ALBOTA LAW FIRM is recruiting lawyer | Real estate & construction

ALBOTA LAW FIRM is recruiting lawyer | Real Estate & construction.

– bar membership;
– minimum two years of professional relevant experience, i.e. involvement in real estate transactions, real estate due diligence, real estate finance, real estate advisory, real estate litigation;
– solid knowledge of commercial and civil law;
– proficient legal writing skills;
– fluency in written & spoken English.

If you meet the required profile, send your application to: [email protected]

ALBOTA LAW FIRM is a boutique law firm which offers premium specialized construction and real estate advice.

We advise our clients in all areas connected to the development of a real estate project: financing, real estate permitting and regulatory, corporate and commercial, litigation and arbitration.

Our expertise in real estate area includes the structuring of transactions from acquisition of real estate properties in Romania up to the exit point.

We believe that the recipe to success lies in fairness, loyalty and respect towards our clients. We adapt our service to the needs of each of our clients. We do this by understanding their business, their background, their operation and their interests.

The quality of the law firm services, the involvement in leading deals lead to market recognition. ALBOTA LAW FIRM is highly recommended by reputable international legal guides:

THE LEGAL 500 2019
Albota Law Firm is praised for its „expertise regarding leasing contracts, acquisition of new sites, dispute resolution and real estate development”. The real estate and construction boutique is headed by Oana Albota, who is „one of the most prominent business lawyers in the practice area of real estate”.

Domestic boutique firm focusing on real estate and construction. Represents contractors and investors in contentious cases and acts on real estate transactions, due diligence and permitting matters. Regularly handles projects involving commercial, residential and public buildings. Also assists companies with lease and swap agreements. Sources praise the team’s “excellent understanding of the construction business,” as well as its “excellent time for responses to any request.” Another source notes: “The team is very pragmatic and solution-oriented,” adding: “They mitigate red flags quickly and appropriately.”
Department head Oana Albota is recognised for her extensive construction expertise and frequently handles negotiations within real estate acquisitions. Sources praise her dedication and expertise, with one client adding: “She has a deep knowledge and understanding of the legal process and is good at the nuances of permitting and construction agreements,” and also praising Albota’s “commercial awareness.”

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 27 decembrie 2019

ALBOTA LAW FIRM recrutează office manager

ALBOTA LAW FIRM recrutează office manager.

– abilităţi de organizare, comunicare și flexibilitate;
– atenţie la detalii, eficienţă şi respectarea termenelor;
– nivel avansat de limba engleză;
– capacitatea de a lucra atât individual, cât și în echipă;
– cunoștințe operare PC (MSOffice, Outlook etc.);
– experienţă ca office manager este un plus.

– asigurarea suportului echipei prin redactarea de documente;
– menţinerea relaţiilor de natură administrativă cu instituţiile publice, instanţele judecătoreşti, Registrul Comerţului, notari publici, executori judecătoreşti, traducători.

Cei interesați sunt rugaţi să trimită CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 27 decembrie 2019

MOROIANU MIHAI SORIN recrutează avocat definitiv

CIA MOROIANU MIHAI SORIN recrutează avocat definitiv membru al Baroului Bucureşti.

Solicităm cunoştinţe teoretice solide în materia dreptului civil şi comercial. Constituie un avantaj cunoașterea dreptului asigurărilor.

Căutam persoane serioase, responsabile, care doresc crearea și dezvoltarea unei cariere în cadrul unui cabinet individual de avocat specializat în materia dreptului civil şi al asigurărilor.

Cabinetul Individual de Avocatură «Sorin Mihai Moroianu» a luat naștere în anul 2008, în prezent reunind mai mulţi avocaţi şi colaboratori specializaţi în drept comercial, civil, proprietate intelectuală şi asigurări.

Activitatea profesională se va desfăşura la sediul situat în Municipiul Bucureşti, B-dul. Mircea Vodă nr. 39H, et. 4, ap. 11, sector 3. (imobilul se află situat în vecinătatea Tribunalului Bucureşti).

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită cv-ul, redactat în limba română, la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 27 decembrie 2019