CORUGĂ & PRODESCU recrutează avocat definitiv | Litigii

CORUGĂ & PRODESCU recrutează avocat definitiv în cadrul departamentului Litigii și Soluționare a Disputelor.

CORUGĂ & PRODESCU este o societate civilă de avocați fondată în anul 2023, având expertiză diversă, incluzând protecția consumatorului, proprietatea intelectuală, drept comercial, dreptul muncii și protecția datelor.

Aceasta este o poziție pentru un avocat definitiv cu o experiență de 2 până la 4 ani de la admiterea în Barou, în cadrul departamentului Litigii și Soluționare a Disputelor. Responsabilitățile includ cercetarea juridică, redactarea documentelor juridice, asistarea clienților în instanță și în fața altor organe jurisdicţionale sau de control.
Postul de avocat specializat în Litigii este cu normă întreaga, cu prezenţă la biroul situat în Bucureşti.

– cunoștințe teoretice și practice solide privind procedurile judiciare civile (litigii între profesionişti, contencios administrativ, dreptul muncii, proprietate intelectuală, achiziţii publice);
– experiență în cercetarea juridică și redactarea documentelor juridice (cu precădere a actelor procesuale);
– disponibilitate pentru deplasări în alte oraşe, la instanţele de judecată;
– abilități eficiente de comunicare;
– capacitate de a lucra în echipă;
– atenție la detalii și abilități organizatorice puternice;
– fluență în limba engleză (inclusiv limbaj juridic);
– cunoştinţe operare PC.

– spaţiu de lucru modern;
– un pachet de venituri adaptat nivelului de complexitate al activităţii;
– posibilitatea acordării bonusurilor de performanță.

Dacă profilul şi interesele tale profesionale se potrivesc cu acest rol, te invităm să începem o conversaţie. Trimite-ne CV-ul tău la [email protected]
Le mulțumim tuturor candidaților în avans pentru trimiterea CV-urilor, însă vă rugăm să rețineți că doar candidații selectați pentru un interviu vor fi contactați.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024

VD LAW GROUP is looking for Lawyers

VD LAW GROUP is looking for Lawyers | Corporate, M&A and FinTech practice areas.

VD Law Group is a Romanian law firm located in Bucharest, providing highly specialized legal services to worldwide projects centered around fintech and new and emerging technologies.

Our expertise has led us to establish an extensive international collaboration network spanning over 15 jurisdictions.

We take pride in our recognition and ranking by leading publications in the legal industry, including Chambers and Partners, Legal 500, International Legal Guide, and Global Legal Insights.

In response to the dynamic nature of the business landscape, we have established a dedicated department focusing on Tech, Blockchain, and New Emerging Technologies. This department is committed to delivering exceptional legal solutions to the most intricate and renowned fintech businesses.

We are looking for aspiring lawyers who not only possess a strong academic foundation and technical aptitudes but also have the ability for simplifying complex issues. These individuals should be committed to excellence, effective problem solvers, and thrive in collaborative, team-oriented environments.

Moreover, we provide opportunities for personal growth, such as direct client interactions, attending meetings and conferences, and taking part in different, large-scale projects covering industries such as technology, blockchain, AI, metaverse, real estate, and corporate transactions.

– 0-3+ years of legal experience as lawyer in Romania;
– proven ability to provide practical legal advice and drive results in a fast-paced, dynamic environment;
– strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with a keen attention to detail;
– ability to work independently, manage multiple priorities, and meet deadlines effectively;
– demonstrated collaboration and relationship-building skills, with the ability to work well across diverse teams;
– excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.

We welcome you to apply for this exciting position if you have the necessary legal experience, thrive in a dynamic and creative environment and are interested in building a world of true digital ownership.

With your application, please include a cover letter, resume, and any other relevant paperwork. Kindly submit these materials via email to the following address: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024

CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG is looking for an Associate | Banking & Finance

CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG LLP SCP is looking for an Associate in the Banking & Finance Team.

– pragmatic approach to problem solving;
– sound legal reasoning;
– critical thinking and commercial awareness;
– attention to detail;
– communication, planning and organisation skills;
– experience with/involvement in finance transactions (lending, taking security).

– degree from a reputable law school;
– fully qualified lawyer with up to 3 years’ experience;
– good spoken and written English;
– good professional legal writing skills.

We are open-minded and are interested in people who share that quality. Naturally, we are looking for individuals who can demonstrate strong academic performance. Beyond this, we want to see evidence of:
– hardworking attitude, open and honest approach, collaborative team player, motivation and drive, always looking for the highest level of professionalism, with the ability to develop and work in a fast paced, intellectually rigorous environment;
– eager to learn and develop.

– you will be a part of a team with international outlook and part of a global organisation;
– you will be involved in both local and international transactions;
– you will have the opportunity to work in various sectors: energy, tech;
– we offer you a dynamic work environment and the opportunity to be a part of a leading global law firm with strong people values;
– you will be a part of a young and dynamic team, closely involved in both cross-departmental and cross-border transactions;
– we offer dedicated local and international training programmes;
– we offer career progression.

CMS is a Future Facing firm. With more than 80 offices in over 48 countries and 5,800+ lawyers worldwide, we combine deep local market understanding with a global overview, giving us the ability not only to see what’s coming, but to shape it. In a world of ever-accelerating change where technology is increasingly important in the deployment of global strategies, our clear, business-focused advice helps clients of every size to face the future with confidence. We’re immersed in your world. Your interests and priorities are at the heart of what we do.

Our lawyers are genuine experts in their fields, with a grasp of detail that’s second to none. Our next-generation mindset is woven into all we do. It means we can anticipate the likely challenges, accelerate our pace and create the space to develop innovative solutions. We’re diverse, supportive and inclusive, embracing our corporate social responsibility and creating a culture in which every one of our people, can maximise their potential and thrive.

Then please, send your application (CV and cover letter) both in English language to [email protected] mentioning the position you are applying for in the subject of the e-mail.
Your application will be treated with strict confidentiality. Thank you in advance for your interest in joining our firm.
Applications should de submitted by no later than 1 November 2024.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024

KINSTELLAR is looking for Junior Lawyers

KINSTELLAR is looking for Junior Lawyers to join our various practice areas teams.

Kinstellar is a full-service firm, with particularly strong employment, litigation, real estate, M&A/corporate, finance, competition, private equity and energy practices. We take on the most complex and high-profile assignments from some of the world’s most successful companies, who expect the highest level of service and expertise. We have built our reputation by exceeding their expectations.

We are looking for Junior Associates to practice in our various practice areas teams with anywhere from fresh graduate to 2 years of experience at a law firm, with preference for any or all of the following skills sets/practice:
– has a law degree from a reputable Romanian university and is member of the Bucharest Bar;
– has solid knowledge of civil and company law and a keen interest in European Union law;
– has up to two (2) years of practical experience at an international or major domestic law firm;
– finds motivation in working on complex matters for international clients and global law firms;
– is flexible and wants to work in a team that is praised for the consistently high quality of their work;
– is a team player with passion for excellence.
Very good written and spoken English is a must; knowledge of further foreign languages is an advantage.

If you are looking to take the next step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join an independent law firm across the region and be part of our success.

– professional development in a leading CEE law firm and interesting work for reputable local and international clients (more information at;
– a modern, dynamic and flexible work environment;
– technical and soft skills training and development across practice groups and jurisdictions;
– competitive compensation including future salary growth and annual performance bonus; and
– private medical services subscription.

As a law firm providing premium legal services, we have a vested interest to ensure that our people have the best opportunities for professional development. We invest significantly in knowledge, learning and professional development.

We are looking for the best and brightest to help us continue to grow. If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please, send your application (CV and cover letter) in English to Manuela Leptiher, Bucharest HR Manager at [email protected]
Please specify the position you are applying for.
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024

KINSTELLAR is looking for a Lawyer | Banking & Finance

KINSTELLAR is looking for a Lawyer to join our Banking & Finance team.

Kinstellar is a full-service firm, with particularly strong employment, litigation, real estate, M&A/corporate, finance, competition, private equity and energy practices. We take on the most complex and high-profile assignments from some of the world’s most successful companies, who expect the highest level of service and expertise. We have built our reputation by exceeding their expectations.

We are looking for a lawyer to practice in our Banking & Finance Bucharest team with anywhere from 2 to 6 years of experience at a law firm, with preference for any or all of the following skills sets/practice:
– have a law degree from a reputable Romanian university and is member of the Bucharest Bar;
– have solid knowledge of civil and company law;
– have practical experience of least two (2) years and up to six (6) years at an international or major domestic law firm;
– find motivation in working on complex matters for international clients and global law firms;
– are flexible and want to work in a team that is praised for the consistently high quality of their work;
– are team players with passion for excellence;
Very good written and spoken English is a must; knowledge of further foreign languages is an advantage.

If you are looking to take the next step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join an independent law firm across the region and be part of our success.

– professional development in a leading CEE law firm and interesting work for reputable local and international clients (more information at;
– a modern and dynamic flexible work environment;
– technical and soft skills training and development across practice groups and jurisdictions;
– competitive compensation including future salary growth and annual performance bonus: and
– private medical services subscription.

As a law firm providing premium legal services, we have a vested interest to ensure that our people have the best opportunities for professional development. We invest significantly in knowledge, learning and professional development.

We are looking for the best and brightest to help us continue to grow. If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please, send your application (CV focused on describing the practical employment experience and cover letter) in English to Manuela Leptiher, Bucharest HR Manager at [email protected]
Please specify the position you are applying for.
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024

IJDELEA & ASSOCIATES is looking for Lawyers

IJDELEA & ASSOCIATES is looking for lawyers.

– minimum 3 years of experience in Real Estate and Corporate. Expertise in other practice areas such as Energy and Regulatory is a plus;
– experience in respectable international or local law firms;
– law degree from a reputable Romanian university;
– strong academic background, good knowledge of civil, commercial and corporate law;
– excellent command of English;
– individual flair and independence of mind, inside-the-box analyzer and out-of-the box thinker;
– team player.

We offer a wide variety of high-quality work and a pleasant working environment.

If you think we would enjoy working together, please send your application to [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024

VELICU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi stagiari

Cabinet Avocat VELICU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocați stagiari.

Scopul colaborării constă în depunerea tuturor diligențelor profesionale pentru a obține soluţionarea cu succes a litigiilor.

– capacitatea de a identifica şi folosi cunoştinţele juridice într-o manieră clară și structurată;
– capacitate riguroasă de analiză și cunoștințe solide de drept substanţial şi procedură;
– persoană organizată, cu bune abilități de comunicare;
– candidatul trebuie să fie interesat de învățare continuă;
– este energic și animat de curiozitate profesională în tot ceea ce ține de inovație în drept și afaceri;
– persoana ar trebui să deţină o capacitate de concentrare crescută pentru atingerea obiectivelor şi sarcinilor primite.

– îndrumare profesională şi bonusuri pe măsura implicării în proiectele încredinţate;
– onorariu, bonusuri de masă şi plata cheltuielilor cu deplasarea;
– vrem să ne intersectăm cu avocaţi curajoşi şi pasionaţi de litigii, beneficiul, pe termen mediu, constând în posibilitatea asocierii.

Vrem să ne intersectăm cu avocaţi curajoşi şi pasionaţi de litigii, beneficiul, pe termen mediu, constând în posibilitatea asocierii.

Aşteptăm CV-ul la adresa de e-mail [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 31 octombrie 2024