EMIRATES LEGAL is looking for a Mid-Level Associate

EMIRATES LEGAL, a UAE based Law Firm, is looking to hire 1 (one) Mid-Level Associate for its Dubai Office.

A minimum of 3 – 5 years of Post-Qualification Experience (PQE) gained at a reputable law firm is necessary to apply for the position. For the position, the successful applicant must demonstrate a prior experience in litigation and arbitration and/or corporate and commercial matters; must possess the necessary experience in managing and leading teams in complex and high-value matters; possess a strong academic background; be fluent in English and have excellent drafting and researching skills; ability to work without supervision; must be detail-oriented, organized and fully committed, and above all, must be able to work independently in a fast-paced environment.

The firm will offer a competitive package that would be commensurate with experience.

Please send your resume (in English) to: [email protected]

Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview on 13 May 2023 at JW Marriott in Bucharest.
Specific details pertaining to the timing of the interview shall be communicated to such shortlisted candidates by email.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 mai 2023


CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG LLP SCP, The Future Facing law firm is now expanding the team of lawyers and consultants. We are currently looking for a mid- level Associate | EPC (Energy and Projects in Construction).

– proven experience in corporate- commercial law and transactions with focus on Energy (electricity, oil & gas, renewables and environmental matters);
– previous experience in the energy industry in terms of regulatory and market specific contracts would be a plus;
– capability to work, prioritize and make decisions;
– pragmatic approach to problem solving;
– excellent communication skills.

– degree from a reputable law school;
– minimum 3-5 years of experience in a reputable law firm in the energy field or in- house counsel for a major energy company;
– excellent business English and professional legal writing skills.

– hardworking, open and honest approach, team player, always looking for the highest level of professionalism;
– the ability to master new fields of knowledge and law.

– growing opportunities in an international leading law firm;
– the chance to advise on a wide range of technologies including offshore and onshore wind, interconnectors and networks, energy storage, solar, electric vehicles, hydrogen, nuclear, carbon capture and storage and digitisation of the energy systems. Working alongside a highly experienced and specialised team, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the legal, industry and commercial arrangements across the power and renewables sector and become a subject matter expert. The role will offer you exposure to the full spectrum of areas in this sector, including commercial, regulatory, M&A and projects work. It may also occasionally involve advising in parallel areas such as other utility sectors (gas, water etc).
– modern, flexible and friendly work environment;
– competitive reward system;
– training facilities.

CMS is a Future Facing firm. With more than 70 offices in over 40 countries and 4,800+ lawyers worldwide, we combine deep local market understanding with a global overview, giving us the ability not only to see what’s coming, but to shape it. In a world of ever-accelerating change where technology is increasingly important in the deployment of global strategies, our clear, business-focused advice helps clients of every size to face the future with confidence. We’re immersed in your world. Your interests and priorities are at the heart of what we do.

Our lawyers are genuine experts in their fields, with a grasp of detail that’s second to none. Our next-generation mindset is woven into all we do. It means we can anticipate the likely challenges, accelerate our pace and create the space to develop innovative solutions. We’re diverse, supportive and inclusive, embracing our corporate social responsibility and creating a culture in which every one of our people, can maximise their potential and thrive.

Developing people is at the heart of what we do. With learning comes greater confidence and we believe
confidence is one of the keys to business success. When you join us (and if you move roles or assignments),
we’ll make sure that you get the best-in-class training and support you need to perform at your best,
complementing a variety of work opportunities with personalised development support.
If you share this outlook and you want to be involved in some of the most complex and interesting work, often cross-border, where finding creative solutions and collaborating with colleagues from across our international network is part of daily life, then our world may just be the place for you.

Then please, send your application (CV and cover letter) to the email address: [email protected] mentioning the position you are applying for.

Your application will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Thanking you in advance for your interest in joining our firm.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 mai 2023

TUDOSE, GHEORGHE & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi stagiari

SCA TUDOSE, GHEORGHE & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi stagiari, care au promovat examenul de admitere în profesie în anul 2022 sau 2023.

SCA TUDOSE, GHEORGHE ȘI ASOCIAȚII (pe scurt SCA TGA), este o societate profesională de avocaţi cunoscută pentru profesionalism şi perseverenţa, care oferă servicii juridice în majoritatea domeniilor, preponderent în dreptul civil, dreptul insolvenței, dreptul afacerilor, litigii între profesionişti, drept penal, dreptul muncii, contencios administrativ şi fiscal şi în subsidiar, în toate celelalte ramuri ale dreptului românesc.

Competenţa şi experienţa noastră, precum şi rezultatele obţinute până în prezent au la bază cunoştinţe temeinice teoretice şi practice, expertiza şi specializarea echipei, iar toate acestea îşi găsesc aplicabilitatea în identificarea celor mai bune soluţii pentru satisfacerea intereselor clienţilor noştri.

TGA este în căutarea unor personalităţi ambiţioase, perseverente, creative şi pline de energie, care doresc să se implice şi dezvolte alături de partenerii şi colaboratorii societăţii.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să ne comunice CV şi scrisoare de intenţie la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 mai 2023

PAUL DUMBRĂVANU recrutează asistent juridic

PAUL DUMBRĂVANU recrutează asistent juridic.

– scanarea, copierea, redactarea, formatarea și transmiterea documentelor;
– pregătirea anexelor aferente actelor de procedură, notificărilor, etc.;
– înregistrarea documentelor la instanțe și alte autorități, preluarea unor documente de la aceste instituții;
– menținerea evidenței dosarelor în lucru, transmiterea informațiilor cu privire la stadiul acestora, inclusiv prin verificarea portalului instanțelor de judecată;
– gestionarea relației cu executorii judecătorești, notarii publici, alți colaboratori;
– redactarea documentelor solicitate de avocați.

– studii superioare juridice;
– cunoștințe foarte bune de operare PC (MS Office, Internet);
– abilități avansate de comunicare, relaționare și organizare, atenție la detalii;
– capacitate de concentrare pe priorități;
– seriozitate, confidențialitate, punctualitate.

Pentru a depune candidatura vă invităm să ne transmiteţi un Curriculum Vitae la următoarea adresă de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunţul este valabil pentru municipiul Bucureşti.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 mai 2023