SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Associate | Banking & Finance


SCHOENHERR & ASOCIAȚII is looking for an Associate | Banking & Finance.

– excellent written and spoken English (a good knowledge of additional foreign languages is an advantage);
– a high level of professional interest in law and dedication to continuous learning and improvement;
– commitment to work in a challenging but rewarding professional environment;
– Romanian legal studies (international study experience or economic background is welcomed) completed recently (last two years);
– internship experience in the business law practice;
– proactive attitude and positive approach to work, strong analytical ability, ex-cellent research, writing and verbal communication skills, and a commitment to client service;
– team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable;
– graduates who have been recently admitted to the Bar (last two years).

– an interesting and challenging work for renowned clients;
– an innovative and international working environment with high profile man-dates;
– work closely with other practice groups on domestic and cross-border basis;
– a collegial working atmosphere.

Do you possess these qualifications? Are you interested in being part of a successful, growing, career-minded team?
Do you look forward to challenging work with demanding international clients?
If so, we would love to hear from you.
Please send your CV in English and university transcripts to Ana Lupsor at [email protected]
Reference letters are not a must, but should you wish to, please feel free to attach them to your email (either in Romanian or English language).

For more information regarding our recruitment process and how to apply, please go to

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023

REFF & ASSOCIATES is looking for an Attorney at Law | Dispute Resolution

REFF & ASSOCIATES is looking for an Attorney at Law – Associate level to join our Dispute Resolution department.

– applications for commercial, administrative litigation and arbitration practices are welcomed;
– fully qualified lawyer member of the Bar or 4th year student at Law School;
– 0 – 4 year experience in litigation;
– sound legal reasoning, thoroughness, very good legal writing skills;
– fluency in written/spoken English is a must, any other foreign language is an advantage;
– team player, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.

– you will join a dynamic and competitive environment, which preserve a uniquely collegial culture and considers work/life balance as a strategic priority. With a high year on year business growth rate, Reff & Associates offers distinctive accelerated career progression opportunities in an international environment;
– you will be involved in complex and interesting dispute resolution projects, assisting industry leading clients and being involved in multidisciplinary teams, where you can broaden your legal expertise by interacting with other tax and legal professionals;
– last but not least, you will become part of a team where we believe that success is measured in the long run and therefore, we approach relationships with a desire to build long-lasting partnerships. We enjoy a remarkable long-term trust from clients and commitment from colleagues. We seek balance and sustainability in everything we do and have grown profitably while constantly investing in our people, nurturing new relationships in the market and contributing to various initiatives of the business community. We believe most strongly in integrity, loyalty, and commitment towards clients and colleagues.

In the our Dispute Resolution practice, our combined tax and legal expertise allows us to defend our Clients’ interest in the most complex tax and administrative, commercial, competition or employment litigation cases. With respect to the tax and administrative litigation, our tax and legal team work together from the initial stages of a tax dispute, usually a tax audit, covering both the legal and tax matters of the case. With respect to the commercial litigation, we assist our Clients in business-related disputes relating to recovery of commercial debts, corporate conflicts, enforcement proceedings, breach of contractual provisions. We are also representing our clients in competition and employment litigation.
Our combined expertise brings new and innovative solution in court to respond to our client’s needs.
Our team is comprised of experienced and dedicated lawyers who have assisted Clients in various proceedings before all levels of jurisdiction throughout the country.

Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal has a team of 70 lawyers and is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The areas of practice include banking and finance, capital markets, competition law, employment law, energy and environment law, insolvency law, legal management consulting, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, public sector, real estate.
Reff & Associates is independent law firm in accordance with the Bucharest Bar rules and is a member of Deloitte Legal, a global network with more than 2,500 lawyers in 80 countries. The continuous and consistent involvement of Reff & Associates in landmark transactions are recognized also by the international legal guides and EMEA Legal 500 ranks Reff & Associates as a leading law firm in Romania and particularly recommends its lawyers for their expertise in Real Estate and Construction, Banking & Finance, Commercial, Corporate and M&A.

Please apply with your Resume, which must contain all your major relevant projects, here.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023

SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW is hiring Junior Lawyers

SÎRBU & VORNICU LAW is hiring Junior Lawyers (avocati stagiari).

We’re looking for junior lawyers to join our team! An interest in construction law and litigation are a plus.

– excellent growing opportunities under the mentorship of our managing partners who recognized at a national, as well as international level for their expertise and academic excellence;
FLEXIBLE & DYNAMIC work environment are the core of our work;
– a focus on a sound legal development;
– an international client focus.

– member of the Bar Association;
– good English (knowledge of other languages, especially Spanish and Italian, are an important plus);
– independent mindset;
– attention to details & rigorous legal thinking.

If you are interested, we would be happy to hear from you at [email protected] with a CV attached.

What really sets us apart is our personalized approach.
We take time to get to know our clients and their business.
We make sure we understand them and what their unique needs and challenges are. Then we get to work.
We operate as an extension of our clients’ businesses. Agile, flexible, and able to empower them to achieve great things, even when we’re not in the room.

Individuals and business come to S&V LAW for our unparalleled legal expertise in procurement and construction law, our years of experience, our academic nous and our passion for the law. We study global and local issues, we collaborate with like-minded lawyers, and we work with clients internationally.

This offers us rich, diverse perspectives of the industries and sectors we support.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023

MUSLIU & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting lawyers

MUSLIU & ASOCIAȚII is looking to grow the team with young but experienced lawyers who can quickly accommodate into the team, are capable of sustained effort and aim to get better every day.

– law degree of Bucharest University;
– solid knowledge of law;
– 3 to 5 years of experience in civil and commercial law;
– understanding of the business context of the relevant case;
– resistance to a dynamic work environment;
– proficiency in written (drafting reports, relevant contracts and memoranda) and fluent in expressing legal ideas in English.

– experience in competition law;
– experience in GDPR;
– proficiency in other foreign languages (German or French).

– a really friendly environment;
– to be part of a team who advices a wide range of international companies;
– competitive compensation.

If you are interested to join our team, send us your CV (including diploma, transcript or license certificate and photo) and a letter of intent in English at [email protected]
Only candidates selected for interview will be contacted.
The interview will take place at the headquarters of Musliu & Associates in 11, Haga Street.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 23 octombrie 2023

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting Junior Associates

Bondoc & Asociatii

BONDOC & ASOCIAȚII is recruiting Junior Associates.

We are looking for skilled and proactive junior lawyers.
Candidates must have appropriate knowledge, solid analytical and excellent communication skills.

We are offering attractive remuneration and a friendly working environment.

Please send your CV at: [email protected] (ref. Junior Associate).

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023

COJOCARU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat stagiar | Litigii

COJOCARU & ASOCIAȚII este o societate de avocatură ce oferă clienților săi servicii de consultanță juridică, precum și asistență și reprezentare juridică în fața instanțelor de judecată.

– deține cunoștințe solide de drept civil, drept comercial, drept administrativ și drept procesual civil;
– are experiență în acordarea de asistență și reprezentare juridică în fața instanțelor de judecată;
– disponibilitate pentru deplasări în țară;
– cunoștințe avansate de limbă engleză (cunoașterea unei alte limbi de circulație internațională reprezintă un avantaj);
– are o atitudine orientată spre găsirea de soluții;
– este un bun comunicator și are spirit de echipă;
– este membru al Baroului București.

– redactare acte necesare asistării clienților în fața instanțelor – cereri de chemare în judecată, întâmpinări, cereri de intervenție, etc.;
– redactarea de analize/rapoarte juridice, corespondență juridică;
– urmărirea dosarelor și informarea clienților cu privire la stadiul acestora;
– alte activități juridice.

– mediu de lucru prietenos;
– program flexibil;
– onorariu competitiv;
– oportunitatea de a fi implicat în dosare complexe.

Așteptăm CV-urile la adresa: [email protected]
Vă rugăm să aveți în vedere că vom contacta exclusiv candidații selectați.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023

COMAN MÎNDRU POPESCU recrutează avocat definitiv | Consultanță

COMAN MÎNDRU POPESCU – SOCIETATE CIVILĂ DE AVOCAȚI recrutează avocat definitiv | Consultanță.

Societatea noastră oferă servicii juridice de cea mai înaltă calitate, într-o abordare modernă și eficientă. Suntem profesioniști cu idei inovative și o experiență considerabilă, care se reflectă în multitudinea ariilor de expertiză pe care le acoperim. Dezvoltăm strategii care funcționează pentru că înțelegem cu adevărat sectoarele în care activăm.

Un alt atu al societății noastre îl reprezintă excelenta colaborare dintre membrii echipei, motiv pentru care ne dorim extinderea echipei cu avocați care să împărtășească același set de valori, să fie dornici să se dezvolte într-un cadru organizat, sub îndrumarea unor avocați cu o vastă experiență într-o gamă variată de domenii ale dreptului și să își cultive calitățile profesionale la cele mai înalte standarde.

Ne dorim ca noul coleg care va face parte din echipa CMPLAW să îndeplinească următoarele
– experiență 3-5 ani în consultanță (comercial/dreptul afacerilor, contractare, negociere ș.a.m.d.);
– este bun cunoscător al limbii engleze;
– capacitate sporită de înțelegere a mediului de afaceri;
– manifestă deschidere față de provocările și dinamismul specifice profesiei de avocat, față de lucrul în echipă și de flexibilitatea pe care o solicită activitățile specifice profesiei;
– este o persoană orientată către dezvoltarea sa profesională și personală în jurul unor valori precum responsabilitatea, onestitatea, respectul și scopul comun;
– experiența în achiziții publice reprezintă un avantaj.

Așteptăm cu interes CV-urile dumneavoastră, însoțite de o scurtă scrisoare de intenție pe e-mail la adresa [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023

HOSU MĂDĂLINA recrutează avocat

Cabinetul de Avocat HOSU MĂDĂLINA recrutează avocat cu experienţă de 1-4 ani în profesie.

Candidatul trebuie să fie cunoscător al limbii engleze (nivel avansat), serios, responsabil, organizat şi eficient, persoană cu pregătire profesională ridicată, capacitate de analiză şi sinteză, claritate şi concizie în exprimare, cu abilitatea de a redacta acte juridice într-un limbaj profesional adecvat.

În cadrul Cabinetului, atribuţiile avocatului se vor circumscrie, în principal, activităţilor de consultanţă juridică, reprezentare a clineților cabinetului în domeniul dreptului civil (inclusiv dreptul muncii şi contencios administrativ, dreptul asigurărilor, malpraxis, familiei), societar şi conex acestora, în instanţa de judecată şi în faţa oricăror autorităţi.

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să trimită CV-ul pe adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023

VERNON | DAVID is looking for Junior Lawyers

VERNON | DAVID is expanding!

Looking for a cool place to work? Nice offices and a unique attic where you can discuss with your colleagues and even play a game of darts or ping pong? You can work and play with great colleagues as well as have regular trainings and conferences. If so, then Vernon | David is just the place.

Are you at the beginning of your career and, although you know you want to be a lawyer, you don’t quite know what each area is about? Join us and we will give you the opportunity to have a “taste” of various areas and choose for yourself your future area of expertise.

Do you feel that you have enthusiasm and some experience and you are ready to be involved in more complex transactions? Do you feel it is time for a change? Join us now and we will help you to become the best version of you!

Vernon | David Romania is currently looking to expand with the help of 1 or 2 junior lawyers (aka, “avocati stagiari) to join our Bucharest office.
We welcome any “big legal brains” but expertise/practice in the following areas would be highly appreciated: corporate and commercial law, real estate, energy and environmental law.

Always thought you would have liked real estate but you got stuck with litigation? That is…you have experience in one area but you are interested in a change? Don’t be shy and send us your resume! If we are a match, we will help you with the transition to become an expert in a new field of activity (and more!).

We provide many roads for personal growth and satisfaction (including experiencing the expat life in Chisinau) and will help you develop your career and meet your personal goals. In addition, we offer a challenging, dynamic and fun work environment and an attractive salary package.

A lawyer with Vernon | David will work closely with partners and senior attorneys in developing commercial and technical solutions for complex and challenging legal matters.

The perfect candidates should have a solid understanding of Romanian law. In addition, the candidate should be a self-starter and able to manage their time and assignments within agreed budgets and deadlines. Thinking “outside the box” and the ability to handle multiple assignments and matters at the same time are highly desired. A proactive approach to client requests and matters is essential.

– member of a Bar Association in Romania;
– fluent in English (both verbal and written);
– good communication and organizational skills;
– computer skills (MS Office, Windows OS);
– a curious nature and an innovative and imaginative mind;
– strong motivation, dedication and enthusiasm.

– enthusiasm and the desire to learn. We welcome entry levels junior lawyers as well as juniors with prior experience;
– proficiency in English legal communication;
– team player with the management skills to work and manage a team;
– understanding of the business context of the relevant transactions;
– excellent drafting skills (including drafting due diligence reports, relevant contracts and memoranda).

– proficiency in other foreign languages (German or Russian is a significant plus).

Importantly, we believe that diversity and inclusion among our teammates is critical to our success as an international law firm and we seek to recruit, develop and retain the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool. We are an equal opportunity employer. Not familiar with that term? At Vernon | David, we are committed to providing an environment of mutual respect where equal employment opportunities are available to all applicants and teammates without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical disabilities, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

To be considered for a position within our law firm, interested persons who meet the above requirements should submit a letter of interest and a current resume in English by e-mail to [email protected]
Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Vernon | David is a boutique law firm specializing in complex commercial transactions and disputes, regulatory matters and compliance issues. We provide high-end bespoke legal advice to a wide array of domestic and international clients ranging from start-ups to large multinational companies and foreign governments. With our mix of US, Romanian and Moldovan lawyers, we are recognized as one of the leading law firms in the region. Currently, we have offices in Bucharest, Romania and in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023

TOACŞE, IAVOLSCHI recrutează avocat

TOACŞE, IAVOLSCHI SPRL recrutează avocat pentru activităţile de consultanţă şi reprezentare în litigii derulate de societatea noastră, în domenii diverse:
drept bancar şi financiar, dreptul muncii, concurenţă, dreptul societăţilor comerciale, proprietate intelectuală, achiziţii publice, insolventă, recuperare creanţe, drept fiscal.

Atribuţiile includ studiu legislaţie, inclusiv urmărire noutăţi legislative, documentare riguroasă, emitere opinii legale, revizuire contracte, reprezentare/asistare în faţa instanţelor de judecată în dosare complexe, în materii variate, incluzând analiza speţei, identificarea strategiei potrivite, redactarea acţiunilor şi cererilor şi a căilor de atac sub îndrumarea partenerilor, precum şi asigurarea relaţiilor cu instituţiile publice, inclusiv arhive şi registraturi ale instanţelor de judecată.

– absolvent al unei facultăţi de drept;
– bune abilităţi de comunicare;
– cunoştinţe de limba engleză, inclusiv stăpânire limbaj juridic;
– permis de conducere categoria B;
– integritate morală şi profesională;
– curiozitate şi dorinţă permanentă de perfecţionare în domeniul juridic;
– deschidere la idei noi, abordare inovativă, entuziasm;
– abilităţi de organizare şi planificare, capacitate de gestionare eficientă a timpului, în vederea respectării termenelor limită.

Candidaţii interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul însoţit de o scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 18 octombrie 2023