ZAMFIRESCU RACOŢI VASILE & PARTNERS recrutează avocat | Consultanță

Zamfirescu Racoti & Parteners

ZAMFIRESCU RACOŢI VASILE & PARTNERS recrutează avocat pentru departamentul Consultanță.

– să fie avocat cu experiență profesională relevantă în domeniul consultanței;
– să aibă vechime în profesie între 1 – 3 ani de la promovarea examenului de admitere în profesie;
– să aibă experiență în domeniile real estate și/sau energie;
– să demonstreze raționament juridic riguros, capacitate de analiză și interpretare a dispozițiilor legale incidente raportat la particularităţile fiecărui proiect;
– să aibă cunoștințe avansate de limbă engleză (cunoașterea unei alte limbi de circulație internațională reprezintă un avantaj);
– să aibă spirit inovativ, excelente abilităţi de comunicator şi de jucător în echipă.

Candidaţii interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul însoţit de o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de e-mail [email protected] – folosind la subiect: Avocat pentru departamentul Consultanță, până la data de 24.02.2024. Doar candidații selectați vor fi contactați pentru interviu.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 februarie 2024

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv | Banking & Finance/PPP

Bondoc & Asociatii

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat junior (avocat care a obținut recent titlul profesional de avocat definitiv sau cu o experiență de 1 până la 3 ani dobândită în calitate de avocat in-house sau într-o firmă de avocatură) pentru practicile sale de Banking & Finance/PPP.

– diplomă în drept de la o universitate românească de renume și este membru al Baroului București;
– cunoștințe solide de drept civil și drept societar. Cunoașterea reglementărilor privind serviciile bancare și financiare reprezintă un avantaj;
– competențe profesionale avansate în limba engleză;
– motivație în soluționarea unor chestiuni complexe pentru clienți internaționali și firme de avocatură la nivel global;
– o atitudine pozitivă, jucător de echipă, cu atenție la detalii și preocupat de nevoile clienților.

– dezvoltare profesională într-o firmă de avocatură de top și interacțiuni continue cu importante firme de avocatură internaționale;
– un mediu de lucru flexibil și adaptabil, cu oportunități de dezvoltare prin implicarea în proiecte tranzacționale și de reglementare marcante pentru clienții care dețin o poziție de top în domeniul lor de activitate;
– formarea și dezvoltarea abilităților tehnice și soft în cadrul grupurilor de practică;
– îndrumare din partea partenerilor, precum și o viziune holistică asupra practicilor de lucru, printr-o strânsă colaborare;
– remunerație competitivă, inclusiv evaluare și apreciere anuală.

Sunteți interesat să vă alăturați echipei noastre de top? Dacă da, vă rugăm să trimiteți CV-ul și scrisoarea de motivare (în engleză) la
[email protected] (Ref. Banking & Finance/PPP) până în data de 2 februarie 2024.
Toate cererile vor fi tratate cu strictă confidențialitate.

Bondoc & Asociații este o firmă de avocatură românească de top alcătuită din 41 de avocați și 10 parteneri, care acoperă întregul spectru de servicii juridice atât în consultanță, cât și în litigii. Marea majoritate a membrilor echipei noastre a beneficiat şi de pregătire în diferite jurisdicții occidentale. În ultimii ani am fost implicați în multe dintre cele mai mari și mai complexe tranzacții de pe piața românească. Principalele noastre puncte forte care ne definesc sunt integritatea, o abordare orientată către client, servicii de înaltă calitate, inclusiv în sectoare foarte reglementate, o dimensiune care permite acoperirea mai multor proiecte mari în același timp, o experiență robustă în proiecte complexe, atât interne, cât și internaționale și o abordare holistică.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 februarie 2023

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a Senior Associate | Litigation

is looking for a Senior Associate | Litigation

Join our Litigation team!

Are you looking to engage in some of the most sensitive and engaging projects? Complexity and sophistication are the key elements of the activity at
BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAȚII. Join one of the most ambitious teams, with a mentality and approach similar to that investment banks.

– admitted to the Bar;
– minimum of 5 years of experience in Litigation;
– solid knowledge of Romanian civil law and commercial law;
– proficient in both written and spoken English;
– truly eager to learn, build, and passionately perfect a remarkable long-term career with us, rewarded accordingly;
– proactive, with ideas beyond standards, wanting to apply them in some of the most challenging projects in this practice area;
– a team player.

– real professional and entrepreneurial development in a team of remarkable, dedicated, experienced lawyers and consultants, recognized as such by international legal directories;
– competitive compensation, including an annual performance bonus (guaranteed) and additional performance bonuses;
– additional days off in addition to statutory leave;
– the opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team;
– a friendly working atmosphere;
– a series of additional benefits to financial compensation.

If you are interested in the above, we would love to get to know you by receiving your application: CV and a cover letter in English at the email address [email protected]
All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Bulboacă & Asociații SPARL is predominantly a Corporate M&A and Finance & Restructuring legal powerhouse with investment banking type of mentality & approach. Established following of a spin-off of the Bucharest office of a Magic Circle law firm, Bulboacă şi Asociaţii has one of the strongest brands on the Romanian law market, with preponderant experience in financing & restructuring, mergers & acquisitions, insolvencies & litigation and labor law, since 1’st January of 2007. We are involved in some of the most sensible and demanding transactions or matters, very often quite difficult to close or to solve, whereby a staggering, passionate and a determined approach, alongside with the specific legal and business acumen plays a fundamental role. We counsel financial institutions, funds, companies, their senior management or shareholders with respect to situations that are critical. When our clients are facing a major challenge, that is beyond the usual thinking or unsolvable, our experience evidences that also in such situations there are real chances to make a deal or to solve a matter.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 februarie 2024

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAŢII is looking for an Associate | Banking & Finance

is looking for an Associate | Banking & Finance

Join our Banking & Finance team!

Are you looking to engage in some of the most sensitive and engaging projects? Complexity and sophistication are the key elements of the activity at
BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAȚII. Join one of the most ambitious teams, with a mentality and approach similar to that investment banks.

– admitted to the Bar;
– minimum of 2 years of experience in Banking & Finance. Experience in capital markets would be an advantage;
– solid knowledge of Romanian civil law and commercial law;
– proficient in both written and spoken English;
– truly eager to learn, build, and passionately perfect a remarkable long-term career with us, rewarded accordingly;
– proactive, with ideas beyond standards, wanting to apply them in some of the most challenging projects in this practice area;
– a team player.

– real professional and entrepreneurial development in a team of remarkable, dedicated, experienced lawyers and consultants, recognized as such by international legal directories;
– competitive compensation, including an annual performance bonus (guaranteed) and additional performance bonuses;
– additional days off in addition to statutory leave;
– the opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team;
– a friendly working atmosphere;
– a series of additional benefits to financial compensation.

If you are interested in the above, we would love to get to know you by receiving your application: CV and a cover letter in English at the email address [email protected]

All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Bulboacă & Asociații SPARL is predominantly a Corporate M&A and Finance & Restructuring legal powerhouse with investment banking type of mentality & approach. Established following of a spin-off of the Bucharest office of a Magic Circle law firm, Bulboacă şi Asociaţii has one of the strongest brands on the Romanian law market, with preponderant experience in financing & restructuring, mergers & acquisitions, insolvencies & litigation and labor law, since 1’st January of 2007. We are involved in some of the most sensible and demanding transactions or matters, very often quite difficult to close or to solve, whereby a staggering, passionate and a determined approach, alongside with the specific legal and business acumen plays a fundamental role. We counsel financial institutions, funds, companies, their senior management or shareholders with respect to situations that are critical. When our clients are facing a major challenge, that is beyond the usual thinking or unsolvable, our experience evidences that also in such situations there are real chances to make a deal or to solve a matter.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 februarie 2024

BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAŢII is looking for an Associate | Corporate, M&A

is looking for an Associate | Corporate, M&A

Join our Corporate/M&A team!

Are you looking to engage in some of the most sensitive and engaging projects? Complexity and sophistication are the key elements of the activity at
BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAȚII. Join one of the most ambitious teams, with a mentality and approach similar to that investment banks.

– admitted to the Bar;
– minimum of 3 years of experience in Corporate/M&A. Experience in Labor Law, Regulatory, and Energy and Natural Resources Law would be an advantage;
– solid knowledge of Romanian civil law and commercial law;
– proficient in both written and spoken English;
– truly eager to learn, build, and passionately perfect a remarkable long-term career with us, rewarded accordingly;
– proactive, with ideas beyond standards, wanting to apply them in some of the most challenging projects in this practice area;
– a team player.

– real professional and entrepreneurial development in a team of remarkable, dedicated, experienced lawyers and consultants, recognized as such by international legal directories;
– competitive compensation, including an annual performance bonus (guaranteed) and additional performance bonuses;
– additional days off in addition to statutory leave;
– the opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team;
– a friendly working atmosphere;
– a series of additional benefits to financial compensation.

If you are interested in the above, we would love to get to know you by receiving your application: CV and a cover letter in English at the email address [email protected]
All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Bulboacă & Asociații SPARL is predominantly a Corporate M&A and Finance & Restructuring legal powerhouse with investment banking type of mentality & approach. Established following of a spin-off of the Bucharest office of a Magic Circle law firm, Bulboacă şi Asociaţii has one of the strongest brands on the Romanian law market, with preponderant experience in financing & restructuring, mergers & acquisitions, insolvencies & litigation and labor law, since 1’st January of 2007. We are involved in some of the most sensible and demanding transactions or matters, very often quite difficult to close or to solve, whereby a staggering, passionate and a determined approach, alongside with the specific legal and business acumen plays a fundamental role. We counsel financial institutions, funds, companies, their senior management or shareholders with respect to situations that are critical. When our clients are facing a major challenge, that is beyond the usual thinking or unsolvable, our experience evidences that also in such situations there are real chances to make a deal or to solve a matter.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 februarie 2024