SIMION & BACIU is looking for a Mid-Level Associate | Regulatory

We are expanding our enthusiastic team to welcome an assertive and career-focused Mid-Level Associate – Regulatory.

The suitable candidate for this role:
– a member of the Bar Association, with 2-5 years of professional experience;
– strong command of the law in a wide spectrum of commercial legal matters, appropriate to the level of experience required;
– prior experience in regulatory fields, in particular gambling regulatory law, may be an advantage, but is not mandatory;
– robust written and verbal communication skills in Romanian and English; knowledge of another foreign language is a plus;
– knowledge of Microsoft Office suite;
– attention to details and accuracy;
– ability to use time effectively;
– a genuine interest in new technologies and business trends, in general;
– open-minded and curiosity-driven behavior with a team player mindset.

– competitive remuneration and annual bonus based on performance and transparent evaluation;
– medical insurance package;
– opportunity to grow within a quality driven firm with balanced international and domestic exposure;
– mentoring from professionals with strong experience and independent recognition in the business law community;
– downtown office location (metro station vicinity);
– stable work environment, with a dynamic and enthusiastic flavor and with engagements assigned by iconic and market-shaping companies.

LOCATION: Bucharest. Work format is hybrid (in person and remote structure)

SIMION & BACIU is an award-winning intellectual powerhouse providing the best combination of legal advice, business savvy and humanness.
We act as business partners to our clients in areas of practice and regulated industries pivotal to our firm’s sustainable growth: intellectual property, gaming and gambling, consumer protection & advertising and data privacy, technology & media, corporate and M&A, and disputes resolution.
The values that define us are Authenticity, Integrality, Partnership, Fairness and Respect. We are committed to them. We expect the same from all our new colleagues.

We are looking forward to receiving your CV at [email protected]
Subject line: Mid-level associate – Regulatory

When applying for the role and contact us, kindly note that your data will be processed according to SIMION & BACIU Privacy Policy.
All information will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 21 iunie 2023

PETERKA & PARTNERS is recruiting an Attorney-at-Law | Labour

Founded in 2000, PETERKA & PARTNERS is an independent full-service law firm with special commitment to the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

PETERKA & PARTNERS is the one truly CEE law firm that has built a pan-regional full-service practice with a unique fully integrated infrastructure. The firm provides a one-stop shop for legal services over several jurisdictions or the whole region.

For the Romanian office, PETERKA & PARTNERS is recruiting an Attorney-at-Law specializing in Labour Law.

– fluent English (proficiency in other foreign languages is an advantage);
– solid knowledge of the Romanian law with a focus on labour law;
– experience in an international legal environment of minimum 5 years;
– commitment to delivering high-quality legal work;
– good legal writing, communication and negotiation skills;
– strong analytical, reasoning and research skills;
– business awareness;
– highly developed work ethic.

– competitive remuneration corresponding to abilities and achieved result;
– interesting and diverse work in growing regional firm;
– pleasant working environment;
– gaining interesting and professional experience in an international law firm.

Please send your CV and cover letter in English to Ms. Amalia Covesan, to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 21 iunie 2023

IORDĂCHESCU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat stagiar | Drept penal

Societatea civilă de avocaţi IORDĂCHESCU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat stagiar pentru sediul din București, aria de practică a dreptului penal.

– să dovedească cunoştinţe juridice temeinice de drept penal și de drept procesual penal;
– să aibă capacitatea de a reacţiona rapid şi de a lua decizii în momente critice, asumându-şi responsabilităţi;
– să aibă spirit inovativ, excelente abilităţi de comunicare şi să prezinte disponibilitate pentru lucrul în echipă;
– să aibă cunoştinţe operare PC;
– să dețină permis de conducere: categoria B.

– activități de Arhivă și Registratură;
– asistenţă şi reprezentare clienţi în faţa instanţelor de judecată, a organelor judiciare, precum şi a altor instituţii publice;
– studiere aprofundată și redactare lucrări în dosare din domeniile precizate;
– alte activități juridice specifice.

De la data înfiinţării şi până în prezent societatea ”IORDĂCHESCU & ASOCIAȚII” s-a dezvoltat în mod constant, reuşind să formeze o echipă modernă, creativă şi profesionistă care îmbină în mod echilibrat experienţa şi profesionalismul partenerilor cu dinamismul, dăruirea şi entuziasmul tinerilor avocaţi. În timp, societatea s-a concentrat spre dezvoltarea unei componente academice, care să susţină la nivel teoretic soluţiile practice propuse, având în vedere specificul fiecărei cauze şi necesităţile fiecărui client în parte.

Datorită experienţei dobândite în cadrul diverselor profesii juridice deţinute anterior de asociaţi, a expertizei în toate domeniile dreptului, precum şi a valorilor care guvernează activitatea tuturor membrilor societăţii, aceasta s-a impus în scurt timp atât la nivel regional cât şi naţional, tinzând spre o extindere internaţională.

Candidaţii interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul însoţit de o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de e-mail [email protected]
Persoanele selectate vor fi contactate telefonic pentru interviu.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 21 iunie 2023