KINSTELLAR is recruiting a lawyer | Banking & finance


KINSTELLAR is recruiting a lawyer | Banking & finance.

Kinstellar is a full-service firm, with particularly strong banking & finance, M&A/corporate, competition, compliance, private equity, employment, energy, dispute resolution (including white-collar) and real estate practices. We take on the most complex and high profile assignments from some of the world’s most successful companies, who expect the highest level of service and expertise. We have built our reputation by exceeding their expectations.

We are looking for a talented and hard-working colleague to join our Banking & Finance group.

– has a law degree from a reputable Romanian university and at least 2 (two) years of practical experience in the banking & finance law practice of an international or major domestic law firm; expertise in other practice area(s) is welcome and supported;
– finds motivation in working on complex transactions for international clients and global law firms;
– is flexible and wants to work in a team that is praised for the consistently high quality of their work;
– is a team player, with passion for excellence;
– has professional proficiency in English.

The job will involve client facing and matter management responsibilities from the outset to completion projects, and will involve responsibility for multiple projects at any given time.

– professional development in a leading emerging markets law firm;
– a modern, flexible and dynamic work environment;
– development across practice groups and jurisdictions;
– competitive compensation.

As a law firm providing premium legal services, we have a vested interest to ensure that our people have the best opportunities for professional development. We invest significantly in knowledge, learning and professional development.

We are looking for the best and brightest to help us continue to grow. If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please, send your application (CV focused on describing the practical experience and cover letter) in English to Manuela Leptiher, Regional / Bucharest HR Manager at: [email protected]
Please specify the position you are applying for.
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 noiembrie 2019

KINSTELLAR is recruiting experienced lawyer | Litigation


KINSTELLAR is recruiting experienced Litigation Lawyer.

Kinstellar is a full-service firm, with particularly strong dispute resolution (including white-collar crime), finance, M&A/corporate, competition, private equity, energy and real estate practices. We take on the most complex and high-profile assignments from some of the world’s most successful companies, who expect the highest level of service and expertise. We have built our reputation by exceeding their expectations.

– has a law degree from a reputable Romanian university and minimum three (3) years of practical experience in the dispute resolution practice within an international or reputed domestic law firm;
– any additional practice area expertise such as general regulatory, public procurement, labour, etc. would be beneficial and will bring additional value;
– finds motivation in working on complex cases (including white-collar crime cases) for international clients and global law firms;
– is flexible and wants to work in a team that is praised for the consistently high quality of work;
– is a team player, with passion for excellence;
– has full professional proficiency in English.

The job will involve client facing, representation before courts, prosecution offices and other jurisdictional or control/investigative bodies, as well as matter management responsibilities from the outset to completion projects, and will involve responsibility for multiple projects at any given time.

– interesting and challenging work for both local and international clients;
– professional development in a leading CEE law firm;
– a modern, flexible and dynamic work environment;
– development across practice groups and jurisdictions;
– competitive compensation.

Kinstellar is a place where exceptional people build exceptional careers and our inclusive and entrepreneurial culture is part of our competitive advantage.

We are looking for the best and brightest to help us continue to grow. If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please, send your application (CV focused on describing the practical litigation experience and cover letter) in English to Manuela Leptiher, Regional / Bucharest HR Manager at: [email protected]
Please specify the position you are applying for.
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 noiembrie 2019

CARLESSO LAW FIRM is looking for junior associate and associate

CARLESSO LAW FIRM is looking for Junior Associate (Stagiar) and Associate (Definitiv) with 0-3 years of experience for the Consultancy and Litigation department.

– legal knowledge in civil, corporate and commercial law;
– strong writing and communication English language skills;
– efficient and reliable;
– capable to handle multiple tasks.

We offer an international, professional and dynamic working environment, with opportunities to grow and improve skills and career.

If you are interested in joining our team, please send us your CV and reference letter at: [email protected]

CARLESSO LAW FIRM is based in Bucharest with correspondent in Milan and Rome and with network in Europe and US, focused on delivering the high levels of proficiency and quality services, we provide integrated business law services to our multinational and local clients.
Our lawyers are required to be specialized for advising international and local Clients in cross-border investments and provide legal in all related matter to new investments and already implemented business.
The firm focuses in fields such as: M&A, corporate and commercial, banking and finance, company restructuring, real estate, labor law, procurement and litigation.
Our lawyers are members of one or more European bars and are degreed in first rank University.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 noiembrie 2019

SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an attorney at law | Corporate, M&A | 6-7 years


SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an associate | Corporate, M&A.

– excellent written and spoken English (good knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage);
– dedication to continuous learning and improvement;
– commitment to work in a challenging but rewarding professional environment;
– completed Romanian legal studies (international study experience or economic background is welcomed);
6-7 years of professional experience with a focus on Corporate/M&A projects;
– proactive attitude and positive approach to work, strong analytical ability, excellent research, writing and verbal communication skills, and a commitment to client service;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

– interesting and challenging work for renowned clients;
– an innovative and international working environment with high profile mandates;
– the opportunity to work closely with other practice groups on a domestic and cross-border basis;
– regular trainings at the Schoenherr Academy and at M&A specific trainings held in various CEE countries where we have offices;
– recognized state of the art legal skills. We will constantly help you improve your knowledge and management abilities, you would be working with highly trained M&A professionals;
– continuous coaching & mentorship. We are passionate about our work. We will make sure you receive both formal training and as regular- mentorship from your manager and others;
– ability to work with an exclusive clientele;
– dynamic and supportive work environment;
– competitive compensation package;
– office location in a central area of Bucharest.

Do you possess these qualifications? Are you interested in being part of a successful, growing, career-minded team?
Do you look forward to challenging work with demanding international clients?
If so, we would love to hear from you.

Please send your CV, letter of motivation, and reference letters in English to Ana Lupsor at: [email protected]

For more information regarding our recruitment process and how to apply, please go to

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 noiembrie 2019

PADURARU BONCU GRIGORIU recrutează avocat | Consultanţă

Paduraru Boncu Grigoriu

PADURARU BONCU GRIGORIU recrutează avocat | Consultanţă.

– cunoştinţe solide de drept civil şi drept comercial -cu referire la dreptul contractelor, drept societar, insolvenţă, eventual drept fiscal;
– cunoaşterea procedurilor în raport cu Registrul Comerţului;
– experienţă în domeniul M&A reprezintă un avantaj în vederea cooptării în proiectele aflate în desfăşurare;
– cunoaşterea la nivel avansat a limbii engleze, inclusiv engleză juridică, scris, citit vorbit;
– fluență şi acuratețe în redactarea documentelor juridice;
– responsabil, implicat, organizat, atent la detalii, spirit de echipă, inițiativă.

CV-urile se pot trimite la adresa: [email protected]

Numai candidaţii care îndeplinesc criteriile menţionate vor fi contactaţi pentru interviu.

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 noiembrie 2019

AEQUITAS recrutează consilier juridic junior

Biroul Executorilor Judecătoreşti Asociaţi AEQUITAS recrutează Consilier Juridic Junior pentru a se alătura echipei noastre.

– absolvent/a de studii juridice;
– cunoaşterea aplicaţiei software ZENIC constituie un avantaj;
– cunoştinţe de operare calculator (Microsoft Office, Internet);
– determinare şi orientare spre rezultate;
– atenţie la detalii;
– responsabilitate, implicare şi seriozitate;
– abilităţi de comunicare şi spirit de echipă.

– gestionarea portofoliului repartizat prin depunerea tuturor diligenţelor necesare în vederea punerii în executare silită a titlurilor executorii din cadrul dosarelor de executare, în toate formele prevăzute de Codul de Procedură Civilă şi alte dispoziţii legale în materie;
– tehnoredactarea tuturor actelor de executare silită necesare în cadrul procedurii;
– procesarea corespondenţei aferente dosarelor de executare aflate în portofoliu;
– acordarea de consultanţă creditorilor / debitorilor.

Perioadă determinată cu posibilitate de prelungire.

Biroul Executorilor Judecătoreşti Asociaţi „AEQUITAS” din Bucureşti este specializat în îndeplinirea procedurilor specifice de executare silită, notificarea actelor, recuperări de creanţe inclusiv pe cale amiabilă, evacuări, puneri în posesie, executări silite mobiliare şi imobiliare. Executorii judecătoreşti din cadrul Biroului nostru îşi exercită atribuţiile în conformitate cu dispoziţiile Legii nr. 188/2000, republicată.
Organizarea biroului permite desfăşurarea activităţilor stabilite prin lege în competenţa noastră în Municipiul Bucureşti precum şi în judeţele Călăraşi, Giurgiu, Ialomiţa, Ilfov, Teleorman.

Dacă eşti interesat trimite CV–ul tău la adresa noastră de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 13 noiembrie 2019