BULBOACĂ & ASOCIAŢII is recruiting lawyer

Bulboaca & Asociatii


We were born to make a difference. Romanians by destiny, we are grateful
for our past, assume our present and, through the work provided to our local
and international clients, will shape the future of our country.

We are looking for a senior lawyer ready to embrace our values and assume our mission.
As part of our litigation team, the lawyer (i) will provide assistance and representation to clients in complex litigation cases; and (ii) will supervise legal work of junior lawyers. The attorney will also be involved in consultancy matters (mainly commercial, labour, real estate) – (e.g. drafting and negotiating commercial agreements, providing advice to clients on specific issues, due diligence procedures etc.).

– minimum 4-6 years of experience in litigation in well recognised business law firms (experience in both litigation and consultancy fields is a significant plus; experience in managing a litigation team is a plus);
– excellent technical skills and suitable track record;
– clear and concise writing ability; excellent communication/oratory skills;
– commitment to work in a very challenging and hard working environment;
– solid experience in team work;
– proactive attitude, self-assurance, competitive;
– advanced computer skills
– excellent command of English;
– availability to travel.

* Only suitable candidates will be contacted.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in a truly outstanding environment, accompanied by an appropriate remuneration.
If you think you fit the description above and you want to be member of our team, please send your CV with a cover letter expressing your interest in joining our law firm at: [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 16 august 2015

MITU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează office assistant


MITU & ASOCIAŢII SPARL recrutează office assistant.

– managementul contractelor de asistenţă juridică emise de Baroul Bucureşti;
– întocmirea şi redactarea de rapoarte, evidenţe privind activitatea/ clienţii societăţii;
– operarea în sistemul informatic a deconturilor şi foilor de parcurs;
– urmărirea agendei de lucru a avocaţilor coordonatori;
– asigurarea şi răspunderea de primirea, repartizarea şi arhivarea corespondenţei către /de la avocaţi, clienţii societăţii;
– alte activităţi de secretariat.

Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să trimită CV-ul la adresa [email protected]

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 9 august 2015

STRĂTULĂ MOCANU & ASOCIAŢII recrutează avocat definitiv

Stratula Mocanu

STRĂTULĂ MOCANU & ASOCIAȚII recrutează avocat definitiv care să se alăture departamentului specializat în soluţionarea litigiilor.

Căutăm avocaţi calificaţi, motivaţi ​​şi entuziaşti. În acest sens, selecţia noastră se bazează în principal pe cunoştinţe juridice aprofundate şi cunoaşterea avansată a limbii engleze. Oferim oportunităţi importante de dezvoltare profesională, accesul la proiecte complexe şi un portofoliu de clienţi deosebit de selecţi, sub supravegherea şi îndrumarea constantă a unui partener.

– redactare acţiuni, întâmpinări, plângeri, căi de atac, opinii juridice etc;
– reprezentare în faţa instanţelor de judecată.

– avocat definitiv, membru al UNBR;
– minimum doi ani de experienţă profesională, cu precădere în domeniul litigiilor;
– cunoaşterea limbii engleze la un nivel avansat, scris şi vorbit;
– gândire critică şi creativă;
– persoană dornică de a învăţa lucruri noi şi de a furniza servicii juridice excelente, dispusă să depună eforturi suplimentare în acest sens;
– persoană organizată şi de încredere.

– oportunitatea de a lucra şi de a se dezvolta într-un mediu profesional de nivel superior , recunoscut şi premiat pe plan internaţional;
– o perspectivă pe termen lung, stabilitate şi ascensiune profesională;
– un sistem de remunerare atractiv, bazat pe competenţe dovedite.

Candidaţii care se potrivesc descrierii pot trimite CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: careers@stratula

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 7 august 2015

DLA PIPER DINU is looking for an Associate


DLA PIPER DINU is looking for an Associate to join our Corporate / M&A Department.

Associate – Corporate / M&A team

An opportunity is available for a high performing corporate/M&A lawyer at the Associate level to join our corporate team in Bucharest.

Our highly regarded corporate team advises clients on M&A transactions, as well as intra-group reorganisations, corporate governance and capital markets issues, often as part of a multi-jurisdictional team comprising lawyers from DLA Piper offices around the world.

The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with leading M&A practitioners, and be responsible for advising and acting for local, regional and international clients from a wide variety of sectors.

To be considered for this opportunity you will need to have between 3 and 5 years post admission experience in corporate law at a recognized business law firm.

Experience in working in a regulated sector is an advantage.

You will pride yourself on your exceptional client focus, legal, analytical and interpersonal skills, and be energised by working in a very hard-working, high performing team who are driven to succeed.

If you are looking to take the next step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join a progressive global firm and be part of our success.

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV by 31 July to Monica Zilberman, HR Advisor at +40 372 155 802 or [email protected].

We are defined by our people. They are our global identity as an organisation. Our brand is based on relationships and our people define our relationships.

Anunțul este valabil pentru municipiul București.

* Anunțul expiră la data de 26 iulie 2015