PAVEL, MĂRGĂRIT & ASSOCIATES is looking for an associate lawyer

PAVEL, MĂRGĂRIT & ASSOCIATES is looking for an Associate Lawyer.

We provide our clients with complete legal services by maintaining high professional standards in a wide range of industries.

– 1 to 6 years of experience in a law firm;
– structured and legal thinking;
– Superior organizational & time-management skills to meet deadlines;
– highest ethical standards and professional integrity;
– exceptional written and oral communication skills;
– strong interpersonal skills;
– focused on the client’s objectives;
– english proficiency;
– availability to travel to courts of law in Romania.

As an Associate Lawyer, you will work on various litigation and/or consultancy cases and you will work and manage various local and cross-border projects representing our clients, mainly legal entities – both locally and internationally.
The activity consists in ensuring the assistance and representation of the client, from the process of analyzing the file and identifying the legal solution, to drafting all the documents in the file, in a professional and efficient manner, as well as reviewing them and providing assistance and representation before the courts of law.
You will also be involved in the bidding process, preparing estimates, pitching.

– competitive compensation commensurate with expertise and previous experience;
– annual bonuses based on performance;
– The opportunity to bring your contribution in complex projects from various industries, working with high caliber clients;
– training & guidance;
– to be part of a team of smart and supportive people;
– flexibility and friendly working environment.

For more information about a career with us and our values, please visit

Please send your CV, mentioning the position Associate Lawyer, to our email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 septembrie 2021

PAVEL, MĂRGĂRIT & ASSOCIATES is looking for a manager | Consultancy

PAVEL, MĂRGĂRIT & ASSOCIATES is looking for a Manager – Consultancy Department.

We provide our clients with complete legal services by maintaining high professional standards in a wide range of industries.

– minimum 6 – 8 years of experience in a law firm;
– structured and legal thinking;
– superior organizational & time-management skills to meet time deadlines;
– project and people management skills;
– highest ethical standards and professional integrity;
– exceptional written and oral communication skills;
– strong interpersonal skills;
– focused on the client’s objectives;
– english proficiency.

As a Manager in the Consulting Department (Compliance, Corporate, Commercial and M&A/Financing/Real Estate) you will work and manage various local and cross-border projects: corporate law, business law, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence, memoranda, contract review, legal opinions, financing projects, real estate matters, day-to-day consultancy and other aspects of business law, representing our clients, mostly legal entities – both locally and internationally.
The activity consists in ensuring the assistance and representation of the client, from the process of analysing the project and identifying the legal solution for the client, to drafting/reviewing all documents in a professional and efficient manner.
You will also be involved in the bidding process, preparing estimates and you will have direct contact with existing and potential clients. You will be involved in providing coaching and mentoring to Associate and Junior Associate Lawyers.

– competitive compensation commensurate with expertise and previous experience;
– annual bonuses based on performance;
– the opportunity to bring your contribution in complex projects from various industries, working with high caliber clients;
– training & guidance;
– to be part of a team of smart and supportive people;
– flexibility and friendly working environment.

For more information about a career with us and our values, please visit

Please send your CV, mentioning the position Manager – Consultancy Department, to our email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 septembrie 2021

SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an attorney at law | Real estate


SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an attorney at law | Real estate.

– excellent written and spoken English (good knowledge of additional foreign lan-guages is an advantage);
– dedication to continuous learning and improvement;
– commitment to work in a challenging but rewarding professional environment;
– completed Romanian legal studies (international study experience or economic background is welcomed);
– 2-4 years of professional experience with a focus on Real Estate;
– proactive attitude and positive approach to work, strong analytical ability, excel-lent research, writing and verbal communication skills, and a commitment to client service;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

– interesting and challenging work for renowned clients;
– an innovative and international working environment with high profile mandates;
– the opportunity to work closely with other practice groups on a domestic and cross-border basis;
– a collegial working atmosphere.

Do you possess these qualifications? Are you interested in being part of a successful, growing, career-minded team?
Do you look forward to challenging work with demanding international clients?
If so, we would love to hear from you.
Please send your CV, letter of motivation, and reference letters in English to Ana Lupsor at [email protected]

For more information regarding our recruitment process and how to apply, please go to

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 septembrie 2021

TONUCCI & PARTNERS organizează stagii de practică


TONUCCI & PARTNERS, societate internaţională de avocaţi activă în România din anul 2001, organizează stagii de practică pentru unul sau mai mulţi studenţi ai Facultăţii de Drept.

Între beneficiile principale oferite de stagiul de practică se număra cunoașterea/ aprofundarea cunoștințelor legate de activitatea profesională a avocaților, atât în domeniul consultanței juridice, cât și în domeniul litigiilor, prin implicarea directă a studenților în proiectele societății.

Programul stagiului este de 4 ore/zi, dimineața sau seara, în funcție de disponibilitatea candidaților.

Studenții interesați sunt rugați sa transmită un e-mail la adresa [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 septembrie 2021

TONUCCI & PARTNERS recrutează avocat stagiar


TONUCCI & PARTNERS, societate internaţională de avocaţi activă în România din anul 2001, recrutează avocat stagiar, membru al Baroului București, atât pentru departamentul de consultanţă juridică, cât și pentru cel de litigii.

– 1 an experiență în profesia de avocat;
– excelente cunoștințe de drept civil și drept procesual civil;
– cunoașterea avansată a limbii engleze;

– cunoașterea limbii italiene (avantaj major) și/sau a altor limbi străine;
– experiență profesională cu clienți internaționali, preferabil într-o societate internațională de avocați;
– capacitate de lucru în echipă;
– cunoștințe de dreptul muncii, drept bancar, real estate, corporate;
– excelent parcurs academic.

Oferim întotdeauna posibilitatea de a se alătura echipei noastre celor care împărtășesc înaltele noastre standarde profesionale şi etice. Procesul nostru de recrutare își propune să fie unul interactiv și eficient, constând în interviuri cu avocații experimentați ai biroului.

Dacă simțiți că pregătirea și aspirațiile Dvs. corespund cu ale noastre, am fi interesați să aflăm mai multe despre Dvs. prin transmiterea unui CV la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 septembrie 2021