SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Attorney at Law | Criminal Law


SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Attorney at Law | Criminal law.

– 2-5 years of experience in criminal law;
– excellent writing and verbal communication skills in Romanian and En-glish (knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage);
– top-level theoretical knowledge of Romanian law;
– business acumen, a proactive, positive attitude, commitment to team-work and client service;
– excellent writing and verbal communication skills in Romanian and En-glish (knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage);
– curiosity and interest in continuous learning and development.

– access to exciting local and cross-border projects for high-profile cli-ents;
– the opportunity to enlarge your perspective by working closely with col-leagues from other practice groups and jurisdictions;
– tailored support for your career growth, including e-learning tools, on-site training programmes in Vienna, and regular meetings with the dis-pute resolution teams in our 15 offices across Central and Eastern Eu-rope;
– an international working environment and a friendly work atmosphere;
– the chance to become part of a diverse and inclusive firm whose values are excellence, commitment, flexibility, learning, individuality and col-laboration.

Do you possess these qualifications? Are you interested in being part of a successful, growing, career-minded team?
Do you look forward to challenging work with demanding international clients?
If so, we would love to hear from you.
Please send your CV with photo, letter of motivation, university transcripts, and reference letters in English to Ana Lupsor at [email protected]

For more information regarding our recruitment process and how to apply, please go to

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 august 2023

REFF & ASSOCIATES is looking for an Attorney at Law | Data Privacy, Technology & IP

REFF & ASSOCIATES is looking for an Attorney at Law – Associate level | Privacy & Data Protection, Technology and Intellectual Property.

– bar membership;
– 2-5 years of professional experience in a top business law firm, with significant involvement in privacy & data protection, consumer protection, technology and intellectual property law matters;
– sound legal reasoning, thoroughness, very good legal writing skills;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable;
– fluency in written & spoken English is necessary; any other foreign language is an advantage.

– provides comprehensive privacy & data protection, consumer protection, technology and intellectual property advisory services to deliver fully integrated expert solutions on a national and global basis.
– is deeply involved in all stages of evolution of a project, from initial discussions with prospect, proposal development, analysis, structuring, drafting, negotiations and implementation;
– works in a dynamic and competitive environment, which preserves a collegial culture;
– has access to the rich local and global research and training resources of our network.

Please apply with your Resume, which must contain all your major relevant projects, here.

Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal has a team of 70 lawyers and is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The areas of practice include banking and finance, capital markets, competition law, employment law, energy and environment law, insolvency law, legal management consulting, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, public sector, real estate.
Reff & Associates is independent law firm in accordance with the Bucharest Bar rules and is a member of Deloitte Legal, a global network with more than 2,500 lawyers in 80 countries. The continuous and consistent involvement of Reff & Associates in landmark transactions are recognized also by the international legal guides and EMEA Legal 500 ranks Reff & Associates as a leading law firm in Romania and particularly recommends its lawyers for their expertise in Real Estate and Construction, Banking & Finance, Commercial, Corporate and M&A, Employment, Tax & Commercial Litigation, Competition Law, PPP and Public Procurement and TMT.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 august 2023

PERJU, ROTARU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat stagiar


PERJU, ROTARU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat stagiar.

– gestionarea dosarelor de instanţă;
– operaţiuni de drept societar, asociaţii şi fundaţii;

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt invitaţi să transmită CV-ul şi o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa: [email protected]

Societatea Civilă Profesională „PERJU, ROTARU & ASOCIAŢII” s-a înfiinţat în anul 2006, cu obiectivul asumat de avocaţii parteneri de a-şi pune amprenta în domeniul juridic şi de a realiza un lucru durabil, pentru ei şi pentru clienții lor.

Clienții deserviți sunt actori importanți din România, lideri de necontestat în domeniile în care își desfășoară activitatea, serviciile de avocatură oferite privind dreptul fiscal şi societar, drept civil şi comercial, achiziţiile publice şi concesiunile, proiecte de real estate, drepturi de autor, drept penal.

Cu un leadership consolidat, partenerii societăţii lucrează împreună cu un nucleu de avocați permanenți și un grup de colaboratori externi, în București și în alte orașe importante din țară, asigurând astfel o derulare adecvată a activității și în teritoriu. Pentru parteneri, formarea, dezvoltarea și păstrarea oamenilor performanți alături de ei reprezintă un obiectiv și o preocupare permanentă. Astfel, exigența, dorința de autodepășire și progresul sunt cerințe pe care partenerii și le impun; ei le insuflă întregii echipe pentru a o conduce spre performanță.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 august 2023