CORTECH MED recrutează avocat definitiv

CORTECH MED SRL recrutează avocat definitiv in house, minim 5 ani experienţă de la definitivat, pe o perioadă determinată de 2 ani.

– experienţă profesioanală în domeniul litigiilor şi consultanţă;
– cunoştinţe solide în domenii precum: drept civil, comercial, corporate, contractual, dreptul muncii, drept fiscal, contencios şi achiziţii publice, excutari silite, procedura insolvenţei, operaţiuni ce implică Registrul Comerţului;
– organizare și redactare cu acuratețe a documentelor juridice;
– cunoştinţe operare PC;
– cunoaşterea limbii engleze la nivel avansat reprezintă un avantaj;
– disponibilitate de deplasare;
– abilităţi de comunicare şi negociere;
– capacitate de a identifica, soluţiona problemele şi auto-organizare.

Candidaţii care consideră că se potrivesc întru totul cerinţelor de mai sus pot trimite CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 aprilie 2017

EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS is recruiting an assistant lawyer

Working together to make Europe grow

EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS – Strasbourg is recruiting an Assistant Lawyer – Romania (e36/2017).

Based in Strasbourg, France, the European Court of Human Rights is an international court set up in 1959. It rules on individual or State applications alleging violations of the civil and political rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights.

Our Assistant Lawyers’ Scheme offers legal professionals at the start of their careers invaluable exposure to the European Court of Human Rights. Enjoying our highly regarded in-house training programme, you will benefit from regular contact with experienced case lawyers, senior managers and judges.

From day-to-day, you will find yourself examining and dealing with applications, drafting decisions and reports, advising applicants on admissibility, attending the Court’s sessions, presenting applications and supporting more seasoned colleagues. Consequently, you will require a law degree gained in Romania, giving you broad knowledge of constitutional and international law. Some professional practice experience would be useful, but above all you will be well versed in the Romanian legal system, highly IT literate and extremely organised and methodical in your approach.

In addition to Romanian (mother-tongue level), you have very good knowledge of one of the two official languages of the Council of Europe (English, French) and ability to draft legal texts therein clearly and precisely.

Applications should be made in English or French using the Council of Europe online application system at before the deadline of 3 April 2017.