HUDSON WEIR recruits law graduates

HUDSON WEIR recruits law graduates.

Hudson Weir is an established firm of Insolvency Practitioners specialising in business recovery and corporate financial solutions. Hudson Weir provides industry leading, nationwide services for its clients with the intention of easing financial pressures and providing recovery strategies for struggling businesses.

Based in Central London, just a short walk from the courts, our offices are easily accessed from all corners of the country being well connected to all major London rail stations.

– we are looking for honest and friendly people, ambitious and willing to learn, dedicated to work and serious about it;
– bright law graduate wanted;
– organised, reliable, and excellent attention to detail;
– good English necessary;
– IT literate (basic to medium Excel, Word and Outlook);
– no experience required as everything will be taught.

– the role will involve assisting the managers or partners with placing companies into administration or insolvent liquidation. During your training you will partakes in tasks such as drafting reports and proposals, interviewing directors, undertaking investigations into companies and individuals, preparing conduct reports communicating with creditors and debtors, preparation of both annual and final reports to interested parties (including making distributions where appropriate) and ensuring compliance with the relevant legislation and best practice;
– highly qualified 18 months training in London where everything will be taught;
– accommodation and transport to and from London and within London arranged and paid by the company;
– after training work back from central Cluj Napoca;
– salary – 3300 RON Net;
– raise of 10% p.a. and 20% (one off) once JIEB qualified.

Step 1
– create an online account here:;
– Sign Up -> Register -> Apply Now -> Update Details (Personal Details, Work Experience, Upload CV, Qualifications, Languages and Skills).

Step 2
Online Test 1 (Numerical-40 min and English-20 min) – Specimen tests are available (Numerical-15 min, English-10 min) – Recommended! You can find the Test on ‘Online Tests’ page or on the right side of Home Page (My Profile) – Immediate results.

Step 3
Online Test 2 (3 Different logic tests) – This test is available only after sitting the first one – Length: 60 minutes – Same procedure.

Step 4
Verification exam (done in controlled conditions).

Step 5
Skype/Phone interview.

Step 6
Final interview with the company’s director.

This announcement is valid until 8rd of July 2019

DBO is looking for senior lawyers

DBO – Andrei Dumitrescu | Mihai Băjenaru | Robert Oancea | Attorneys at law is looking for senior lawyers (minimum 4 years of experience as of the admission into the Bucharest Bar) in consultancy areas such as: Corporate & Commercial, Employment, Environment, Real Estate and Regulatory.

– a Degree in Law and Bucharest Bar membership;
– excellent writing and communication skills in English; French and any other languages are considered an advantage;
– good communication skills, including the ability to work in a team;
– willingness for professional improvement and development;
– attention to details and ethics standards.

If you meet the requirements and you would like to be part of our team, please send us your application and letter of intent to [email protected] using the subject line: Consultancy Department.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 8 iulie 2019

DBO recrutează paralegal / secretară

DBO – Andrei Dumitrescu | Mihai Băjenaru | Robert Oancea | Attorneys at law recrutează paralegal / secretară în vederea unei colaborări full-time pe perioadă nedeterminată.

– studii medii sau superioare;
– cunoașterea unei limbi străine de circulație internațională constituie un avantaj;
– spirit organizatoric şi aplecare spre detaliu;
– capacitatea de a lucra atât individual, cât şi în echipă;
– integritate morală şi profesională;
– rigurozitate în respectarea cu acuratețe a termenelor limită și a sarcinilor; cunoştinţe operare PC.

– asigură înregistrarea documentelor la instanțele, birourile și instituțiile competente;
– colaborează cu instituțiile abilitate pentru obținerea informațiilor solicitate de avocații colaboratori și asociați (instanțe judecătorești, Birourile Executorilor Judecătorești, Cabinete Notariale, OCPI, Ministere, alte instituţii);
– se deplasează la instituțiile cu care colaborează pentru predarea și obținerea documentelor;
– transmite periodic informări cu privire la stadiul dosarelor și informațiile obținute;
– dactilografiază materiale şi documente solicitate de asociați și colaboratori: împuterniciri, împuterniciri avocațiale, delegații, cereri;
– pregătește dosare pentru instanță (fotocopiază documente, verifică existenţa documentelor necesare la dosar, redactează cereri, delegații, împuterniciri);
– caută periodic pe portalul instanțelor și alte site-uri de specialitate informații cu privire la dosare sau alte aspecte solicitate de colaboratorii și asociații societății.

Candidaţii sunt rugaţi să transmită CV şi scrisoare de intenţie la adresa: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 8 iulie 2019

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is expanding its team

Bondoc & Asociatii

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is expanding its team. Four open positions.

We are looking for a skilled and proactive lawyers with 0-3 years of experience.

Candidates must have appropriate knowledge, solid analytical and excellent communication skills.

We are offering attractive remuneration and a friendly working environment.

Please send your CV at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 8 iulie 2019