca, Constanţa şi Chișinău.

D&B este recunoscută și recomandată de cercetători internaționali independenți, cum ar fi Chambers & Partners, Legal 500 și IFLR 1000 ca fiind o firmă de avocatură de top în domenii precum Litigii fiscale şi de drept administrativ, Concurență & Antitrust, Corporate, M & A.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 23 aprilie 2018