ŢUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a Lawyer | Employment

Tuca-Zbarcea-Asociatii 10

ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII is looking for a fully-fledged lawyer (associate or junior associate) willing to join our Employment practice.

The ideal candidate would be a career-oriented young lawyer looking to improve his or her professional record and soft skills as part of a team of highly appreciated professionals.

– at least 2 years of experience;
– fluent in English;
– computer skills (MS Office);
– willing to improve and develop professionally.

– attractive pay, subject to regular evaluations and which may be raised by reference to performance;
– friendly work environment.

If you fit the description, please send your CV and cover letter (in English) to the following e-mail address: [email protected] by March 1st, 2024 at the latest.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 martie 2024

ŢUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAŢII is looking for a Lawyer | Public Procurement

Tuca-Zbarcea-Asociatii 10

ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII is looking for a fully-fledged lawyer willing to join our Consultancy practice in the field of Public Procurement, Concessions and Public-Private Partnerships.

Our favorite candidate would be a career-oriented young lawyer determined to develop his or her professional experience as part of a team of highly and internationally appreciated professionals.

– a qualified lawyer with at least 3 years of experience;
– experience in previous relevant projects in the field of public law is an advantage;
– strong communication skills, optimistic, dedicated to the public law field, team player;
– fluent in English.

– involvement in large-scale public projects carried out at national and international level;
– attractive fee with performance bonus prospects;
– opportunity to work and develop your career in a national and international professional environment.

Please send your CV comprising of your relevant experience to [email protected] by March, 01, 2024 at the latest.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 11 martie 2024


EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS FOR COUNCIL OF EUROPE is recruiting an Assistant Lawyer – Romania.

Are you a young law graduate who wants to gain experience in an international Organisation working for human rights, democracy and the rule of law? Do you want to help the European Court of Human Rights to ensure respect for the human rights of 700 million Europeans? Dealing with applications alleging violations of the rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights interests you? If so, this Programme may be the good opportunity for you.

With over 2200 staff representing all its 46 member States, the Council of Europe is a multicultural Organisation. We all strive towards protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law and our three core values – professionalism, integrity and respect – guide the way we work.

The European Court of Human Rights oversees the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the member States. Individuals can bring complaints of human rights violations to the Strasbourg Court once all possibilities of appeal have been exhausted in the member State concerned. See the Court’s website for information about its activities.

The Council of Europe has its headquarters in Strasbourg (France) and has external presence in more than twenty countries. See here for more information about the Council of Europe external presence.

As an Assistant Lawyer, you will assist more senior members of staff in the preparation of correspondence with applicants and draft decisions in standard form cases.
You will:
– examine and deal with applications in prima facie inadmissible cases and in cases which can be dealt with in a standard manner;
– draft decisions, minutes, reports, notes and other documents;
– attend the Court’s sessions and present applications;
– assist one or more experienced case-lawyers, where necessary, in the preparation of Chamber cases for examination by the Court.

The Junior Professional Programme opens the Council of Europe’s doors to people at the start of their career, giving them an opportunity to gain experience working with this pan-European institution. At the Court, you will benefit from regular working contact with staff members, assist senior colleagues with their daily work and benefit from the Council of Europe’s training programme, as well as deepening your knowledge of the Organisation. The length of employment of Junior Professionals is limited to a maximum of four years under this scheme.

You must:
– have a higher education degree in law obtained in Romania of a standard permitting access, either on the basis of qualifications or after passing a competitive examination, to the judicial administration or legal professions in Romania;
– after having obtained the relevant higher education degree in law, have a maximum of two years of relevant professional experience acquired in the legal field (preferably in the judicial service) in Romania or in international Organisations;
– have a very good knowledge of one of the two official languages of the Council of Europe (English, French) and the ability to draft legal texts therein clearly and precisely;
– have an excellent knowledge of Romanian (mother tongue level);
– be a citizen of one of the member States of the Council of Europe and fulfil the conditions for appointment to the civil service of that State;
– have discharged any obligation concerning national service (military, civil or comparable);
– not be the parent, child, stepchild or grandchild of a serving staff member of the Council of Europe;
– be under 35 years of age at the closing of the deadline for submission of applications for this vacancy notice.

Professional and technical expertise:
– thorough knowledge of the Romanian legal system and ability to handle cases arising in other jurisdictions;
– knowledge of European Union Law and of international law.
Drafting skills
Concern for quality
Planning and work organisation
Analysis and problem solving
Learning and development
Teamwork and co-operation

These would be an asset:
Results orientation
Decision making

If successful, you may be offered employment based on renewable fixed-term contracts for a maximum cumulated duration of four years at grade B3. You will receive a basic monthly gross salary of €4107 which is exempt from national income tax.

For more information on how to apply, please click the apply button.

Reference: e006/2024
Location: Strasbourg
Deadline: 04.03.2024

NEACȘU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocaţi

NEACȘU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocaţi.

Vom fi bucuroşi să lucrăm împreună.

– avocat având un an de practică şi cunoştinţe foarte bune de procedura civilă, cu experienţă în avocatura de litigii civile şi între profesionişti, contencios administrativ şi fiscal, dreptul muncii;
– o persoană proactivă, organizată, echilibrată, curajoasă şi creativă, capabilă să conceapă strategii şi să îşi asume decizii.

– să te dezvolţi ca profesionist, într-o echipă în creştere, la rândul ei;
– acces la o viziune inovatoare asupra avocaturii.

Ne vom întâlni (fie şi online) la interviu.
Te rugăm să trimiţi CV-ul tău la: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunţul expiră la data de 11 martie 2024