DUNCEA, ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES is recruiting lawyer | Advisory – Insolvency

Duncea Stefanescu

DUNCEA, ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES is recruiting lawyer | Advisory – Insolvency.

– member of the Bar Association;
– 2-to-3-years’ experience in a multinational law firm / prestigious law firm;
– sound technical knowledge and practice (in the field of insolvency) is an advantage;
– excellent communication skills in Romanian; advanced knowledge of English is compulsory, while French and/or German are/is an advantage;
– analytical thinking, proactive attitude, involvement and consistency;
– good planning and computer skills (MS Office);
– technical skills and business oriented;
– willingness to learn / specialize in the field of Insolvency / Restructuring;
– open-minded and gregarious team player;
– willingness to build and pursue a sound career.

The main initial tasks shall include:
– performance of legal research on particular subjects;
– drafting of notifications, claims and/or different judicial requests of minor / average difficulty;
– drafting of legal opinions, contracts of minor / average difficulty, reviewing minor/ average difficulty contracts under close supervision of the senior team members;
– attending meetings or hearings with public authorities, drafting and submitting documents with third parties / public authorities;
– drafting e-mail correspondence with clients based on formal instructions received from the senior team members, as well as administrative assistance to the team.
You will have to ensure the observance of professional quality standards.

Career opportunities (inclusive of your responsibilities and related benefits) are discussed in detail during the interview.

If this profile fits your background and if you are interested in becoming a member of our team, you are invited to send us your CV (inc. photo) and application letter (observing the deadline). Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Application code (to be mentioned in e-mail “Subject” line): “Lawyer Advisory – Insolvency”
Email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 septembrie 2016

DUNCEA, ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES is recruiting lawyer | Advisory – Competition

Duncea Stefanescu

DUNCEA, ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES is recruiting lawyer | Advisory – Competition.

– member of the Bar Association;
– 2-to-4-years’ experience in a multinational law firm / prestigious law firm;
– competition technical knowledge and practice;
– excellent communication skills in Romanian; advanced knowledge of English is compulsory, while French and/or German are/is an advantage;
– analytical thinking, proactive attitude, involvement and consistency;
– good planning and computer skills (MS Office);
– technical skills and business oriented;
– willingness to specialize in the field of competition law;
– open-minded and gregarious team player;
– willingness to build and pursue a sound career.

The main initial tasks shall include:
– performance of legal research on particular subjects, especially on competition,
– drafting of notifications, claims and/or different judicial requests of minor / average difficulty,
– drafting of legal opinions, contracts of minor / average difficulty, reviewing minor/ average difficulty contracts under close supervision of the senior team members,
– attending meetings or hearings with public authorities, drafting and submitting documents with the public authorities,
– drafting e-mail correspondence with clients based on formal instructions received from the senior team members, as well as administrative assistance to the team.
You will have to ensure the observance of professional quality standards.

Career opportunities (inclusive of your responsibilities and related benefits) are discussed in detail during the interview.

If this profile fits your background and if you are interested in becoming a member of our team, you are invited to send us your CV (inc. photo) and application letter (observing the deadline). Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Application code (to be mentioned in e-mail “Subject” line): “Lawyer Advisory – Competition”
Email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 septembrie 2016

DUNCEA, ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES is recruiting experienced lawyer | Litigation

Duncea Stefanescu

DUNCEA, ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES is recruiting experienced lawyer | Litigation.

– full member of the Bar Association;
– 4-to-5-year experience in representing / advising clients in litigation matters before the Romanian courts of justice;
– excellent communication skills in Romanian; advanced knowledge of English is compulsory, while French and/or German are/is an advantage;
– willingness / availability to travel and attend court hearings in / outside Bucharest;
– analytical thinking, proactive attitude, involvement and consistency;
– good planning and computer skills (MS Office);
– technical skills and business oriented;
– open-minded and gregarious team player;
– willingness to pursue and build a sound career;
– provision of legal consultancy services in a multinational law firm or in a prestigious law firm is a plus.

Career opportunities (inclusive of your responsibilities and related benefits) are discussed in detail during the interview.

If this profile fits your background and you are interested to join our team, you are invited to send us your CV (incl. photo) and application letter (by observing the deadline). Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Application code (to be mentioned in e-mail “Subject” line): “Experienced Lawyer – Litigation”
Email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 19 septembrie 2016

GRECU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat definitiv | Consultanţă

Grecu & Asociatii

GRECU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv.

Pentru poziția vacantă de Avocat Definitiv în cadrul societății noastre căutăm un avocat de consultanţă care să aibă minim 3 ani vechime în profesie. Ca să avem o colaborare reușită, acesta trebuie să fie intelligent și să fie o persoană organizată, dornică să învețe lucruri noi.

– avocat definitiv;
– are experienţă în consultanţă (drept commercial şi/sau dreptul muncii);
– are abilități de negociere, comunicare;
– limba engleză avansat (scris/vorbit);
– persoană organizată, dornică să învețe lucruri noi.

– activități de consultanță juridică (în materie civilă, comercială, dreptul muncii);
– vei redacta contracte şi opinii juridice pe diferite aspecte de drept comercial şi dreptul muncii
– vei reprezenta clienţii societăţii în faţa diferitelor instituţii sau asociaţii (ORDA, CNA, ANPC, RAC);
un avocat bun, este mereu la “la zi” cu modificările legislative – avem pretenția să fii și tu la fel.

Despre societatea noastră poți afla mai multe informații de pe website-ul nostru: http://greculawyers.ro/ și pagina noastră de Facebook Grecu & Asociații

Dacă vei considera că cele enunțate mai sus îți sunt potrivite, te rugăm să ne anunți pe adresa de email: [email protected]

– interviul susținut de Ciprian de la departamentul nostru de H.R.;
– interviul scris (întrebări trimise pe email);
– interviul cu avocatul coordonator.

În maxim 3-4 zile (lucrătoare) de la interviul susținut cu Ciprian vei primi un răspuns definitiv.

Ce părere ai? Așteptăm să ne cunoaștem și să vedem dacă putem colabora, aşteptăm CV-ul tău pe adresa de email: [email protected]

Mult succes!

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 15 septembrie 2016

ROKAS & PARTNERS LAW FIRM recrutează avocat stagiar


ROKAS & PARTNERS LAW FIRM recrutează avocat stagiar.

– limba engleză la un nivel avansat;
– abilităţi de comunicare.

CV-urile vor fi trimise la adresa: [email protected]

Vă rugăm să menţionaţi postul pentru care aplicaţi.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 septembrie 2016

ZAMFIRESCU RACOŢI & PARTNERS recrutează avocat definitiv | Consultanță

Zamfirescu Racoti & Parteners

ZAMFIRESCU RACOŢI & PARTNERS recrutează avocat definitiv pentru departamentul Consultanță.

– să fie avocat definitiv cu vechime în profesie de cel puţin 3 ani;
– să aibă experiență în domeniul dreptului imobiliar (Real Estate);
– să dovedească cunoştinţe juridice temeinice;
– cunoaşterea limbii engleze la un nivel superior (cunoştinţele de limba franceză, germană, italiană şi/sau spaniolă pot fi considerate un avantaj);
– capacitate de a reacţiona rapid şi de a lua decizii corecte în momente critice, asumându-şi responsabilităţi;
– să aibă spirit inovativ, excelente abilităţi de comunicator şi jucător în echipă;
– să aibă cunoştinţe operare PC.

Candidaţii interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul însoţit de o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 august 2016

MIHAELA MONICA PANEŞ recrutează absolvent de drept


MIHAELA MONICA PANEŞ recrutează o persoană tânără, entuziastă, absolventă de studii juridice, dispusă să înveţe, în vederea unei colaborări parţiale, punctuale în dosare de pe rolul instanţelor judecătoreşti, precum şi în probleme administrative.

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să transmită CV-ul pe adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 10 septembrie 2016

FENECHIU, SAVU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi


Societatea Civilă de Avocaţi FENECHIU, SAVU & ASOCIAŢII, recrutează doi avocaţi colaboratori (un avocat de litigii şi un avocat de consultanţă), cu experientă de 2-5 ani în avocatură, pentru a face parte din echipa noastră.

Vizăm avocaţi cu o experienţa temeinică în domeniul avocaturii, dorinici să activeze într-un mediu cu provocări profesionale şi care îşi doresc să se dezvolte profesional.

Cunoaşterea unei limbi străine de circulaţie internaţională este un avantaj.

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să transmită CV-ul pe adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 12 septembrie 2016

TRANDAFIR & ASSOCIATES recrutează avocat

Trandafir & Associates

TRANDAFIR & ASSOCIATES recrutează avocat colaborator.

– are statut de avocat membru al Baroului București;
– are experiență generală în profesie între 1 și 3 ani;
– are cunoștințe teoretice solide;
– are experiența practică, în domeniul consultanței juridice (e.g. redactarea și negocierea de contracte, fuziuni și achiziții, achiziții publice, fonduri europene, dreptul muncii) și/sau în domeniul litigiilor;
– cunoaște limba engleză, la nivel avansat (se recomandă deținerea unei certificări de tip TOEFL sau echivalent); reprezintă un avantaj cunoașterea unei alte limbi de circulație internațională;
– persoană serioasă, dinamică, capabilă să identifice rapid soluții juridice adecvate cazurilor/proiectelor alocate;
– persoană cu foarte bune abilități de comunicare și de lucru în echipă;
– persoană foarte bine organizată, capabilă să respecte procedurile interne, să își asume responsabilități.

– redactarea de memorandum-uri, contracte, analize juridice, acțiuni în justiție;
– activități de due diligence, participarea la negocieri;
– asigurarea managementului dosarelor și al proiectelor, sub îndrumarea unui avocat coordonator;
– susținerea cauzelor în fața instanțelor.

Candidații interesați vor transmite un curriculum vitae (în format Europass), prin e-mail la adresa: [email protected]

CV-ul trebuie să fie însoțit de o scrisoare de intenție.

Trandafir & Asociaţii este o societate de avocați înființată recent, de avocații asociați Georgiana-Raluca Trandafir și George Trandafir.

Avocații asociați dispun de o experiență profesională substanțială, în varii domenii de drept, dobândită în cadrul celor mai reputate și competitive medii profesionale avocațiale din România, prin implicarea în cadrul unor proiecte care au marcat piața avocaturii românești în ultimii 10 ani.

Trandafir & Asociaţii asigură servicii juridice în domenii precum: soluționarea litigiilor, achiziții publice, fonduri europene, drept imobiliar, consultanță generală în domeniul afacerilor.

Oferim avocaților interesați oportunitatea dezvoltării profesionale armonioase, alături de avocați care asigură servicii juridice la cele mai înalte standarde profesionale.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 9 septembrie 2016

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting lawyer | Dispute Resolution | Litigation

Bondoc & Asociatii

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting lawyer | Dispute Resolution | Litigation.

We are seeking a professional lawyer with 3+ years of experience in dispute resolution and court proceedings, very good professional knowledge and adequate skills and good command of English language.

Please send your CV at [email protected] (ref. DR/L)

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 9 septembrie 2016

REFF & ASSOCIATES is recruiting lawyers | Litigation


Litigation Lawyer | REFF & ASSOCIATES

Reff & Associates is looking for experienced lawyers to join our Litigation practice.

– you will join a dynamic and competitive environment, which preserve a uniquely collegial culture and considers work/life balance as a strategic priority. With a high year on year business growth rate, Reff & Associates offers distinctive accelerated career progression opportunities in an international environment;
– as member of a team recognized for its involvement in tax litigation, you will be involved in complex and interesting projects in court, assisting sophisticated clients;
– depending on your experience level, you may get the opportunity to take a leading role in complex projects, including in cases involving multidisciplinary teams, where you can broaden your legal expertise by interacting with other tax and legal professionals;
– last but not least, you will become part of a team where we believe that success is measured in the long run and therefore we approach relationships with a desire to build long-lasting partnerships. We enjoy a remarkable long-term trust from clients and commitment from colleagues. We seek balance and sustainability in everything we do and have grown profitably while constantly investing in our people, nurturing new relationships in the market and contributing to various initiatives of the business community. We believe most strongly in integrity, loyalty, and commitment towards clients and colleagues.

– fully qualified lawyer member of the Bar;
– 2 – 3 years’ experience in litigation;
– sound legal reasoning, thoroughness, very good legal writing skills;
– fluency in written/spoken English is a must, any other foreign language is an advantage;
– team player, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

If you meet the required profile, send your application to: [email protected]

REFF & ASSOCIATES SCA has a team of 60 lawyers and paralegals and is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The law firm is one of the most active in transaction work in Romania, with an annual aggregate close to EUR 1bn deals assisted by Reff & Associates lawyers each year. The areas of practice include Banking & Finance, Competition law, Employment law, Energy and Environment law, Insolvency law, Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Public Sector, Real Estate, Securities Law.

Reff & Associates is independent law firm in accordance with the Bucharest Bar rules and is a member of Deloitte Legal, a global network of legal practices including over 1,700 lawyers in 73 countries. The continuous and consistent involvement of Reff & Associates in landmark transactions are recognized also by the international legal guides and Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa ranks Reff & Associates alongside leading law firms, and particularly recommends its lawyers for their expertise in Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate and M&A and Real Estate work.

In the Litigation practice, our combined tax and legal expertise allows us to defend our Clients’ interest in the most complex tax and administrative, commercial, competition, employment litigation cases. With respect to the tax and administrative litigation, our tax and legal team work together from the initial stages of a tax dispute, usually a tax audit, covering both the legal and tax matters of the case. With respect to the commercial litigation, we assist our Clients in business-related disputes relating to recovery of commercial debts, corporate conflicts, enforcement proceedings, breach of contractual provisions. We are also representing our clients in competition and employment litigation.

Our combined expertise brings new and innovative solution in court to respond to our client’s needs.

Our team is comprised of experienced and dedicated lawyers who have assisted Clients in various proceedings before all levels of jurisdiction throughout the country.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 9 septembrie 2016

DEJESCU & LUCUŢAR recrutează secretară / asistent personal

Dejescu & Lucutar

Societatea civilă de avocaţi DEJESCU & LUCUŢAR, cu sediul în Bucureşti, recrutează persoană pentru postul de secretară şi / sau asistent personal.

– minim absolvent al învăţământului mediu;
– operare P.C. (word, excel şi eventual power point);
– excelentă cunoaştere a limbii române, scris şi vorbit;
– cunoaşterea de limbi străine : limba engleză nivel avansat, scris şi vorbit;
– competenţe de comunicare şi uşurinţă în stabilirea contactelor cu terţe persoane;
– claritate şi coerenţă în exprimarea scrisă şi orală;
– bună planificare şi organizare(managementul timpului).

– sortarea, înregistrarea şi trimiterea corespondenţei primite la Societate;
– preluarea şi direcţionarea apelurilor către clienţi şi programarea acestora pentru consultanţă juridică;
– copiere/scanare/printare/redactare/tehno-redactare diferite cereri;
– primirea şi transmiterea e-mail-urilor şi a memo-urilor;
– executarea şi a altor dispoziţii date de avocat în mod direct.

CV-urile pot fi trimise la următoarea adresă de e-mail: [email protected]

Candidaţii selectaţi în urma unei analize atente a fiecărui Curriculum Vitae vor fi anunţate telefonic, în vederea stabilirii unui scurt interviu.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 8 septembrie 2016

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting lawyer | Commercial Criminal Law | Compliance

Bondoc & Asociatii

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting lawyer | Commercial Criminal Law | Compliance.

We are seeking a skilled and proactive lawyer with 4+ years of experience in commercial / criminal law. Candidate must have relevant experience, solid analytical skills and knowledge.

Please send your CV at: [email protected] (ref. CCL/C)

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 7 septembrie 2016

REFF & ASSOCIATES is recruiting lawyer | Real Estate


Lawyer in Real Estate | REFF & ASSOCIATES

– provides comprehensive property consultancy, transaction and advisory services to deliver fully integrated expert solutions on a national and global level;
– is deeply involved in all stages of evolution of a project, from initial discussions with the prospect, proposal development, analysis, to structuring, drafting, negotiations, and implementation;
– has access to the rich local and global research and training resources of our network;
– has direct contact and interacts closely with clients and colleagues from other functions and geographies;
– works in a dynamic and competitive environment, which preserves a uniquely collegial culture and strives for work/life balance.

– bar membership;
– three to six years of professional experience in a top business law firm, with significant involvement in real estate transactions, due diligence and related advisory;
– solid knowledge of commercial and civil law;
– sound legal reasoning, thoroughness, proficient legal writing skills;
– fluency in written & spoken English is a must, any other foreign language is an advantage;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

If you meet the required profile, send your application to: [email protected]

REFF & ASSOCIATES SCA has a team of over 50 lawyers and is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The law firm is one of the most active in transaction assistance in Romania, with an annual aggregate close to EUR 1bn deals assisted by Reff & Associates lawyers each year. The areas of practice include Real Estate, Banking & Finance, Competition law, Employment law, Energy and Environment law, Insolvency law, Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Public Sector, and Securities Law. Reff & Associates is an independent law firm in accordance with the Bucharest Bar rules and is a member of Deloitte Legal, a global network of legal practices including over 1,600 lawyers in more than 70 countries. The continuous and consistent involvement of Reff & Associates in landmark transactions are recognized also by the international legal guides and Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa ranks Reff & Associates alongside leading law firms, and particularly recommends its lawyers for their expertise in Real Estate, Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate and M&A work.

The continuous and consistent involvement of Reff & Associates in landmark transactions over recent years has increased the firm’s visibility and market recognition and has prompted higher rankings in reputable international legal guides. Our team’s expertise covers all areas of the real estate industry both in terms of activities (transactions, financing, development, construction, leasing, operation etc.) and sectors (office, retail, residential and logistic). In six of the last seven years (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015), Reff & Associates has assisted the largest Real Estate deals in the country being ranked by Legal 500 as a tier 1 law firm in Real estate, and acknowledged as a leading law firm in: Banking & Finance, Corporate and M&A, Dispute Resolution and PPP & Procurement. Reff & Associates is also recommended as a leading firm by the international legal directories – Legal 500, Chambers, IFLR 1000.

Reff & Associates received six awards for the Real Estate Transaction of the Year (2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009) during the Annual Gala Awards 2015 organized by Ziarul Financiar, the most reputable Romanian business newspaper, reconfirming the firm’s reputation as leader in the Property M&A practice and validating its performances in the field. Notably, this is the third time in a row Reff & Associates receives this award.
Reff & Associates also received The Award for the largest deal in Retail in Romania (sale of 12 Hypermarkets) – Ziarul Financiar, Lawyers’ Gala Awards 2015 and the award for the most important transaction of the year 2010 – Avocatnet Gala 2011.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 5 septembrie 2016

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting senior lawyer | M&A

Bondoc & Asociatii

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting senior lawyer | M&A.

We are seeking a skilled and proactive corporate attorney with 5+ years of solid experience in mergers & acquisitions.

Candidate must have appropriate knowledge, solid analytical and excellent communication skills.

Please send your CV at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 5 septembrie 2016

MARIUS-VICENȚIU COLTUC recrutează absolvenţi de drept şi avocaţi

MARIUS-VICENȚIU COLTUC recrutează absolvenţi de drept şi avocaţi.

Pot aplica şi cei care dau examenul de admitere în profesie în septembrie 2016.

Aşteptăm CV-urile voastre pe: [email protected]

Casa de avocatură specializată în litigii. Ne evidenţiem în litigiile contra băncilor, dosare penale şi civile.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 septembrie 2016

A FINANCE AND INSURANCE COMPANY is seeking a lawyer or attorney at law

A leading company in the Finance and Insurance sector is seeking a highly skilled Romanian Lawyer or Attorney at Law qualified to practice as a Court counsel to be mostly positioned at the Sofia office of the company. Excellent command of English and Romanian is mandatory, good knowledge of Bulgarian and/or Serbian and/or Greek would be considered as a strong advantage. Other skills and European languages will be also taken into consideration.

– master or higher degree in Law from a Romanian Law School and a Membership in the Bar;
– excellent command of English and Romanian languages;
– self-driven, motivated, proactive and able to fit in with the team;
– proficient user of modern IT tools, especially MS Office suite;
– clean driving license.

– providing assistance and delivering legal advice in Romanian legal topics;
– representing the company alone or in groups to Romanian judicial and administrative authorities;
– constantly monitoring financial and insurance legislature and regulation in Romania and EU at large.

– full-time employment contract/collaboration contract/engagement letter in Sofia, Bulgaria;
– excellent working conditions in a dynamic work environment. Friendly and helpful colleagues;
– the chance to join a vibrant and fast-growing company;
– the company provides assistance to arrange your arrival and permanent residence in Sofia.

Interested candidates are invited to send their CV in European format (photo included), as well as a very brief description – attached to or included at the end of the CV – of how they imagine their further professional development at our e-mail address: [email protected]

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 august 2016