ADRIAN LUTU recrutează avocaţi stagiari


Cabinet de Avocat ADRIAN LUTU recrutează avocaţi stagiari.

– absolvenți care au promovat examenul de admitere în profesia de avocat – sesiunea septembrie 2016;
– să dovedească cunoştinţe juridice temeinice;
– cunoștințe avansate de limba engleză;
– capacitate de a-şi asuma responsabilităţi şi de reacţiona rapid în moment dificile;
– să aibă abilităţi de comunicator;
– să aibă cunoştinţe operare PC.

Candidaţii pot trimite CV ul la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 15 decembrie 2016

DLA PIPER DINU is looking for a lawyer | Litigation


DLA PIPER DINU is looking for a lawyer with two years of experience to join our Litigation team.

Junior Associate / Associate – Litigation department

An opportunity is available for a high performing, young and ambitious litigation lawyer to join our team in Bucharest.

Our highly regarded litigation team advises clients on civil, commercial and administrative litigation, as well as international arbitration, often as part of a multi-jurisdictional team comprising of lawyers from DLA Piper offices around the world.

The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with reputed practitioners and will be responsible for advising and acting for local, regional and international clients from a wide variety of activity sectors.

To be considered for this opportunity, you will need to be a member of the Bucharest Bar, have 2 years post admission experience in litigation domain at a recognized business law firm and be registered for the 2016 Bar qualification exam (”definitivat”). You will also need to demonstrate a strong willingness to pursue a carrier in litigation and arbitration areas as well as a track record of consistent high performance during the academic studies and good results at the Bar admission exam.

You will pride yourself on your exceptional client focus, legal, analytical and interpersonal skills, and you will be energized by working in a very driven, ambitious, hard-working and high performing team.

If you are looking to take the next step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join a progressive global firm and be part of our success.

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV together with a brief cover letter highlighting your key achievements to date to Monica Zilberman, HR Advisor, at [email protected]

We welcome applications until 15 December 2016, but we will close the role earlier than advertised if we find our new future colleague sooner than this date, so please apply at your earliest opportunity.

We are defined by our people. They are our global identity as an organization. Our brand is based on relationships and our people define our relationships.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 15 decembrie 2016

DOBRESCU BOGDAN recrutează avocați stagiari

Avocat Dobrescu

C.A. DOBRESCU BOGDAN recrutează avocați stagiari.

Fiind într-o continuă ascensiune, echipa noastră este deschisă colaborării cu avocați stagiari, pe departamentele de litigii,civil, cât și de consultanță.

Oferim tinerilor avocaţi stagiari care își doresc să performeze în profesia de avocat șansa de a face parte dintr-un mediu de lucru format din avocați tineri, profesioniști, experimentați și dedicați profesiei, gata să îi iniţieze pe drumul avocaturii.

O persoană care respectă profesia de avocat și împărtăşeşte același valori promovate de către societatea noastră, este binevenită în echipa noastră.

Oferim şi îndrumare profesională pentru avocaţii stagiari.

Dacă faci parte din una din categoriile de mai sus și îți dorești să ni te alături, trimite CV-ul tău pe adresa de e-mail [email protected] te vom contacta în vederea stabilirii unui interviu în cel mai scurt timp.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 15 decembrie 2016

TAHAL GROUP is recruiting legal counselor


TAHAL GROUP is recruiting legal counselor.

– 4-6 years of experience;
– certified lawyer in Romanian. Bachelor of tier 1 Romanian University;
– proven experienced in infrastructure, construction, EPC and O&M contracts, and tender laws;
– knowledge in Corporate and Commercial law;
– fluent in English (write and speak).

– review and advice on tenders the company intends to participate;
– prepare, review and negotiate legal agreements with clients, contractors and subcontractors;
– provide legal counsel on multiple subjects (i.e., company laws, environmental laws, safety, commercial, labor laws, etc.);
– manage litigations with outside counsels;
– experienced and good knowledge of the public procurement regulations in force in Romania;
– experienced in claims for public tenders (EU funded);
– contract Management experience for large EU funded infrastructure projects (water, waste, wastewater);
– good knowledge of FIDIC contract previsions;
– good communications skills, both verbal and written;
– experience in working in International large Company.

Working into an international work environment.

Please send you application at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 15 decembrie 2016