act BOTEZATU ESTRADE PARTNERS is looking for a lawyer | Real estate

Your career starts at act BOTEZATU ESTRADE PARTNERS.

The Romanian office of act legal, benefiting of the cumulated experience of 400 professionals in 9 offices located in some of the most important markets in continental Europe.

Fresh, innovative and solid TEAM. We take pride in treating our team members’ development and professional achievement as top priority.

– Romanian junior to mid-level lawyer;
– solid professional experience in 🏢 Real Estate;
– experience in 📈 Banking & Finance is a plus;
– team player and proactive;
– forward thinker 💡 & innovative;
– capacity to solve complex matters for international clients;
– a “can do” attitude and excellent level of English;
– business development orientation.

Send us a few covering remarks and a resume in English: [email protected] until 📅 3 December 2021

We look forward to meeting YOU!

For more information about act Botezatu Estrade Partners please visit

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 3 decembrie 2021

MĂRGĂRIT, FLOROV & PARTNERS recrutează avocat

MĂRGĂRIT, FLOROV & PARTNERS recrutează avocat cu 1-2 ani experiență în materia litigiilor civile / comerciale.

– avocat membru Barou;
– abilitați de comunicare și relaționare;
– persoană pozitivă, organizată, capacitate de lucru în echipă;
– experiență în reprezentarea în fața instanțelor de judecată.

Candidații interesați sunt invitați să transmită CV-ul și o scrisoare de intenție la adresa: [email protected]

Mărgărit, Florov & Partners este o societate de avocatură înființata în anul 2002, axată pe avocatura de business cu un portofoliu de clienți variat, multinațional. Acoperim toate domeniile avocaturii de business, desfăşurând activități de consultanță, litigii, arbitraje, insolvență, dreptul penal al afacerilor.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 8 decembrie 2021

CĂTĂLIN BOACNĂ recrutează avocat stagiar / definitiv

Cabinetul de avocat CĂTĂLIN BOACNĂ recrutează avocați stagiari / definitivi colaboratori.

– redactarea de cereri de chemare în judecată, cereri de exercitare a căilor de atac, concluzii scrise etc., atât în materie penală, cât și în materie civilă;
– asistarea și reprezentarea clienților în fața instanțelor de judecată și a organelor de urmărire penală;
– activități de consultanță;
– organizarea și eficientizarea activității profesionale a cabinetului.

– cunoștințe solide de drept penal, drept procesual penal, drept civil și drept procesual civil;
– permis de conducere cat. B;
– disponibilitate pentru deplasări la instanțe în afara municipiului Iași;
– cunoștințe și abilități concrete și solide în materia redactării de documente.

Persoanele interesate vor trimite CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]
Candidații selectați vor fi contactați în vederea susținerii unui interviu.
Telefon: 0740.998.847

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul Iași.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 3 decembrie 2021

POP BRICIU CRAI Attorneys-at-law recrutează avocat definitiv | Consultanță

POP BRICIU CRAI Attorneys-at-law recrutează avocat definitiv pentru activitatea de consultanță.

– avocat definitiv cu o experiență de 4 – 6 ani de la data intrării în profesie (2 – 4 ani de la dobândirea calității de avocat definitiv);
– o pregătire teoretică solidă și experiență relevantă în activitatea de consultanță specficiă domeniului dreptului civil, societar și administrativ;
– o bună cunoaştere a limbii engleze, precum și operarea PC;
– o bună organizare în activitate și exigență în îndeplinirea obiectivelor profesionale.

Canditatii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să transmită CV-ul şi o scurtă scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de email: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 3 decembrie 2021

POP BRICIU CRAI Attorneys-at-law recrutează avocat stagiar

POP BRICIU CRAI Attorneys-at-law recrutează avocat stagiar.

– avocat stagiar admis în Baroul București în anul 2020 și 2021;
– o pregătire teoretică solidă;
– o bună cunoaştere a limbii engleze, precum și operarea PC;
– o bună organizare în activitate și exgiență în îndeplinirea obiectivelor profesionale.

Poziția de avocat stagiar este deschisă pentru activitatea de litigii și consultanță.

Canditatii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să transmită CV-ul şi o scurtă scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de email: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 3 decembrie 2021

CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG is looking for an associate lawyer | Real estate & construction

CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG LLP SCP, The Future Facing law firm is now expanding the team of lawyers and consultants. We are currently looking for an Associate – Real Estate and Construction lawyer.

– proven experience in real estate & construction transactions;
– capability to work, prioritize and make decisions;
– pragmatic approach to problem solving;
– excellent communication skills.

– degree from a reputable law school;
– minimum 1 (one) or 2 (two) years’ experience in dealing with real estate & construction matters, including involvement in due diligence exercises, restitution laws, drafting and negotiation of agreements (sale agreements, leases, contractor agreements), preferably acquired within a reputed law firm;
– advanced English and professional legal writing skills.

– hardworking, open and honest approach, team player, always looking for the highest level of professionalism;
– an ability to master new fields of knowledge and law;
– language skills.

– growing opportunities in an international leading law firm;
– modern and friendly work environment;
– competitive reward system;
– training facilities.

CMS is a Future Facing firm. With more than 70 offices in over 40 countries and 4,800+ lawyers worldwide, we combine deep local market understanding with a global overview, giving us the ability not only to see what’s coming, but to shape it. In a world of ever-accelerating change where technology is increasingly important in the deployment of global strategies, our clear, business-focused advice helps clients of every size to face the future with confidence. We’re immersed in your world. Your interests and priorities are at the heart of what we do.
Our lawyers are genuine experts in their fields, with a grasp of detail that’s second to none. Our next-generation mindset is woven into all we do. It means we can anticipate the likely challenges, accelerate our pace and create the space to develop innovative solutions. We’re diverse, supportive and inclusive, embracing our corporate social responsibility and creating a culture in which every one of our people, can maximise their potential and thrive.

Developing people is at the heart of what we do. With learning comes greater confidence and we believe
confidence is one of the keys to business success. When you join us (and if you move roles or assignments),
we’ll make sure that you get the best-in-class training and support you need to perform at your best,
complementing a variety of work opportunities with personalised development support.
If you share this outlook and you want to be involved in some of the most complex and interesting work, often cross-border, where finding creative solutions and collaborating with colleagues from across our international network is part of daily life, then our world may just be the place for you.

Then please, send your application (CV and cover letter) to the email address: [email protected] mentioning the position you are applying for.
Your application will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Thanking you in advance for your interest in joining our firm.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG is looking for a legal assistant / executive assistant

CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG LLP SCP is looking for a Legal Assistant/ Executive Assistant (minimum 2 years).

– proven experience as an Executive Assistant or other relevant administrative support experience;
– must be able to meet deadlines in a fast-paced quickly changing environment;
– a proactive approach to problem-solving;
– handle details of a highly confidential and critical nature in a professional and discrete manner;
– excellent organizational and planning skills;
– excellent computer and typing skills.

– minimum 2 years’ experience in a similar relevant role;
– excellent English language skills.

– performing a wide variety of executive and administrative duties;
– providing support to Partners and Lawyers or in other team-oriented internal projects;
– arranging meetings; making travel arrangements and detailed travel itineraries;
– typing and formatting documents;
– producing reports and presentations;
– filling, keeping track of records and files;
– assisting with the maintaining of the firmwide databases and documents;
– using various software, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software;
– supporting on a broad range of marketing initiatives;
– assisting with the drafting of pitch documents and proposals;
– ensuring up-to-date and readily available marketing materials;
– assistance with coordinating events;
– hardworking, open and honest approach, team player, always looking for the highest level of professionalism;
– resourceful, adaptable, ability to multitask, attention to details.

– growing opportunities in an international leading law firm;
– modern and friendly work environment;
– competitive reward system;
– training facilities.

CMS is a Future Facing firm. With more than 70 offices in over 40 countries and 4,800+ lawyers worldwide, we combine deep local market understanding with a global overview, giving us the ability not only to see what’s coming, but to shape it. In a world of ever-accelerating change where technology is increasingly important in the deployment of global strategies, our clear, business-focused advice helps clients of every size to face the future with confidence. We’re immersed in your world. Your interests and priorities are at the heart of what we do.
Our lawyers are genuine experts in their fields, with a grasp of detail that’s second to none. Our next-generation mindset is woven into all we do. It means we can anticipate the likely challenges, accelerate our pace and create the space to develop innovative solutions. We’re diverse, supportive and inclusive, embracing our corporate social responsibility and creating a culture in which every one of our people, can maximise their potential and thrive.

Developing people is at the heart of what we do. With learning comes greater confidence and we believe confidence is one of the keys to business success. When you join us (and if you move roles or assignments), we’ll make sure that you get the best-in-class training and support you need to perform at your best, complementing a variety of work opportunities with personalised development support.
If you share this outlook and you want to be involved in some of the most complex and interesting work, often cross-border, where finding creative solutions and collaborating with colleagues from across our international network is part of daily life, then our world may just be the place for you.

Then please, send your application (CV and cover letter), mentioning the position you are applying for, to the email address: [email protected]
Your application will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Thanking you in advance for your interest in joining our firm.

The CMS Team.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

TROFIN & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi

TROFIN & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi definitivi şi stagiari pentru a se alătura echipelor de consultanţă şi litigii.

– experienţă în profesia de avocat de 1- 3 ani;
– abilităţi de comunicare, deschidere şi disponibilitate spre învăţare continuă;
– capacitate bună de organizare, capacitate de analiză, capacitate de concentrare pentru atingerea obiectivelor şi a sarcinilor primite, capacitate de integrare rapidă în colectiv, perseverenţă, responsabilitate şi integritate;
– cunoaşterea limbii engleze la un nivel avansat (scris/ vorbit);
– cunoştinţe solide de drept civil, comercial, procedură civilă, drept administrativ;
– redactarea actelor necesare asistării clienţilor în faţa instanţelor într-o manieră clară şi structurată.

– onorariu lunar avantajos și motivant;
– oportunitatea de a lucra într-o echipă tânără şi dinamică;
– posibilitate de dezvoltare reală din punct de vedere profesional.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită CV-ul, precizând în subiect postul pentru care aplică la adresa noastră de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

LOSPA LAWYERS is currently looking for an associate | Dispute resolution


LOSPA LAWYERS is currently looking for an associate | Dispute resolution.

Lospa Lawyers is recruiting litigator with max. 1 year of practical experience in Bucharest. The role is involving driving, is full time and immediate.

– graduate from an accredited law school and Bucharest Bar admission;
– max. 1 year of recent full-time responsible, relevant legal experience in a law firm or 2021 Bar Exam successful candidate;
– a strong academic background and good litigation acumen;
– B-category driving license and ability to drive.

Please send your CV in English to: [email protected]
We will respond to every application received and we aim to do so within 5 business days.
Please note that your personal information will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

LL was founded in 2015 upon the principles of unwavering client service, a tireless work ethic, sound judgment, and the highest quality written and courtroom skills.
We are a meritocracy. Newcomers will not be judged by anything other than the quality of their work. Because we value talent, not seniority.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

IJDELEA MIHĂILESCU is looking for lawyers

IJDELEA MIHĂILESCU is looking for lawyers for the following practice areas: Corporate, M&A, Energy & Natural Resources.

strong academic background, good knowledge of civil, commercial & corporate law;
experience within a reputable law firm;
– excellent command of English;
– individual flair and independence of mind, inside-the-box analyzer and out-of-the box thinker;
– team player.

We offer a wide variety of high-quality work and a pleasant working environment.
For more information about our firm, please see our website:

If you think we would enjoy working together, please send your application to: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

MP PARTNERS recrutează avocat definitiv

MP PARTNERS SOCIETATE CIVILĂ DE AVOCAȚI recrutează 1 coleg avocat specializat în drept civil și/ sau drept comercial și/sau drept contencios administrativ, drept societar.

Cei interesați trebuie să cunoască limba engleză vorbit/ scris în mod avansat, să aibă dreptul de a pune concluzii la Înalta curte de Casație și Justiție, să aibă capacitatea de organizare și de a redacta documentația juridică într-o manieră clară și structurată.

Oferim un mediu de lucru cu un nivel intelectual ridicat, stabilitate, la care se adaugă onorariu lunar motivant.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să transmită un email conținând Curriculum Vitae, indicând în subiect postul pentru care aplică, la următoarea adresă: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

VELICU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi | Litigii

VELICU & ASOCIAŢII este în căutarea unui avocat stagiar şi a unui avocat definitiv.

Scopul colaborării vizează buna soluţionare a litigiilor civile, ce angrenează Dreptul Civil, în general, şi Dreptul financiar bancar, în special.

Forma profesională va fi contractul de colaborare, ce va presupune un onorariu, îndrumare profesională şi de asemenea alte beneficii.

Dorim o Românie mai sigură, mai prosperă şi mai curată, unde nu ar trebuie să existe teama de abuzuri. Pentru acest deziderat, ne-am propus să luptăm cu abuzul de putere, regăsit din plin în activitatea Băncilor, a I.F.N.-urilor şi nu numai. Considerăm că fiecare proces câştigat contra acestor entităţi reprezintă un pas către o ţară mai bună.

Vrem să ne intersectăm cu avocaţi curajoşi şi pasionaţi de litigii, pentru a continua drumul către desăvârşirea profesională.

Aşteptăm CV-ul tău la adresa de email: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 30 iunie 2022

PAVEL, MĂRGĂRIT & ASSOCIATES is looking for a senior associate lawyer | Litigation

PAVEL, MĂRGĂRIT & ASSOCIATES is looking for a Senior Associate Lawyer – Litigation Department.

We provide our clients with complete legal services by maintaining high professional standards in a wide range of industries.

– minimum 6 – 8 years of experience in a law firm;
– structured and legal thinking;
– superior organizational & time-management skills to meet time deadlines;
– project and people management skills;
– highest ethical standards and professional integrity;
– exceptional written and oral communication skills;
– strong interpersonal skills;
– focused on the client’s objectives;
– English proficiency;
– availability to travel to courts of law in Romania.

As a Senior Lawyer in the Litigation Department (Dispute Resolution, Tax Litigation, Insolvency and Bankruptcy) you will work and manage various litigation cases: civil, commercial, administrative, tax disputes or insolvency cases, representing our clients, mainly legal entities – both locally and internationally.
The activity consists in assisting and representing the client, from the process of analyzing the case and identifying the legal solution, to drafting/reviewing all the documents, in a professional and efficient manner and providing assistance and representation before the courts of law.
You will also be involved in the bidding process, preparing estimates and you will have direct contact with both existing and potential clients. You will also be involved in providing coaching and mentoring to Associate and Junior Associate Lawyers.

– competitive compensation commensurate with expertise and previous experience;
– annual bonuses based on performance;
– the opportunity to bring your contribution in complex projects from various industries, working with high caliber clients;
– training & Guidance;
– to be part of a team of smart and supportive people;
– flexibility and friendly working environment.

For more information about a career with us and our values, please visit

Please send your CV, mentioning the position Senior Associate Lawyer – Litigation Department to our email address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG is looking for a tax consultant

CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG LLP SCP The Future Facing law firm is now expanding the team of lawyers and consultants. We are currently looking for a Tax Consultant for the Transactions / Tax department.

– up to 3 years relevant experience in tax consulting services- ideally with an international firm;
– good command of MS Office package;
– commitment to continuous personal development;
– excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
– strong analytical skills;
– result oriented;
– to be motivated to work in an international law firm, ranked Tier 1 in Legal 500;
– to be motivated to work in all areas of taxation and with clients activating in various industries.

– university graduate (economic or law background is preferred, and post-graduate studies are an advantage);
– excellent English language skills and able to work confidently in business English.

– assist clients in relation to a broad range of tax advisory matters on all areas of tax: on- going tax assistance, tax audits, due diligence, domestic or cross- border restructuring projects, representing clients in front of the Romanian tax authorities, tax challenges, etc.;
– will cover mostly direct and indirect taxation, transfer pricing included, but also other taxation areas;
– research and drafting tax advice;
– focus will be on tax consultancy, preparing tax returns for the clients will represent a small part of the activity;
– maintain active communication with clients to manage expectations and help ensure client satisfaction;
– will report to the Head of Tax and Tax Director.

– growing opportunities in an international leading law firm;
– modern and friendly work environment;
– competitive reward system;
– training facilities.

CMS is a Future Facing firm. With more than 70 offices in over 40 countries and 4,800+ lawyers worldwide, we combine deep local market understanding with a global overview, giving us the ability not only to see what’s coming, but to shape it. In a world of ever-accelerating change where technology is increasingly important in the deployment of global strategies, our clear, business-focused advice helps clients of every size to face the future with confidence. We’re immersed in your world. Your interests and priorities are at the heart of what we do.
Our lawyers are genuine experts in their fields, with a grasp of detail that’s second to none. Our next-generation mindset is woven into all we do. It means we can anticipate the likely challenges, accelerate our pace and create the space to develop innovative solutions.
We’re diverse, supportive and inclusive, embracing our corporate social responsibility and creating a culture in which every one of our people, can maximise their potential and thrive.

Developing people is at the heart of what we do. With learning comes greater confidence and we believe confidence is one of the keys to business success. When you join us (and if you move roles or assignments), we’ll make sure that you get the best-in-class training and support you need to perform at your best, complementing a variety of work opportunities with personalised development support.
If you share this outlook and you want to be involved in some of the most complex and interesting work, often cross-border, where finding creative solutions and collaborating with colleagues from across our international network is part of daily life, then our world may just be the place for you.

Then please, send your application (CV and cover letter) to the email address [email protected] mentioning the position you are applying for.
Your application will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Thanking you in advance for your interest in joining our firm.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

ALINA ALEXE LAW OFFICE recrutează avocaţi

ALINA ALEXE LAW OFFICE oferă consultanţă şi reprezentare în speţe de drept comercial, dreptul muncii şi societar, cu o experienţă de aproape 20 de ani.
Dezvoltăm relaţii de lungă durată cu clienţii noştri şi evoluăm împreună, astfel aceştia ne-au devenit reali parteneri. Echipa noastră creşte şi căutăm noi colegi, dedicaţi, dornici să se dezvolte permanent şi să participe la identificarea soluţiilor înţelepte pentru clienţii noştri.

Te aşteptăm într-un mediu de lucru dinamic, cu situaţii diverse care te vor provoca să te dezvolţi continuu, punem accent pe dezvoltarea profesională şi proactivitate din partea fiecărui coleg.

– eşti avocat stagiar sau definitiv cu maxim 5 ani experienţă;
– ai cunoştinţe solide de limba romană şi limba engleză;
– ai cunoştinţe solide de drept civil şi procedură civilă. Orice specializare în legătură cu aceste ramuri, poate constitui un avantaj;
– îţi doreşti şi tu să faci parte din echipă full time;
– îţi place să faci lucrurile cu atenţie, să fii mai bun în fiecare zi, să lucrezi în echipă;
– eşti responsabil şi implicat;
– nu intenţionezi să schimbi des echipa în care lucrezi;
– nu te sperie situaţiile care te scot din zona ta de confort.

Te asigurăm că vei avea oportunitatea de a te implica activ în proiectele interesante la care participăm şi vei învăţa lucruri noi şi diverse.
Trimite CV-ul tău la: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021

DENTONS is seeking a definitive lawyer | Corporate

Our Corporate practice is extending again – come join the DENTONS professional league of high profile transactional work and sophisticated regulatory advice!
Send your CV to [email protected] if you are a definitive lawyer with three-four years experience in this area.

We are first of all passionate about our work and look for the same in our candidates, together with good command of Romanian civil and commercial law and of written and spoken English, as well as project management skills.

All applications are treated fairly and equally. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status such as disability, age, marital and family status, sexual orientation and gender identity, health status, place of residence, economic or social situation. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Dentons is the world’s largest law firm, delivering quality and value to clients around the globe. Dentons is a leader on the Acritas Global Elite Brand Index, a BTI Client Service 30 Award winner and recognized by prominent business and legal publications for its innovations in client service, including founding Nextlaw Labs and the Nextlaw Referral Network. Dentons’ polycentric approach and world-class talent challenge the status quo to advance client interests in the communities in which we live and work.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 2 decembrie 2021