Are you a lawyer who wants to gain experience in an international Organisation working for human rights, democracy and the rule of law?
Do you want to help the European Court of Human Rights to ensure respect for the rights of 700 millionEuropeans?
Dealing with applications alleging violations of the rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights interests you?
If so, our job offer may be the right opportunity for you.

With over 2200 staffmembers representing all its 46member States, the Council of Europe is a multicultural Organisation. We all strive towards protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law and our three core values – professionalism, integrity and respect – guide the way we work.

The European Court of Human Rights oversees the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the member States. Individuals can bring complaints of human rights violations to the Strasbourg Court once all possibilities of appeal have been exhausted in the member State concerned. See the Court’s website for information about its activities.

The Council of Europe has its headquarters in Strasbourg (France) and has external presence in more than twenty countries. See here for more information about the Council of Europe external presence.

As a Lawyer, you will:
Manage a certain number of case-files in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights and the Court’s procedures:
– examine and deal with applications lodged with the Court in accordance with the general time-limits, internal guidelines and specific country-management meetings instructions;
– maintain correspondence with the applicants and, where appropriate, with Governments and third parties;
– prepare case-files for the examination by a Judge-rapporteur and for submission to the Court;
– ensure legal analysis;
– attend the Court’s sessions and present cases;
– draft judgments, decisions, minutes, reports, notes and other documents;
– undertake studies and research relating to the case-law of the Court and national law;
– analyse and distribute information concerning the Court’s case-law.
Advise and report to a Senior Legal Adviser: report on the results achieved, on further requirements, risks and opportunities of developments or events.
Communicate in matters concerning the case-files:
– ensure that all those concerned are informed appropriately;
– maintain contacts with counterparts.
Promote the values of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights internally and externally.

You must:
– hold a higher education degree or qualification equivalent to a master’s degree (2nd cycle of the Bologna process framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area) in law obtained in Romania permitting access, either on the basis of qualifications or after passing a competitive examination, to the judicial administration or legal professions in Romania;
– after having obtained the relevant university degree in law, have at least two years of professional experience acquired in the legal field (preferably in the judicial service) in Romania or in international Organisations;
– have an excellent knowledge of Romanian (mother tongue level);
– have very good knowledge of one of the two official languages of the Council of Europe (English or French) and knowledge of the other;
– have the ability to draft legal texts clearly and precisely in English or French;
– be a citizen of one of the member States of the Council of Europe and fulfil the conditions for appointment to the civil service of that state;
– have discharged any obligation concerning national service (military, civil or comparable);
– not be the parent, child, stepchild or grandchild of a serving staff member of the Council of Europe;
– be under the age of 65 years.

Demonstrate to us that you have the following competencies
Professional and technical expertise:
– thorough knowledge of the Romanian legal system and ability to handle cases arising in other jurisdictions;
– knowledge of European Union law and international law.
Drafting skills;
Analysis and problem solving;
Concern for quality;
Planning and work organisation;
Teamwork and co-operation;
Learning and development;

These would be an asset:
– Decision making;
– Adaptability;
– Initiative;
– Results orientation.

In Strasbourg, you will receive a basic monthly gross salary of € 5536 (grade A1) or € 7074 (grade A2) which is exempt from national income tax.
The deadline for applications is 04 March 2024 (midnight Central European Time).

For more information on how to apply, please click the Apply button.

Reference: e007/2024
Location: Strasbourg
Deadline: 04 March 2024

KINSTELLAR is recruiting a Lawyer | Competition & FDI

KINSTELLAR is recruiting Competition & FDI Lawyer with 3 – 5 years of practical experience in Bucharest.

Kinstellar is a full-service firm, with particularly strong energy, competition, real estate, employment, M&A/corporate, finance, private equity and litigation practices. We take on the most complex and high-profile assignments from some of the world’s most successful companies, who expect the highest level of service and expertise. We have built our reputation by exceeding their expectations.

– has a law degree from a reputable Romanian university with a minimum of three (3) – five (5) years of practical experience in competition law matters in an international or reputed domestic law firm; further experience in other practice areas such as life sciences or energy would be beneficial and bring additional value;
– finds motivation in working on complex cases for international clients and global law firms;
– is flexible and wants to work in a team;
– is a team player with passion for excellence.
Excellent written and spoken English is a must. Knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage.

If you are looking to take the next step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join an international law firm and be part of our success.

– professional development and training in a leading CEE law firm and interesting work for reputable local and international clients (more information at;
– a modern and dynamic work environment;
– technical and soft skills training and development across practice groups and jurisdictions;
– competitive compensation including future salary growth and annual performance bonus; and
– private medical services subscription.

As a law firm providing premium legal services, we have a vested interest to ensure that our people have the best opportunities for professional development. We invest significantly in knowledge, learning and professional development.

We are looking for the best and brightest to help us continue to grow. If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please, send your application (CV focused on describing the practical employment experience and cover letter) in English to Manuela Leptiher, HR Manager at [email protected]
Please specify the position you are applying for.
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 martie 2024

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII is recruiting a Senior Lawyer | Consultancy

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL is recruiting, for the legal consultancy practice, Senior Lawyers Public Procurement & European Funded Projects, Banking, Finance, Digital & Tech Law or Competition, Retail & Telecom.

As a member of our team, you will manage your tasks in a collegial and dynamic environment, you will be involved in developing innovative solutions and
– providing comprehensive consultancy and legal assistance services to the firm’s clients (including drafting legal analysis in the form of memorandums, emails, drafting specific documents);
– working as part of a team and taking an active role in sharing knowledge and experience;
– working in close collaboration both with the coordinating lawyer and the junior lawyers.

We are growing and looking for senior lawyers to be part of our team and meet the following
– >3 years of professional experience in Public Procurement & European Funded Projects, Banking, Finance, Digital & Tech Law or Competition, Retail & Telecom;
– sound legal reasoning and thorough legal knowledge relevant for the practice area of interest;
– fluent in English;
– well-organized, hands-on attitude, flexible and a team player.

– a motivating and competitive salary;
– access to private health services;
– hybrid work schedule;
– large-scale projects and working for internationally renowned companies;
– collaboration with lawyers from EY Law’s global network member firms;
– the opportunity to be part of a young and dynamic team;
– local and international courses for the development of both technical skills and personal (soft) skills.

Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL is a Romanian full-service law firm, offering both legal advisory services and assistance before the courts of law. We are a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Ltd and part of the expanding EY Law global network, which has more than 2,400 lawyers and offices in over 90 jurisdictions.

To apply, please enter your resume to our Career page or send your resume at [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 martie 2024

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII is recruiting a Junior Lawyer | Corporate Law

BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU și ASOCIAȚII SPRL is recruiting a Junior Lawyer for the legal consultancy practice | Corporate & Commercial Law.

We are growing and looking for junior lawyers to be part of our team and meet the following
– being members of the Bucharest Bar or another bar in Romania;
– having solid legal knowledge and preferably professional experience gained within a law firm (if applicable);
– good command of English;
– ability to work both individually and in a team;
– flexible, proactive, with interpersonal skills and eager to learn and develop;
– team spirit, aimed to understand and meet the needs of clients and the market, with a tendency towards a serious, rigorous and creative approach to projects.

As a member of our team, you will manage your tasks in a collegial and dynamic environment, you will be involved in developing innovative solutions and
– providing comprehensive assistance services in transactions, corporate and commercial law for the company’s clients;
– working in a team and assuming an active role in knowledge and experience sharing;
– closely collaborating with senior lawyers;
– collaborating with transaction assistance professionals and other business consulting professionals to implement multidisciplinary projects.

– a motivating and competitive salary;
– access to private health services;
– hybrid work schedule;
– large-scale projects and working for internationally renowned companies;
– collaboration with lawyers from EY Law’s global network member firms;
– the opportunity to be part of a young and dynamic team;
– local and international courses for the development of both technical skills and personal (soft) skills.

Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL is a Romanian full-service law firm, offering both legal advisory services and assistance before the courts of law. We are a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Ltd and part of the expanding EY Law global network, which has more than 2,400 lawyers and offices in over 90 jurisdictions.

To apply, please enter your resume to our Career page or send your resume at [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 martie 2024

IORDACHE CLARA CRISTIANA recrutează consilier juridic

BEJ IORDACHE CLARA CRISTIANA recrutează consilier juridic.

– ești determinat să inițiezi o schimbare în cariera ta;
– demonstrezi apetit pentru cunoaștere, ești avid de informații, spontan și ai cunoștințe pentru utilizarea pachetul Microsoft Office;
– evidențiezi aptitudini de planificare, organizare, control al activității și luare a deciziilor;
– îți impui o atitudine proactivă și auto-motivantă, ești flexibil și deschis către noi cerințe și îți menții rezistența în fața stresului;
– te exprimi excepțional, atât verbal, cât și în scris şi ai abilitați de a comunica eficient cu clienții şi alte parți implicate în proces;
– ai capacitatea de a gestiona eficient timpul şi de a prioritiza sarcinile.

– executarea procedurilor legale în conformitate cu hotărârile judecătoreşti şi mandatele emise de instanțe;
– comunicarea cu părțile litigante implicate în proces pentru a facilita executarea hotărârilor judecătorești şi a altor titluri executorii şi acordarea consultațiilor juridice de specialitate;
– pregătirea şi gestionarea documentelor necesare pentru executarea silită;
– monitorizarea termenelor limită şi asigurarea respectării acestora.

– vei beneficia iniţial de un sprijin specializat, participând la un program de instruire; Vei fi integrat într-un mediu de lucru prietenos;
– vei avea ocazia de a participa la evenimente recreative, inclusiv la teambuildinguri;
– vei beneficia de un generos concediu de odihnă anual;
– poziția pe care o vei ocupa îți va oferi autonomie, impact și influență asupra activităților desfășurate; Vei primi în mod constant apreciere și feedback pentru munca ta, iar contribuția ta va fi recunoscută și luată în considerare;
– vei simți că faci parte din echipa noastră încă din procesul de recrutare, vei experimenta energia pozitivă a colectivului nostru și vei resimți puterea și forța juridică pe care o reprezentăm;
– vei avea oportunitatea de a te dezvolta continuu.

Biroul Executorului Judecătoresc Iordache Clara este specializat în îndeplinirea operațiunilor, privind aducerea la îndeplinire efectivă a drepturilor subiective ale cetăţenilor, precum şi realizarea dreptului obiectiv, în cadrul biroului activând o echipă tânără, profesionistă şi dinamică, al cărei obiectiv este exigența, profesionalismul, operativitatea şi responsabilitatea în toate activităţile juridice intreprinse.

Biroul nostru colaborează cu specialişti de prim rang din toate domeniile adiacente activităţii de executare silită (avocaţi, experţi evaluatori, notari, experți contabili, organe ale forţei publice, detectivi etc.), aleşi în urma unor criterii stricte de competență, ceea ce conferă eficienţă şi calitate activităţii noastre.

O atenţie specială este acordată respectării stricte a cadrului legal, fapt ce conduce la statornicia actelor și acţiunilor corespunzătoare acestei faze a procesului civil.

Dacă vrei să faci parte din echipa noastră, așteptăm CV-ul la adresa de email: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiile București și Pitești.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 martie 2024

POPESCU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi | Litigii

POPESCU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocați litiganți.

– au minim 3 – 5 ani experiență în domeniul litigiilor;
– cunosc bine limba engleză – scris și vorbit (cunoașterea unei alte limbi străine este un plus);
– au abilități de negociere și de a gestiona mandate complexe;
– se pot organiza și își pot gestiona timpul în mod eficient;
– au o atitudine proactivă, lucrează bine în echipă, sunt flexibili și se adaptează ușor;
– manifestă curiozitate și interes pentru învățare și dezvoltarea continuă;
– experiența într-o societate de avocatură de notorietate reprezintă un plus.

– aveți șansa de a lucra în mandate și dosare complexe pentru companii cunoscute, alături de avocați recunoscuți de directoarele juridice;
– oferim un mediu de lucru plăcut, cu diferite posibilități de dezvoltare profesională;
– avem o echipă tânără, dar cu experiență vastă;
– veți primi o remunerație atractivă, în baza performanțelor;
– avem biroul amplasat central, la doar 5 minute de mers pe jos de stația de metrou Piața Victoriei.

POPESCU & ASOCIAȚII este firma de avocatură din prima linie, cu experiență dovedită în consultanța juridică, precum și ariile litigiilor și dreptului penal. Societatea și avocații săi sunt clasați în toate clasamentele directoarelor juridice prestigioase precum Legal 500, Chambers & Partners, IFLR 1000 și Benchmark Litigation.

În iunie 2023, compania a primit titlul Eastern Europe Firm of the Year în cadrul Women in Business Law Awards de la Londra, iar în cadrul Galei Avocați de Top 2023 echipa de Litigii a primit Premiul special „Excelență în Dispute Resolution”.

Dacă doriți să faceți parte din echipa noastră, așteptăm CV-ul la adresa [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 14 martie 2024