SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Attorney at Law | Corporate, M&A


SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Attorney at Law, Corporate, M&A.

– excellent written and spoken English (good knowledge of additional foreign lan-guages is an advantage);
– dedication to continuous learning and improvement;
– commitment to work in a challenging but rewarding professional environment;
– completed Romanian legal studies (international study experience or economic background is welcomed);
3-5 years of professional experience with a focus on Corporate/M&A projects;
– proactive attitude and positive approach to work, strong analytical ability, ex-cellent research, writing and verbal communication skills, and a commitment to client service;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

– interesting and challenging work for renowned clients;
– an innovative and international working environment with high profile man-dates;
– the opportunity to work closely with other practice groups on a domestic and cross-border basis;
– regular trainings at the Schoenherr Academy and at M&A specific trainings held in various CEE countries where we have offices;
– recognized state of the art legal skills. We will constantly help you improve your knowledge and management abilities, you would be working with highly trained M&A professionals;
– continuous coaching & mentorship. We are passionate about our work. We will make sure you receive both formal training and as regular- mentorship from your manager and others;
– ability to work with an exclusive clientele;
– dynamic and supportive work environment;
– competitive compensation package;
– office location in a central area of Bucharest.

Do you possess these qualifications? Are you interested in being part of a successful, growing, career-minded team?
Do you look forward to challenging work with demanding international clients?
If so, we would love to hear from you.
Please send your CV, letter of motivation, and reference letters in English to Ana Lupsor at [email protected]
For more information regarding our recruitment process and how to apply, please go to

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 august 2024

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII is recruiting a Lawyer | Public Projects

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL is recruiting for the legal consultancy practic a Lawyer | Public Projects.

As a member of our team, you will manage your tasks in a collegial and dynamic environment, you will be involved in developing innovative solutions and you will have an active role in managing large-scale projects carried out in collaboration with international financial institutions and/or national public institutions.

2-5 years of professional experience in public procurement and projects funded by European funds;
– professional experience in projects financed by the European Commission and other international financial institutions (European Investment Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank, etc.) is an advantage;
– ability to work both individually and as part of a team;
– good knowledge of English.

– competitive remuneration;
– hybrid work schedule;
– get free certifications and enjoy national & international training;
– get extra vacation days when public holidays fall on a weekend;
– join an EY Community and practice your hobby with your colleagues off-work;
– get plenty of discounts, perks and medical coverage;
– free access to Udemy, EY Badges;
– bookster library;
– medical subscription for employees and family members (wife/husband/children)
– Life & accident insurance;
– EAP – Employee Assistance Program – Short term confidential counselling services for you and those who live with you.
– you’ll learn A LOT through experience within a young and dynamic team, in multidisciplinary projects alongside management consultants and financial consultants for a diverse range of BIG clients.

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL SPRL (formerly Radu și Asociații SPRL) is a Romanian full-service law firm, offering both legal advisory services and assistance before the courts of law.

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL SPRL is a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Ltd and part of the expanding EY Law global network, which has more than 2,400 lawyers and offices in over 90 jurisdictions. Our expertise has been recognized by the market and international firm directories.

Chambers Global 2019 has recognised our Corporate/M&A practice, while Chambers Europe 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 have placed our Tax Policy and Controversy practice in Band 1. The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East and Africa 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 also awarded our Commercial Law, Corporate Law/M&A practices, while the 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 editions have placed our Tax Policy and Controversy practice in tier 1. Our Employment Law practice is currently ranked 3rd in the Legal 500.

To apply, please send your resume at [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 august 2024

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII is recruiting Junior Lawyers | Consultancy

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL is recruiting Junior Lawyers for various legal Consultancy practices: Corporate Law / Employment / Public Projects / Banking, Regulatory & Digital.

– being members of the Bucharest Bar or another bar in Romania;
– having solid legal knowledge and preferably professional experience gained within a law firm (if applicable);
good command of English;
– ability to work both individually and in a team;
– flexible, proactive, with interpersonal skills and eager to learn and develop;
– team spirit, aimed to understand and meet the needs of clients and the market, with a tendency towards a serious, rigorous and creative approach to projects.

As a member of our team, you will manage your tasks in a collegial and dynamic environment, you will be involved in developing innovative solutions and you will have an active role in:
– providing comprehensive assistance services in transactions, corporate and commercial law for the company’s clients;
– working in a team and assuming an active role in knowledge and experience sharing;
– closely collaborating with senior lawyers;
– collaborating with transaction assistance professionals and other business consulting professionals to implement multidisciplinary projects.

– competitive remuneration;
– hybrid work schedule;
– get free certifications and enjoy national & international training;
– get extra vacation days when public holidays fall on a weekend;
– join an EY Community and practice your hobby with your colleagues off-work;
– get plenty of discounts, perks and medical coverage;
– free access to Udemy, EY Badges;
– bookster library;
– medical subscription for employees and family members (wife/husband/children)
– Life & accident insurance;
– EAP – Employee Assistance Program – Short term confidential counselling services for you and those who live with you.
– you’ll learn A LOT through experience, on a variety of multidisciplinary projects alongside management consultants and financial consultants for a diverse range of BIG clients.

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL (formerly Radu și Asociații SPRL) is a Romanian full-service law firm, offering both legal advisory services and assistance before the courts of law.

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL is a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Ltd and part of the expanding EY Law global network, which has more than 2,400 lawyers and offices in over 90 jurisdictions. Our expertise has been recognized by the market and international firm directories.

Chambers Global 2019 has recognised our Corporate/M&A practice, while Chambers Europe 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 have placed our Tax Policy and Controversy practice in Band 1. The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East and Africa 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 also awarded our Commercial Law, Corporate Law/M&A practices, while the 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 editions have placed our Tax Policy and Controversy practice in tier 1. Our Employment Law practice is currently ranked 3rd in the Legal 500.

To apply, please send your resume at [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 august 2024

PIPEREA & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv | Litigii

PIPEREA & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv pentru a se alătura echipei de litigii.

PIPEREA & ASOCIAȚII este una dintre societățile de avocați cu tradiție în spațiul juridic național, începându-și activitatea, sub această formă, în anul 2005 și reunind în prezent aproximativ 20 de avocați, cu experiență consolidată în domeniile de specializare ale societății, precum și cadre didactice universitare.

Activitatea SCA PIPEREA & ASOCIAȚII prezintă caracter complex, sprijinind formarea profesională exhaustivă a colaboratorilor societății, în diverse domenii de activitate, precum insolvență, drept societar, protecția consumatorului, dreptul muncii, contencios administrativ și fiscal, malpraxis medical, drept sportiv.

– un mediu de lucru dinamic, entuziast și motivant;
– oportunități pentru consolidarea constantă a cunoștințelor teoretice și practice, precum și evoluția profesională, în deplină concordanță cu cea personală;
– echilibru între viaţa profesională și viaţa personală;
– implicarea în proiecte complexe și provocatoare în diverse domenii de activitate.

– vocație pentru litigii și motivație pentru dezvoltare profesională continuă;
– deontologie profesională;
– cunoștințe teoretice solide de drept civil și drept procesual civil;
– experiență relevantă în domeniul litigiilor (aplicabil pentru avocat definitiv);
– excelente abilități de comunicare și lucru în echipă, precum și de adaptabilitate într-un colectiv nou;
– capacitatea de a lucra sub presiune, de a identifica soluții coerente, perseverență, responsabilitate și atenție la detalii;
– cunoașterea și stăpânirea limbajului juridic în limba română și în limba engleză la un nivel superior, raționament juridic solid, foarte bune abilități de scriere juridică; (cunoașterea și stăpânirea limbajului juridic în franceză și/sau alte limbi străine reprezintă un avantaj);
– utilizarea pachetului Microsoft și capacitate de documentare rapidă pe Internet;
– disponibilitate pentru deplasări la instanțele judecătorești din țară, deținător permis de conducere categoria ”B”.

– oferirea de consultanță juridică, respectiv asistență juridică și reprezentare pentru clienții din portofoliu, atât în fața instanțelor judecătorești, cât și în fața diferitelor autorități publice, în domenii diverse de activitate;
– dezvoltarea strategiei juridice în spețele încredințate;
– contribuirea la învățarea și dezvoltarea continuă a echipei.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să trimită un Curriculum Vitae la adresa de e-mail [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 august 2024