CHERCIU & CO is looking for a Billing and Operations Coordinator

We are looking for a new team member to join our law firm CHERCIU & CO for the position of Billing and Operations Coordinator (preferably full-time but also considering part-time).

This multifaceted role combines billing functions, legal operations, financial tracking, social media coordination, and executive assistance.
The ideal candidate is organized, detail-oriented, comfortable working with different apps and software services (particularly Microsoft Office), proactive, curious, and ready to work independently in a fast-paced legal environment. You will collaborate closely with attorneys, clients, accountants, and other team members to ensure efficient operations and excellent service delivery.

– drafting legal assistance contracts and sending them to clients for signature;
– maintaining organized records of contracts concluded by the firm with clients, employees, and collaborators;
– drafting and issuing invoices to clients;
– preparing the firm’s activity reports (timesheets);
– submitting invoices via e-Invoice (e-Factura) and monitoring payment status;
– monitoring expenses and related invoices, managing supplier invoices, and assisting in the preparation of profit and loss (P&L) reports;
– collaborating with accountants on accounting records, tax filings, and other financial matters;
– maintaining relationships with external partners to ensure optimal operational flow;
– working with vendors and partners to negotiate favorable terms and maintain solid relationships that support the firm’s financial objectives;
– contributing to the preparation of the annual budget and financial forecasts and providing analyses and insights to support strategic decision-making;
– monitoring social media channels;
– collaborating with the internal team to collect relevant content and marketing materials;
– working with the attorneys on the logistical organization of conferences, workshops, and other events.

– salary based on experience;
– office in central Bucharest;
– entrepreneurial culture where pushing limits and taking risks is everyday business;
– open communication with management and company leadership;
– a work environment built on quality, communication and collaboration;
– an environment where transparency and trust is key;
– the opportunity to work in a dynamic, creative and friendly environment;
– exposure to and work with new technologies;
– 1 happy (free) Friday every 2 months;
– free snacks and drinks – including specialty coffee and tea;
– excellent networking opportunities.

– Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience (previous experience in a law firm or legal department is a plus). We can also consider near to graduating stellar students;
– proficiency in English at C1 level, preferably C2;
– 1-3 years of experience in a similar role;
– strong knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook);
– preferably experience with e-billing systems; experience using other tools such as Docusign, Canva, Toggl, etc. is a plus;
– organizational skills: Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines;
– communication: Excellent written and verbal communication skills; ability to communicate professionally with clients, suppliers, and colleagues: we are working day by day with different people and we need to act as professionals;
– interpersonal skills: Curiosity, desire to learn and develop, proactivity;
– flexibility: Willingness to adapt to changing priorities;
– client service: commitment to providing high-quality support and the ability to respond promptly;
– ability to work in a team, as well as independently;
– ability to successfully meet job requirements, with the capacity to organize tasks independently, manage time effectively, and prioritize projects.

If you thrive on taking initiative and thinking outside the box, we’d love to hear from you!
Send us your CV at: [email protected]

Cherciu & Co is a Bucharest based law firm specialized in technology and investment law. Works with tech companies, investors and entrepreneurs – from early setup, to exit or IPO and everything in between. We proudly advise VCs, hedge funds, unicorns.
Our expertise is focused on corporate, M&A, convertibles, flips, financing rounds, ESOP, AI and data governance and compliance, IP, contracts, software development and licensing matters.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 17 martie 2025

JGV & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat definitiv

SCPA JERCAN GHEORGHE VLAD & ASOCIAŢII recrutează Associate – Litigation, Personal Injury and Insurance Law Department – Galaţi.

JGV & Asociaţii este o societate de avocaţi înfiinţată în anul 2005, în prezent cuprinzând o echipă tânără şi dinamică formată din aproximativ 55 de avocaţi, jurişti şi specialişti.
Peste 20 de ani de excelență într-o societate în continuă schimbare, JGV & Asociaţii este recunoscută ca fiind unul dintre principalii jucători ai avocaturii de tip ,,personal injury” din România.

JGV & Asociaţii este specializată în dreptul asigurărilor, fiind cotată ca cea mai activă societate în domeniu, şi pe lângă sediul central din Bucureşti are deschise cinci birouri teritoriale în: Timişoara, Craiova, Cluj, Galaţi şi Iaşi.
O organizaţie care creşte constant, se adaptează permanent la nou şi introduce noi servicii pentru a veni în întâmpinarea nevoilor clienţilor săi.

– avocat definitiv cu o experiență peste 2 ani în profesia de avocat;
– deține cunoștințe solide de drept civil, răspundere civilă delictuală, procedură civilă, procedură penală;
– deține permis de conducere cat. B;
– disponibil pentru deplasări dese la instanțe din țară;
– are spirit de echipă, excelente abilități de comunicare și se adaptează repede într-un colectiv nou;
– dă dovadă de cunoștințe avansate de Microsoft Word, utilizare internet și acuratețe în redactarea documentelor;
– redactează și susține coerent argumentele juridice invocate;
– capacitate superioară de concentrare şi orientare către obiective şi sarcini;
– perseverenţă, responsabilitate şi integritate. 

– reprezentare juridică în instanță (judecătorie, tribunal, curte de apel, secțiile civile și penale);
– redactare acte necesare asistării clienților în fața instanțelor;
– redactare cereri de chemare în judecată, întâmpinări, cereri de intervenție, etc;
– asistentă și reprezentare în fața organelor de cercetare penală;
– alte activități juridice.

– program de lucru flexibil;
– un plan de carieră şi o schemă de onorarii motivantă;
– condiţii clare de decontare şi compensare;
– oportunitatea de a te implica în dezvoltarea de soluţii inovatoare;
– ghidaj constant în realizarea sarcinilor de lucru şi suport profesional în dezvoltarea carierei;
– un mediu de lucru prietenos într-o echipă tânără, dinamică şi motivată.

CV-urile trimise vor avea şi fotografia candidatului.
Adresa de mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Persoanele selectate vor fi contactate telefonic pentru interviu.
Toate aplicaţiile vor fi tratate cu confidenţialitate.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul Galaţi.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 17 martie 2025

BMA Legal is looking for a Lawyer

BMA Legal – Bogoiu, Matei & Associates is looking for a Lawyer with 3-5 years’ experience.

BMA Legal – Bogoiu, Matei & Associates is an expanding firm located in Bucharest with a solid base of international and Romanian clients.

If you are looking for an exciting opportunity to develop your career in a fast-paced international environment and committed to getting the best results for your clients, then we want to hear from you!

Being part of our dynamic team of lawyers will give you an excellent opportunity to observe different legal cultures and enhance your skillset by working in many areas of law. We can provide challenging assignments, and we will gladly offer support on your professional development opportunities.

We are seeking ambitious people with excellent communication skills who can work well under pressure and time constraints.

– between 3 and 5 years of experience in the profession;
– solid knowledge of civil and commercial law;
– experience in the practice of civil and commercial litigation.

– good communication and legal writing skills;
– proactive attitude, attention to detail, analytical thinking, team player;
– ability to work in English;
– computer skills (MS Office, Windows OS).

– the opportunity to work in a young expanding law practice;
– an international environment and client focus;
– interesting wide-ranging experience of law;
– competitive remuneration.

This is an exciting time to join our team in Bucharest, so if you are interested, please send your CV in English to [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 17 martie 2025