NNDKP is recruiting lawyer | Data protection

NESTOR NESTOR DICULESCU KINGSTON PETERSEN is recruiting lawyer | Data Protection.

We are looking for talented and highly-motivated lawyers with a strong professional background, communication and analytical skills, ready to embark on a great career as leading environment lawyers, and be part of some very exciting and ground-breaking projects.

Our team designs and deploys commercially sound and „ready-to-roll” legal strategies that prevent or mitigate our clients’ exposure to increasingly stringent environment law matters.

We guide the entire range of commercial entities, and not only from visibly polluting industries, but also isolate and deal with real concerns that may be set out by regulations and policies related to compliance and operational risks faced during regular business or transactional projects.

– 2-3 years of professional experience;
– involvement in projects with environmental and regulatory matters and/or data protection component is a plus;
– very good knowledge of civil and administrative law;
– very good command of English; an additional foreign language is a plus;
– experience in data protection and privacy matters is a plus;
– pro-active attitude, team player.

If you are interested in joining a successful team, please enter your resume to our Career page on the website or send your resume to our HR Director at: [email protected]
If this role isn’t quite right for you but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) is a pioneer of business law in Romania.

For over 30 years, our team has contributed to myriads of deals and projects in Romania, helping corporations, financial institutions, private equity funds and entrepreneurs from diverse industries move forward with their business initiatives.

Over 140 lawyers & tax & IP counsellors, supported by 70 business services professionals, working in Bucharest and our regional offices, offer integrated legal and tax advice across virtually all industry sectors, including in innovative and niche sectors.

A 6 time winner of the “Law Firm of the Year in Romania” award by Chambers Europe – an extraordinary performance on this market, NNDKP represents Romania in some of the most prestigious international professional networks – Lex Mundi, World Services Group, International Attorneys Club – and is a founding member of SEE Legal, having also established strong connections with leading international law firms.

Today, NNDKP is an entrepreneurial success story whose narrative thread follows natural evolution, adapted to the dynamics of the Romanian business environment. We invite you to watch our story in a video that captures our evolution and celebrates our achievements, available here. To learn more about us, please visit our LinkedIn profile. For more information about our Environment and Data protection Practice, please visit https://www.nndkp.ro/what-we-do/legal-counseling/data-protection/ and https://www.nndkp.ro/what-we-do/legal-counseling/environment/.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 iunie 2022

NNDKP is recruiting lawyer | Corporate, M&A

NESTOR NESTOR DICULESCU KINGSTON PETERSEN is recruiting lawyer | Corporate/ M&A.

– a strong professional background with more than two years of professional experience in M&A/ corporate law;
– very good knowledge of commercial and civil law;
– very good command of English – an additional foreign language is a plus;
– great communication and analytical skills;
– strong drive and willingness to learn;
– proactive attitude and team player qualities.

– working in our Corporate/M&A Practice alongside leading corporate specialists;
– being involved in challenging projects for major players in the market;
– developing sound legal thinking and valuable legal insights;
– being part of a dinamic team.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) is a pioneer of business law in Romania.
For the past three decades, NNDKP lawyers and consultants have provided expertise in landmark deals and projects in Romania, contributing to the evolution of the Romanian business environment.
Over 130 lawyers & consultants, supported by 70 business services professionals, working in Bucharest and our regional offices, offer integrated legal and tax advice across virtually all industry sectors, including in innovative and niche sectors.
NNDKP represents Romania in some of the most prestigious international professional alliances – Lex Mundi, World Services Group, International Attorneys Club – and is a founding member of SEE Legal.
The firm is constantly top ranked in all practice areas by the renowned international guides Chambers & Partners, Legal500 and IFLR 1000.

We are proud to be a 6-time winner of the “Law Firm of the Year in Romania” award by Chambers Europe – an extraordinary and unmatched performance on this market.
NNDKP has received this prestigious award in 2022, 2021, 2017, 2013, 2012 and 2009.

If you are interested in joining a successful team, please enter your resume to our Career page on the website or send your resume to our HR Director at: [email protected]
If this role isn’t quite right for you but you are looking for a new position, please contact us for a confidential discussion on your career.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 iunie 2022

LUŢU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi

LUŢU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocaţi definitivi / stagiari.

– să dovedească cunoştinţe juridice temeinice;
– cunoștințe avansate de limba engleză;
– capacitate de a-şi asuma responsabilităţi şi de reacţiona rapid în moment dificile;
– să aibă abilităţi de comunicator;
– să aibă cunoştinţe operare PC.

Candidaţii pot trimite CV ul la adresa de e-mail [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 iunie 2022

LUCA MIHAI CĂTĂLIN recrutează avocați

Cabinet de Avocat LUCA MIHAI CĂTĂLIN recrutează avocați stagiari și definitivi.

– cunoștințe solide de drept civil și drept procesual civil;
– cunoașterea limbii engleze scris/vorbit la nivel avansat;
– persoană organizată, cu atenție la detalii și spirit de echipă.

Candidații interesați sunt rugați să transmită CV-urile la adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 iunie 2022

OLARU ADELA & ASOCIAŢII recrutează asistent manager

SCPA OLARU ADELA & ASOCIAŢII recrutează asistent manager.

Societatea SCPA OLARU ADELA ŞI ASOCIAŢII este formată dintr-o echipă de profesionişti, specializaţi şi experimentaţi practicieni în dreptul naţional, oferind consultanţă şi reprezentare în faţă instituţiilor şi instanţelor de judecată într-o arie largă de domenii precum: civil, penal, contencios-administrativ, familie, muncii, proprietate intelectuală.

– condiţii financiare deosebite;
– posibilitare de dezvoltare reală din punct de vedere professional într-un cadru de profesioniti;
– locaţie exclusivistă în Bucureşti.

– experienţă în activitatea de secretariat;
– cunoştinţe avansate PC;
– capacitate de însuşire rapidă a informaţiilor;
– atenţie sporită la detalii, punctualitate;
– capacitate de gestionare a situaţiilor dificile şi de prioritizare a activităţilor;
– integritate morală, profesionalism, eficienţă, responsabilitate, confidenţialitate şi abilităţi de lucru în echipă;
– excelenta cunoaştere a limbii române, exprimarea corectă şi coerentă, atât verbal, cât şi în scris;
– abilităţi de comunicare într-un mediu profesional care răspunde cerinţelor clienţilor;
– experienţă în completarea fişelor de activitate zilnică;
– disponibilitate program prelungit;
– cunoaşterea limbii engleză la nivel mediu;
– rezistenţă la stres, mobilitate, capacitate de analiză şi sinteză.

– activitate standard de secretariat ;
– asigurarea protocolului şi diverse alte activităţi de secretariat, de recepţie ;
– asigurarea necesarului de birotică şi consumabile ;
– alte activităţi specifice de intermediere a relaţiilor cu diverşi parteneri ;
– asigurarea relaţiei cu departamentul financiar, organizarea documentelor financiare şi centralizarea acestora ;
– elaborarea şi redactarea documentelor şi situaţiilor solicitate de management ;
– îndosarierea şi arhivarea corespondenţei şi a mesajelor primite din partea partenerilor, clienţilor şi a celorlalţi angajaţi.

Aşteptăm CV-urile dvs. la adresa noastră de e-mail: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 22 iunie 2022