TONCESCU & ASOCIAȚII – KPMG Legal is seeking a Junior Lawyer | Technology, IP & Data Privacy

TONCESCU & ASOCIAȚII SPARL – KPMG Legal is the Romanian law firm affiliated with KPMG in Romania having a young, dynamic and innovative team member of KPMG Law global network and which differentiates in the market by the offering of legal services as part of complete solutions together with KPMG specialists and experts, by using technology for ensuring efficiency and by the quality of its services.

We want to further grow and consolidate our team with lawyers understanding the current developments, challenges and expectations and willing to grow and evolve in a context offering access to local and international knowledge and expertise and in a culture focused on development, learning and collaboration.

We are currently seeking a Junior Lawyer to join our Technology, IP and Data Privacy team in Bucharest.

We are looking for a purpose driven person who has:
– 0-1 years of professional experience;
– previous expertise in experience in experience with focus on Technology, IP and Data Privacy would be considered an advantage;
– excellent writing and communication skills in English (good knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage);
– completed Romanian legal studies (top Law faculties are preferred, international study experience is welcomed);
– member of the Bucharest Bar;
– proactive attitude and positive approach to work, strong analytical ability, excellent research, legal drafting and verbal communication skills and a commitment to client service;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

– the chance to work in a professional environment, exceptional opportunities for career growth, as well as a strong learning and development culture;
– fast paced environment and a diverse team with great mentoring opportunities;
– attractive remuneration package;
– a combination of great jobs to work on;
– great colleagues to work with;
– relevant professional development and training;
– flexible workplace and work environment.

Working at KPMG is also about happy people and an internal culture that supports employees in following their passions through various activities and events. We also have numerous benefits to support your health, a flexible working schedule and many more advantages.

We thank all applicants in advance for submitting their resumes here.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 21 august 2023

STERE ȘI ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocați | Drept societar

STERE ȘI ASOCIAȚII S.R.L. recrutează avocați cu experiență în domeniul dreptului societar, reprezentare client în fața Registrului Comerțului și a altor autorități.

– cunoștințe solide de limba română și engleză (scris, citit și vorbit);
– cunoașterea procedurilor în raport cu Registrul Comerțului, disponibilitate de învățare;
– cunoștințe operare Microsoft Office;
– persoană organizată cu abilități de comunicare și de negociere, spirit de echipă, flexibilitate, eficiență și responsabilitate.

– urmărirea modificărilor legislative;
– redactarea de contracte, informări, opinii legale, note scrise, concluzii etc;
– documentarea juridică;
– întocmirea dosarelor pentru Registrul Comerțului (înmatriculări societăți, modificări societare) și monitorizarea acestora;
– menținerea constantă a relațiilor cu clienții și autoritățile.

Tip contract: FULL TIME/ Normă întreagă.
Activitatea se va desfășura la biroul din Bucureşti al STERE ȘI ASOCIAŢII S.R.L.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită un CV la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 21 august 2023

TONCESCU & ASOCIAȚII – KPMG Legal is seeking a Senior Associate | Technology, IP & Data Privacy

TONCESCU & ASOCIAȚII SPARL – KPMG Legal is the Romanian law firm affiliated with KPMG in Romania having a young, dynamic and innovative team member of KPMG Law global network and which differentiates in the market by the offering of legal services as part of complete solutions together with KPMG specialists and experts, by using technology for ensuring efficiency and by the quality of its services.

We want to further grow and consolidate our team with lawyers understanding the current developments, challenges and expectations and willing to grow and evolve in a context offering access to local and international knowledge and expertise and in a culture focused on development, learning and collaboration.

We are currently seeking a Senior Associate to join our Technology, IP and Data Privacy team in Bucharest office with:
– 3-5 years of professional experience with focus on Technology, IP and Data Privacy;
– additional expertise in other fields of law (e.g. regulatory and compliance)could be considered an advantage;
– excellent writing and communication skills in English (good knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage);
– completed Romanian legal studies (top Law faculties are preferred, international study experience is welcomed);
– member of the Bucharest Bar;
– proactive attitude and positive approach to work, strong analytical ability, excellent research, legal drafting and verbal communication skills and a commitment to client service;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

– attractive rewards and flexible working arrangements;
– dynamic and supportive work environment;
– an innovative and international working environment with high profile mandates;
– the opportunity to work closely with other practice groups on a domestic and cross-border basis;
– continuous coaching & mentorship;
– a fast paced environment and an extraordinary team with great mentoring opportunities.

Working at KPMG is also about happy people and an internal culture that supports employees in following their passions through various activities and events. We also have numerous benefits to support your health, a flexible working schedule and many more advantages.

We thank all applicants in advance for submitting their resumes here.

Confidentiality will be ensured to protect the interests of applicants.
Only preselected candidates will be invited to an interview.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 21 august 2023

SELENA STAN & FLORIN DOBRE recrutează avocat asociat

SELENA STAN & FLORIN DOBRE recrutează avocat asociat.

SELENA STAN & FLORIN DOBRE CAA (brandname: FIDASmart) – societate de avocaţi cu activităţi axate pe consilierea clienţilor persoane juridice şi a investitorilor profesionişti, cu o vastă experienţă în domeniul societar, comercial, imobiliar şi insolvenţă – îşi caută noi colegi. Dacă te regăseşti în profilul pe care îl căutăm, avem un loc pentru tine la noi în echipă!

În cadrul FIDASmart vei găsi o echipă tânără, proiecte interesante atât pe plan local cât şi internaţional, un program ce ţine cont de echilibrul activitate profesională – viaţa privată, oportunităţi de dezvoltare şi o ofertă financiară motivantă

În cadrul FIDASmart vei găsi o echipă tânără, proiecte interesante atât pe plan local cât şi internaţional, un program ce ţine cont de echilibrul activitate profesională – viaţa privată, oportunităţi de dezvoltare şi o ofertă financiară motivantă. Află mai multe despre noi online – pe site-ul nostru, în presa de specialitate şi pe linkedin 😊

– absolvirea facultăţii de drept şi promovarea examenului de definitivare în profesia de avocat;
– experienţă de minim 4 ani în consultanţă în domeniul juridic;
– limba engleză – nivel avansat.

– plăcere pentru munca în echipă;
– curiozitate şi interes pentru expunerea la proiecte diverse şi pentru dezvoltarea în arii de drept variate.

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să trimită CV-ul pe adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 21 august 2023